Thx mate, rick was the shit i always thought, loved how he would insaultr all the ugly chicks in the arena to get heat....wish i could get the camp going but its so hard to get a new camp going. are you a fan of wrasslin ?
Thanks! I confess to taking a few screenshots with my fighters names all over the first page in the rankings :). For the next generation there'll be something new.
My whole message didn’t send. Weird. Not sure how committed I am to returning but ima give it a go! Had to make sure you were my first challenge. Thanks for the returning ass-whooping!
Real life, the babies, designing, researching, marketing, chatting with people. You couple that with three camps and I've only got time for EFC champs. I do not have the heart to cut the trainers, takes too much time, I got to work on things. I have an EFC champ, I've not even dressed yet.
Definitely miss the gigging life but it's also been nice to not be crippled by Dublin rent for a bit hahaha. As far as restrictions I think we are following similar guidelines to England and have similar progress with the vaccine, thought the republic are a bit behind. At the minute they have a system where each person eligible for a vaccine must get both shots of their vaccination before moving onto the next set of people. So those vaccinated are 100% cleared but it takes longer down there!
So I was studying in Dublin but I'm actually from Northern Ireland - once live music was curbed and the studios closed down it became a lot harder to earn through music, so once my uni announced all lectures would be online for the year I thought it made sense to move back in with my folks in Antrim for a bit! I've just been working in the local petrol station and working on my degree, doing whatever music bits I can from home!
Hey Man! All going well, I'm in the final year of my music degree and I'm spending a lot of time at the laptop working on my thesis so it felt like a good time to get back into the game haha. Weird not having any live gigs at the minute so I'm mostly just working on building my studio set up and doing some remote recording sessions from home. Hope you're keeping well dude :)
Kind of im about an 1.5 hours from Brisbane. That sucks man hopefully it starts improving. It pains me to admit it but our government ...while being a huge bunch of wankers ...are doing a pretty good job so far.
If you publicly admit in the forum that it was a mistake to ban him, then I will tell you everything ;)
But seriously, this is weak division right now.
Lol...not sure ill be in a rush to take one! 50 years to find a flu vaccine and done this in 3 months! Wonder what they'll say when people start growing new limbs or something!
Think its calmed down a bit now but not great for a self employed so got to keep the wheels of industry turning! I'm out and about all day...just got to be sensible and I'm sure it will be OK! Vaccine on the way interesting to see how they can stuff that up!
Northampton been quite bad...but a lot of the figures were from a factory break out with had 250 odd cases! Deffo can't trust those bloody northerners....need to build a wall! :-)
I'm Trying My Best , I'm Here To Stay This Time ! This Is Going To Be A Long And Painful Journey Thank You For Stopping By Today .. I Feel So Honored . Want A Beer ? For Old Times Sake !
I Ran Camp Shamrock A LONGGGG Time Ago I'm Back To Resurrect My Fallen Fighters Legacy ... Hows It Going ? You Might Ask ? ... Well Its Going Horrible My Gym Is Literally Right Next To A Bar And Guess Who's At The Bar Allllll Theee Time ? .. You Guessed It ! ME ! Lol Love Ya BH Stop By Anytime Doors Will Always Be Open For You And All Your Greatness
This one not been to bad really...doesn't really feel the same as first...everyone out and about still. I'm in Northampton so not far from you. You been ok? Still able to work OK?
I was at some point but never spent much time on those, honestly. I haven't been there in a while. Couldn't remember my nickname and password when I restarted playing after a long layoff...
I am still out of work due to the pandemic, so I have been looking for more and more things to take up my time. I forgot how easily this game can suck you in.
He had good starting stats on left due to WRV. So I could spend more spars into the right stats. Also a good desire value.
Hope you have success wie your new Thailand guys!
Most of the time they are new coaches anyway, who do not know the process of defending their title. So you can't be mad at them at all. And they don't complain when they don't get the shot.
Thanks for the fight. Tier 2 title defenses are always pure coincidence if someone accepts the challenge. Today everyone has fought a series, so I challenged all the open ones.
Thanks. I dont really get into the forums but I was wondering are special recruits still a thing? Used to see them all over the top of the rankings but havent seen any since I started playing again.
Yeah! I was playing back when there were only 5 divisions and all fighters came with MMArtist as the default style. Really cool to see more divisions, styles, and women added! It still throws me for a loop when I lose to MMArtist because it used to be a terrible style.
Yeah recruited a few decent looking fighters so decided to open the camp up again. Trying to get a different look from the stand up styles in Granite Boxing.
Hey, how are you? Im in ur alliance and very inexperienced player, would you help me? I would like to know which stats for styles.. i didint find at forums. Also says im not allowed to enter thc forum. Thanks in advance :)
Thanks for the heads up on asplund. Yeah my blue chip at mw been bogarting that belt. Bc getting old though, be ready to take over there when he drops.
Pretty well. Just decided to fire up my camp and try out this new stuff. It's a bit overwhelming. I applied to thc if my old mates would have a scrub like me.
I think I'm signed up, but not on the forums a lot. Should I be?! My boy Atlas Daniels just made #58 which is the best I've had I think lol. I'll check it out on the forums, any suggestions?
Thanks Matty. Love this game, glad to be some neato dudes in the works for the next couple Muay Thai gym has turned into a boxing and brawling camp lol.
All the best!
Naw, I didn't want to go on the forums this time around. It was years ago now but the forums weren't a great place when I last played consistently. Lots of petty nonsense and drama. I check it out every now and then for pointers but I'm not going to join an alliance again to be honest. Thanks for the votes though Matty, I appreciate it.
If i'm telling the truth, when I moved them to Bolivia, I thought it was a European Country. Boy, i was wrong lol. Borat just seemed like the right guy with the name still being The Real Americans. Also I had that picture set as my Avatar but it was taken down and I couldn't find another link for it. Thanks i'm switching so I don't have to keep seeing that "Bikini".
I’m sorry, we don’t understand your thinking. Here in Bolivia we use cheap knock offs of American brands. Our lord and savior Borat must be posted in all homes and businesses throughout the country. He came and changed our lives 10 years ago, even thought of changing the countries name to Boratvia. Sorry for my poor English hopefully google translator was okay. - Borat Borat
I am, just haven't been too active lately, though my new data plan may change that. Been around under this name as well as Dracor Black over the years just not too steady or involved.
hey ty for what you said and also do you know what style goes with taekwondo i thought it was fast feet, but however from the research I have done its karate for that one
Yeah brother, saw that! I'll troll around the forums soon, and try to get back involved in the group me. For Auction House guys can I recruit and buy one in the same reset or still only 1 fighter per reset?
Not much matty, just trying to get my camps going. Ive not been able to settle with a style. Hows things been with you? Hows the family doing? Glad your playing still. Matty is the mmarmy ace!
If you look at my record, I'm obviously still trying to learn through trial and error. Found out rcently that alot of the best player from around when I quit in 2012 were cheaters the whole time so I don't feel as bad having a losing record.
Just kidding it's me the not very great at all one RT! Forgot my forum password and used a fugazi email so I can't recover it without chefs help.but it's OK I don't even know how to play anymore. Can u tell me what to do with my SR? Ojore elcock? Stats and style wise
Alexanderplatz mainly but I bounced around, maybe I'm just too old to be getting in these young clubs now. Just Berlin yeah mate, it may also be a capital city thing like London. I'm used to the earthiness of up north.
Just got smashed over there, the doormen don't like the english and Germans in general don't match our elite levels of politeness. Good beers and food though.
I appreciate it and am glad to be back, my first generation guys are all almost retired so I am hoping to get some EFC guys with this second and third generation guys.
Thanks man. This was reassuring. I have been ready to quit the last few days because I have just been getting my ass kicked left and right. Thanks for being cool man!
I'm liking the Way of Hand and foot style, its kind of what i'm a fan of in real life. Have you tried it? It's fun when you when, I've had showtime kick KO's, tornado kick KO's, spinning back kick KO's, and double spinning wheel kick Ko's. Haha. And that sounds great :) Congrats on your girls I kinda want one of those next :)
Other than a little leg lesion nothing bad. Just a big scar haha. I'm as healthy as a horse. Upped my discipline since then. I have had a son and a lot has happened. But now I have time for stuff like this and the new styles intrigued me, as I am a totally different MMA fan mentally than I was when I started this camp, so now I have me a new camp style for this old camp and I'm happy. Lol. Hows things going with you?
Other than a little leg lesion nothing bad. Just a big scar haha. I'm as healthy as a horse. Upped my discipline since then. I have had a son and a lot has happened. But now I have time for stuff like this and the new styles intrigued me, as I am a totally different MMA fan mentally than I was when I started this camp, so now I have me a new camp style for this old camp and I'm happy. Lol. Hows things going with you?
Yeah, i miss the good ol days when every camp was either CD/FF/8pt or PG/PL. I've suicided so many title defenses because "it's bad etiquette to only fight strikers"
Thanks matty, i gave it to spidey and he didnt do shit with it. im going to try my hand at AA. it seems alot of people like this camp and im not sure why lol. how come your glad to see it back? im also running Sub n tug FC again.
Yeah I am fighting everyone including trainers and just sending blind challenges. I think I got two guys that are good the rest suck. Sooner or later I will hit a good prospect.
It is getting interesting! We certainly have some pretty even up guys fighting. It will just be a question of who makes the bigger mistakes. Right now, that would be me.
lol thanks. i have a couple camps from different countries with funny names like that. i have this one, and the Jamaican camp, cool runnings mma, and i just made one last night from armenia called the armeniacs lol.
Listen... if you young puppies don't buckle down and get together to fight DBA us "Old Men" won't be able to remember how to go to war against another alliance. Or all be dead! Let's do this up, Buddy. ;)
Congrats, mate! Hope all goes perfectly well for all of the coming days pre-birth and post-birth as well. Think about his name... maybe... little Warren. ;)
Yes, I am still alive! Being hog tied for the moment. lol. Trainning up a few fighters now. Will take some time to establish a solid camp agian. Thanks for asking. Hope you and yours are well. Nice av.
I didn't fight last reset because I thought I had best win streak because chief didn't auto renew. I had my 3 wins first. Chief should have never been given the shot right after vacating. And even if he did get I was next in line. No biggie but if you're gonna give me a reason, I wanted to to paint the full picture
i had 1 win in efc and fought. apparently i was up for the title shot lol. i had like 4 dudes in the top 10 at 1 point so this happened with kane and another guy without me knowing and he wasnt all trite with it
Yeah, still here. Best of the new year to you and yours as well. I see the active record is just starting up once again. Glad to see it. Kick some ass... as long as it is not mine. ;)
Was there any warning at all? Or did he just delete us out of the blue? I wasn't around while RT was a mod. Pretty pissed, making it harder to make a return. Plus certain essential players are possibly quitting.
Pretty sure you missed that rotten smell that just scrap the nose. Also, I'm unbanned and drunk enough to kick your ass, just run already, will spare you some tears
SOCAT's Heavyweight division is alive, anyone with Heavyweight fighters heading into 4th tier ORGS please put them in SOCAT to keep it alive! It just adds more to the game, thank you.
I was under the impression that anyone in the top ten deserved a shot at the title, plus i was on my last match of my contact and need popularity. Sorry for the misunderstanding...
I invite ***Lukyan "Andrei Arlovski" Melnikov*** AND ***Acelino "Scotty Belly" Pera*** to participate in my upcoming tournament ***Standup Sizzler 2***
I would like you to enter the following fighters into my tournament called ***Standup Sizzler*** - ***Clyde "The Jidmeister" Martin*** , ***Shane "Sugar" Evans***
i know they are that bad they have had to start making their own tv shown on channel 5 just to get some revenue because they can't get into the champions league LOL
Making WWE Tributes with this camp, and UFC Heavyweight Tributes with Camp No Quit, which will culminate in a 16 or 32 Man Tourney between the two sides
Ok i will take your advice, I spoke to another guy on here and he was the coolest and said he would help me, his camps are the best i have seen on here so will get him to help me, his name is b33rm0n5t3r - u fucking numptie!!!!! Lol
he does need more muay thai but i have no one left to train him with lol... got to 4.25* fast then it took like 5 years to get up to 4.75* lol... i wish i could get 5*
I would *love* to fight your guy Crosley Mabe. We are both 8PTS style so it'd be a great standup fight. Im in PRELIATOR. Please make this fight happen it'd be awesome. Juan Soto, 16-1, heavyweight, PRELIATOR
I hate this fucking game. It has made me an addict to it. What are you going to do? I need to get some more recruits and trian them before I jump back in. Maybe another week or so. Hope all is well.
loool lad i just try and get my fight done my bad and hmmm my record is 3-2 and next fight is in oct fighting for the liverpool mma academy soo doing things propaly now
Dude, you seriously contradicted everything you said. You were too lazy to look at the stats? How did you know my guys were PL guys? And how did you know to send can-crusheriffic FF challenges? It just never ends with you MoD guys. Most of you play terribly, and try to justify it.
Belly's style of play really rubbed off on you. I tried to give you advice for your own benefit in the shoutbox, and I did so very politely, as I am doing now. You got angry at me and the conversation ended.
Your 16-4 (or 16-5, it was a similar record) fighter who was at the top of the org, sent my 3-3 fighter a challenge. My best stats were 2.5 and 2.25. You had 3.25-3.5 MT stats, and I accepted the challenge. You topped off the can crush when you chose to go FF against my PL can. THAT is called a can crush. You tried to do it again, and I knew it was coming, so I went SiO. Please think next time.
The hypocrites that I speak of are Hatchet and Wun in this particular case. They try to control other peoples game play by labeling them. As you know, I have no problem in telling them so, which of course escalates the issue.
Been here and around, not dead yet. Not in the shout box much these days. Too many elitest hypocrites that try to force their game play on others. Hope all is well with you and yours.
Joint Fighters = Tool! Calls Me A Pussy For Not Fighting His Fighter, Who Has A 1 Fight Win Streak Over A #4000 Ranked Guy, Compared To Another Contender Who Has A 7 Fight Win Streak! What A Muppet!
yakuza hitmen, joseph fighting system, warren, mica mma and i dont know how many else have restricted me. dude start a thread vote on the forums and i'd bet you 10000 lbs i would be in the top three no five. i am an asshole.
hey man i am having a challenge on who can build the best MMARTIST and the winner gets a free 64 man tourney for who ever they want. try it out and check out the thread on the forums. BELLY
he runs the gaylords and i have never even had aprob with the dude. in fact i have been laying low. under the i'm BACK...puking obscenities and getting rowdy. YEE-HAW!!!!!
good kidcc referred to me as dishonorable. i now know for sure that i hate his guts. who is he? i need some info. some intel. get your secret service of brits to let me know something. the key word will be horsefly. this message will self destruct in 35 seconds. good luck.
Aye, not often i'll cheer for scum but i will over the spanish all day long ;) same kinda vibe with me to be honest i get a bit of time at home but work-play is completley out the window as is strategy, it's a case of play whoever at the time like you...really killin my camps results but my build is gettin there. You on xbox live or anything? im a PES 2011 man but im coppin' fifa soon.
hey matt. i think when i decide to join it will either be mod or gc. but like ive said 2 coaches from both alliances, i have some personal goals i want to achieve on my own before joining either that could take a few months. after that ill let u guys know. thanks for the message :)
hey thanks for knockin me out, sadly that was my last fight...i gotta go out of town for 3 months for work :( ive seen your camp alot, keep up the good work man.
check em out now. gotta get sleep. must work more and die early. remember i was a good man. and tell warren to go fuck himself. aahhhhhhhh cough cough gurgle gurgle.....(small fart sound)i'm dead......
Shit, I was commenting on the wrong camp page. Anyway looking forward to fighting for your belt and knocking out Stewart Perry. If I am losing Goldenface is going to run in the ring and hit you with a chair WWE style.
Hey man, If I missed giving you a title shot I apologize. I probably didnt read it, wasnt paying attention or missed it completely. Didnt mean to duck you or piss you off.
yea it sure was. so you look like you have alot of 8 pt guys and i was wondering what your experience with hkk has been. by the way your pic is classic
Hey man, its goin great! Im goin to be a dad! Yeah, and one retired today! its the end of generation 1 of Trigo Top Team. But i got 5 new fighters ready for generation 2!!! It will be diferent now, i will have fewer fighters so i dont have to spend so much time, its easier and not so stressing... otherwise it would be impossible with 14 fighters.. Take care my good friend, and good fights!!!
call me soft or what but i was doing this for fun but these turds analyze everything i say. i talk shit for kicks and giggles. it just aint much fun. warren wont even take a tourney invite but he constantly calls me out. wtf!!! i want a piece of his camp but he wont fight. pointless to me. what do you think? and be honest!!!!
well thanx for noticing...i'm getting tired of the forums. everytime i say something camp rear naked choke or some other turd takes it seriously. what gives????
Too many to name man. I don't even know where to begin. Lol jk but really it's no big deal for the most part as I accept all the unfair matchups. Obviously I don't care dude look at my camp record.
I Will Challenge Anybody That Is Online At The Resets, If You Dont Wanna Accept, Reject The Fight, No Need For Bitching, Unless Your A Little 15 Year Old Girl, Well Then I Can Accept Your Bitching Is A Way Of Life For You!
Going great mate cheers, building up slowly, got 10 fighters and my brawling, power and strength up to 2 bars each with my wrestling at 3. Yeah cheers, hopefully will start to win that bit more when the equipment starts getting better and can specialize them more. The problem is at the moment getting the money so just trying to rake the fights in
Recruited a guy who cuts 35 pounds. Insane, I never had anyone cut near that before.
Then I recruited a second one who cuts 31 pounds.
They both won their debut fights.
i cant hate united as much as i could a couple years ago when you had manpurse mchairproduct, although i cant stand berba, but thats ok because i dont mind seeing united waste money.
i am from the states, born and raised. i never played football when i was younger, but now its the ONLY sport i can watch without falling asleep. van persie is too injured to justify keeping him as far as im concerned. at least spurs lost today.
im hoping wenger will splash some money in the jan. transfer window and get us a keeper and a couple more midfielders...and maybe sell van persie since he is perpetually injured.
I'm thinking about standup fighters who aren't gonna get taken down too easily. Take a look at this camp, started it again after i've learnt a bit of the know how and tell me what you think. The camp name is Backbone Brawlers
hey man, thanks for the invitation!!! as you can see i have no retired HW in this camp. Would you guy like me to find a retired HW from my old camp to participate? take care bro
Hi mate, cheers for the offer, i will make sure to check out the forums, what advice would you give for my camp? ground and pound? sprawl and brawl maybe?
Good to hear man, your camp going well still? i've been a bit way-layed lately with a new girlfriend, not as active as i should be! on the other hand i ressurcitated my old camp and turned it into a HKKS camp got a few good prospects, check it out. Hope all's well man!
nah i havent didnt really no there was any Lolim gonna check it out tho and love the pic huge sp fan got every season so pumped fr the new season to start and yea tna is doin pretty good the whole hulk hogan bischoff thing is pretty entertaing better then cole and the mystery gm Lol
Yo man whats up... Just moved across country so not really having much time to play anymore... just checking in and taking any fights to get them in for now... hopefully once i get settled i'll be back to playing regularly and winning constistantly
Yo man whats up... Just moved across country so not really having much time to play anymore... just checking in and taking any fights to get them in for now... hopefully once i get settled i'll be back to playing regularly and winning constistantly
Totally agree with your man! Great to have a camp i can fight against with the same kinda phillosophy towards the whole game. It also makes it twice enjoyable that your british, im guessing your the #1 british camp? i'll be trying to take that title ;)
You should google Greenman. I need to make his whole head green but since i cant i made his head look like Charlie Kelly who is the man inside the greenman suit. You need to watch Always Sunny in Philidelphia.
Thank you! I think the people are afraid to fight against my ''EPIC RECRUIT'' I am here 4 days and i have challenged like 20 people and anyone has fought against me :D.
number one...u r gay!!!!! number can NOT have any communications with the alliance that has no name!!!!!!! mkick and dana white said so... you and forASSt griffen need to shut that shit up. and number may never quote lionel ritchie on my page again...for any shot at ever getting laid by a female, just please dont do it...p.s. i'm down with the spankfest when you are...i have like a million dollars saved up so i'll match my dudes with yours'...bye bye BELLY
Your right about that system. But i go onto him, dont worry. The only reason he didnt get banned as well is cuz his friends with the mods crip and pain and they dont play the mod role for their friends... bah.
ya that was a funny fight, I took it because your guy had a susceptible chin and anytime you have a striker vs a glass chin guy anything is possible even with stats. Same goes for PG or PL guys vs iron will. Anyways just wanted to let ya know Power isn't needed for 8pts, only CD :)
i guess you have never heard of the great TOBY KEITH!!!!!! here's a quote : "we'll put a boot in your's the AMERICAN way." suck balls limey... manhug. BELLY
look at craig lewis!!!!! he has mediocre 8pt stats, but his brawling is what does it for him...your guys are great if you went chop down, but you have to use elbows and fists in 8pts... plus wandy is a good friend of mine...what time is it in england right now. i'm not @ work...BELLY
how come you never train brawling with your 8pts???? try works!!!!! you big faggot!!!! lazy faggot who defends "lazy." wtf does that even mean? should i hate him???
it's easy enough to know that the wins weren't in the org seeing as he won his last title fight - and so did you. Therefore he couldn't have won it in the org. It's fine though. I can defend "lazy" too.
start athread about how i style rape and can crush and feed.....and than take that thread and shine it up nice and bright and than stick it right up the COMPANY'S ass and than take it out wipe off the semen and than shove it up the BLACKHEARTS" ass and than remove more semen and than....YOU GET THE PICTURE!!!!!
i had to take some time away from this addictive game... you know center my life-go to church-swim with my kids...that kinda shit. still hate the forums and all the alliances...missed you though beefcake.
You tried sending my boy a challenge when you had a significant style and stats advantage, and a drastic difference in fight id #. I wasn't trying to be an asshole though if that's what you were thinking.
seriously help me out with the answer to my question before i have to lower myself and ask the dreaded DBA. if you answer i won't beat your ass with my mexican killers.
DOES THIS RING A BELL??????????????
1-2-2010 4:10 pm EST
how about a best of seven but you can't use the same starting style.....that way we will see who is the best all around mm artist....any more rules let me know....this will be epic....
i'd bet he siitin on his front porch waitin for kids to run in his yard so he can shoot at them with his bb gun or poisoning stray dogs. what a goof-buddy.....
hopefully he will continue to make WW, some fighters cut easier towards the end and some that make huge cuts most of their career tend to miss a lot towards the end.
What makes you think he's got potential? I'm still learning alot and have no idea of these things. He's 1-3 But once I train his wrestlign and strength up I'm hoping to turn it around. Right now I need $ so I'm fighting all my guys every reset
Alliances add another leevel to the game. An alliance gets their own subsection in the forums. This is where we talk about game tactics, run torunaments, get alliance teams together for inter-allaince tournamnets, and talk about stuff in general. Its a good way to get to know other coaches and can get help with getting fights. I think alliances make the game a little more fun. No real requirements other then to be active in the game and post occasionally. If you have interest let me.
Evolve MMA