Hey mate. Judo has been saying lots onf nonce things about you in the mmarmy discord! he said he could beat up your mum. dsfend her honor like the queen!
I don’t run the game but if everyone just declared every crusher a trainer then crushing wouldn’t be a thing. Unfortunately it is though. No I don’t run the game but I play it and I’m an adult so I can see things and form opinions. If you don’t like that then play better
6 years old In prel = good
11 years old in pfo (like you) = bad. I know it’s confusing but winning is not frowned upon, crushing is! I hope this helps!
Hey Role, if I skipped you it was an honest mistake/miscalculation. What month/year was it so I can look back and try and make sense of it. I'm usually very careful with the shots I send out. Sorry bro
Ippo4ever was acting like a soy boy so I told him "Calm down Kim Jong. Don't call the CCP on me." He then asked me if I knew the difference and I said "it's all Mongolia to me". Now I'm perma banned from forums for "racism" lol. This game must be moderated by the biggest pussies ever.
Again, I apologize. I promise I didn’t intentionally duck you. I always try to defend as fairly as possible. I may have made a mistake this instance. I’ll be more careful in the future. Cheers!
When did I skip you? I’ll admit I did miss a reset a few days ago while I was away, but I defended it properly as far as I know. Either way, my apologies Role.
Hey dude, I wasn't planning on joining any alliance, but there seems to be a lot more changes since I left than I thought. What alliance are you a part of?
unless its for a title, dont bother sending me fights. your PL has nothing to offer my SFTF so idk why you even try. you wanna talk shit about me for leaving uC because its horribly ran and crixus is an asshole to fellow alliance memebers. so since you wanna run your gums im just not going to fight you EVER! unless your the #1 contender. -nameless coach
Hey, I had an idea I wanted to run by you and if you like it maybe could circulate it on the forums. How does... The ability to trade fighters amongst camps sound?? Crazy but cool at the same time
Hey man, sorry it took me so long to get back to you - I've barely had time to get fights and training in lately. I thought about the alliance thing and I think it's a very cool idea, but I spend too much time on here as it is and I think that would make it even more. And I don't spend much time on the forum at all. Thanks for opening my eyes to it, but right now it's just not for me. If I ever change my mind URANUS will be the first place I look and maybe you guys will be interested.
Damn dude... 5 guys holding titles!!! impressive!! I don't think there is a war this weekend.. in fact, I don't think there is anything till the Grand Prix!! So nothing to really report...
im not looking for a guaranteed loss.........bryant started out with terrible stats so im just now getting him up there.......im not trying to fight for the title or anything just trying to get him better.......not being a bitch just being smart
Come by and check out the forums. Its something a few vets stated. Basically its something like IFL where the alliance is a team of camps some old and some new, that way the vets can hopefully help get the newer guys on the right track and in the spot light. It has its on section in the forums so just checl it out.
Honestly bro i only got good equipment to. u just gota try remember wher each fighter is as u train them up through the stars. Not evry Session will work it rekon its best to save up like 3 but thats jus my opion
Tru but him and igouloda r both sF and id rather igouloda and brand gives them a good scoring pf and with delambert down the defence end with brand will b good for them to. but thats jus my opinion. im from new zealand