
Toe Jam Jitsu

Last Online - Saturday 1st of March 2025
Display Name Ahhhhhh
Member Since Jun 14, 2009
Active Record 0-0
Overall Record 6019-4920


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3-10-2025 6:03 am EST
Lard ass sweaty overweight American
2-5-2024 8:02 pm EST
1-11-2024 5:59 pm EST
12-7-2023 2:36 pm EST
Mister Judo
12-4-2023 5:11 am EST
If you’re looking for an alliance I just created one with a bunch of like minded coaches. Regardless I love your activity and your fair challenges. Coaches like you make Mmarmy better
Welsh Warriors
11-30-2023 5:30 am EST
Good to see an old face! Hope you are keeping well. Are you bothering with an alliance or the Forums at all these days?
11-21-2016 5:13 am EST
10-21-2016 4:27 pm EST
9-21-2016 6:56 am EST
9-21-2016 6:31 am EST
New camp uniform- Blue/Red flame shorts
3-5-2014 9:36 pm EST
Jid was inactive for long periods so had a little change of Mods and is easier to run with 2, so little change including name. Hows you?
7-9-2013 8:05 pm EST
And i accept all fights anytime bring it run team smash also if you like
7-9-2013 8:04 pm EST
if people won't fight what would you like me to do ??? hummm
5-13-2013 9:56 am EST
so awesome seeing your camp active again!
3-15-2012 10:10 pm EST
Hilarious promos on JC, I may just stick around and add my own after work today, your fat-ass tribute won again, so he needs to let the world know!!! :D
12-27-2011 10:05 am EST
Finally!!! No more white noise.
12-27-2011 9:23 am EST
Hope The MMArtist Style Goes Well, Good To See A Different Style Being Used Rather Than All This Ipp/FS Boring Shite!
12-26-2011 11:13 pm EST
Yeah your having real success, wankaaaaaaaaaa
12-26-2011 5:27 pm EST
You are just too unstable to even bother with anymore. I think you need Dr. Phil.
12-26-2011 12:06 pm EST
Apology given if that be the case. I just thought it very odd that I got blitzed with HKK challenges all of a sudden from your comrads.
12-26-2011 5:34 am EST
Well obviously, you have sicked your puppies on me. All I get from your puppies is over stated HKK aginst my MT guys. NOT a good way to determine our interest. It needs control, not rampard attack.
12-25-2011 6:08 pm EST
Let us each recruit a fighter of the same weight. On the same day. Train only for those attributes and see where we go from there.
12-25-2011 9:01 am EST
420 Fight Club
10-28-2011 8:34 pm EST
Good to hear brother. I got my 2nd on the way. He will be here in the next 3 weeks. I anticipate my MMArmy gametime to take a major hit.
420 Fight Club
10-20-2011 10:21 am EST
WTF Belly? Disappear without saying GFY to everyone?
420 Fight Club
10-13-2011 7:38 pm EST
Get with Matty and recruit a MW from both camps. Its Survivor Series!!!!
420 Fight Club
10-13-2011 10:13 am EST
Where did you go? Did you break your ankles this time? Matty needs you to partner up with him in my new forum tourney.
9-24-2011 12:23 pm EST
I Wouldve Hoped This Experience Wouldve Eclipsed That Memory?!
Team Vegas
9-5-2011 9:05 pm EST
Sorry Belly, I was away all weekend. I didn't see any of these match ups. Good luck with the tournament though.
9-4-2011 6:00 pm EST
thx for the compliment. Didn't expect you to go 'punches' at all either. i was just hoping to get you off your primary in the first round. I Probably got a bit lucky. (Cody Martin)
donnie brasco
Hardknocks MMA
9-2-2011 3:13 pm EST
lol, I'm not even setting my styles, you guys have fun let me know how that tourney turns out
anthony muffin brownridge
jacksons submission fight
8-28-2011 8:08 pm EST
the original tone cant get a invite
anthony muffin brownridge
jacksons submission fight
8-28-2011 6:47 pm EST
my bad are you kid or easy
8-15-2011 1:31 am EST
Maybe Their 4th Guy Should Be Ho Brah, I Know Chief Doesnt Like Him, So Thats A Perfect Reason To Include Him!
8-15-2011 1:30 am EST
I Think To Make The Split Easier, It Should Be 4 On 4. Me, You, Grap And Chief Vs Warren, Kid, Vroy And Someone Else, Then If Its 64 or 32 Or 16 Man, We All Put In Our Fighters. But We Need To Think Of A Ruleset, Like No EFC Champs Or Something.
420 Fight Club
8-14-2011 8:09 pm EST
Pretty much daily.
420 Fight Club
8-13-2011 12:48 pm EST
Im in. My teams are up to par now. Let me know what we need to do. I got some credits that need used if buying them is still restricted.
8-13-2011 12:13 pm EST
We Need Some Rules/Stipulations
8-13-2011 11:59 am EST
Check The Game News, Something Wrong With Them So Hes Fixing Them
8-12-2011 3:26 pm EST
Ill Set Something Up Over The Weekend, Ill Think Of A Gimmick Or Ruleset Or Something
8-3-2011 1:22 am EST
K, Ive Set Up The Tournament And Added All The Entrants, Ive Made A Stipulation That All Fighters Must Be Ranked #100 Or Higher. Ive Added Your Top 8 From Both Camps That Are #100+, And Set Up The Brackets. Good Luck Old Man(Not As Old As That Old Fart Warren!)
7-31-2011 11:51 pm EST
Say What?!? Howd You Do That? What Do You Want Me To Do To Help?
7-17-2011 1:53 am EST
Are You Still Recruiting A Certain Weight?
7-17-2011 1:52 am EST
Are You Still Recruiting A Certain Weight?
420 Fight Club
7-15-2011 8:03 pm EST
Bro all of the MoD hate threads are because of 3 of us. Me, Karma and Malas. Karma because he apparently gave a sketchy title shot out then talked shit to the bitches when they cried. Me and Malas just dont back down when the elitists start demanding respect and talking down to us because we make fun of them living this game. Sooo many rules, respect your elders!! One yahoo compares this game to having a family and trying to raise his children (noobs) correctly. JOKES!!
420 Fight Club
7-14-2011 9:12 am EST
Im starting to become one of the most hated forum members, but damn it, its so fun fucking with these bozos. Belly and Grapple back on the same team would really blow some bitches minds!
Red Night Sambo
7-13-2011 7:54 pm EST
I just have no intentions of getting on the forums, never really care to even go out there.
420 Fight Club
7-12-2011 10:44 pm EST
You're right, there aint shit happening. Just heckling the no lifers who confuse the game with real life. Keeping the fire lit so they toss and turn when they go to sleep at night.
420 Fight Club
7-10-2011 7:13 pm EST
My weekends are always busy as shit, so I rarely get a chance to get online. If you are talking about me not posting in the crybaby bitch threads, Id rather watch all the pathetic no lifers try to justify why they act like elitist pricks while claiming this game doesnt run their life. I just sit back and LOL. Whats the good word? You coming back to MoD to help crack some skulls or what?
7-10-2011 1:40 pm EST
7-10-2011 12:53 pm EST
7-9-2011 2:34 pm EST
Ive Spoke To Kid, And Weve Dropped It, Thanks For Having My Back Buddy, Now Go Win Some Fuckin EFC Titles You Massive Bastard!
7-9-2011 12:57 am EST
Could You Please Translate Your Last Comment Into English For Me?
6-18-2011 4:15 am EST
Where You At Homie?
420 Fight Club
6-12-2011 10:35 am EST
Its water under the bridge to me dude. Glad that we could work shit out and when you feel like its time, come back to MoD. We will all welcome you back anytime.
420 Fight Club
6-10-2011 8:02 am EST
No worries, I got you back with Del the Funky Homosapien. Deltron MFer!!
6-1-2011 7:12 am EST
I was looking in the wrong section. I thought you were a member of M.O.D. man. I had to take a break from surgery. what the hell happened
5-31-2011 10:38 am EST
Bro, you mean the thread that's liek...a month old? get it together homie!
5-29-2011 4:36 pm EST
you were busy doing something else i suppose..nevermind lol
5-29-2011 11:11 am EST
hey mannnnnnn. accept the shallenjes. i went lay and pray man...my guy sucks...i need money!you'll win!
5-28-2011 2:27 pm EST
Not too sure man from what i've experienced in the last few fights i've used it it does well against most wres/samb styles. good fight.
Zangy Wonkers
5-19-2011 7:33 pm EST
HAHA! thanks man. I gotta say that Junkyard Dog wore the white pants as well. Your right though he rocked red pants most of teh time.
Sticky Green MMA
5-5-2011 1:52 pm EST
Hey Big Belly. Are you ready to fucking die?? Kumite starts on Saturday, the bracket is posted. You need to change your dudes nickname to the American Death. Rules are rules bucko.
Sticky Green MMA
4-29-2011 10:17 pm EST
Your tourney sucked. I went 0-2 barbecue, and that shit broke my homepage. GO BIG RED
4-25-2011 2:25 am EST
What Happened In The Shitbox?
4-23-2011 7:06 pm EST
Woot judges love me
4-18-2011 11:14 am EST
Working Random Hours, Only Making One Reset Atm, I Only Make The Morning Reset (UK Time) For 10 Minutes Then Have To Go To Work Most Days. Are You Still Working Some Fucked Up Hours?
Eleven Lounge
4-17-2011 8:02 pm EST
no, and i doubt he will be around for long. his camp name give me suspicion that he runs another camp that is his main camp, he is a feeder, or he doesnt care about this game enough to come up with a creative name.
Eleven Lounge
4-17-2011 5:21 pm EST
atleast ur not a woosy and still fight me hahahaha
4-15-2011 5:29 pm EST
Here is the one fighter i attempted to use Dirty Boxing with http://mmarmy.com/fighter_display.php?id=727608
4-15-2011 5:27 pm EST
Sorry man if i knew i'd tell ye
4-15-2011 1:37 pm EST
ah .. my bad
4-15-2011 1:37 pm EST
ah .. my bad
4-13-2011 12:46 am EST
Are you interested in joining an alliance?
4-12-2011 12:46 am EST
You from england too then i'm guessing? :P
4-5-2011 12:59 am EST
Awesome! :D
4-3-2011 11:44 am EST
Love Your Fighters Nicknames At The Moment, You Need To Name All Your Fighters Like That, I Actually Laughed Really Loudly At Them! HAHA
3-30-2011 7:06 am EST
My 'Dirty English Money' Is 1.5 To Your 2 Dollars, Where You Been? Hiding Away Like A Coward As Usual?!?
3-29-2011 5:02 am EST
Your Tribute Just Regained The Title!
3-28-2011 5:02 am EST
http://www.mmarmy.com/fighter_stats.php?id=782181 - My G.O.A.T Is Your Tribute Lol!
3-5-2011 2:31 am EST
Lol You Retard, Mr. Miyagi Is TLCS!
3-4-2011 6:00 am EST
Randy Gracie
Sapo B rasil
3-1-2011 5:06 pm EST
yes sir!
2-21-2011 3:49 pm EST
Im Getting Rid Of My HKK Guys, So Dont Build Any Secondary For Them Lol!
Team Paso
2-16-2011 4:09 pm EST
Deal Dude
2-15-2011 5:05 pm EST
Doesnt Come As Much Of A Surprise, I Always Wondered Why You Kept Touching Me Innapropriately, It All Makes Sense Now! You Want My Mangina And Moobs!
2-15-2011 7:39 am EST
Tks for the help :)
2-15-2011 1:37 am EST
Ill Try And Find An Org That Your Guys In So You Can Continue Your 100% Losing Streak To Anything Warren Related Lol. P.S Your Second Comment To Paso Is The Gayest Thing Ive Ever Read On MMArmy!
Team Paso
2-12-2011 2:02 pm EST
U Do Abuse it thought and you come on some one esles stuff and right in on theres say it on mine u coward
2-9-2011 4:30 pm EST
http://www.mmarmy.com/camp_display.php?id=45506 - what a tit lol, left a message on their wall so they left abuse on mine!
2-5-2011 9:11 am EST
Copy And Paste You Retard!
2-5-2011 8:11 am EST
deeez nuts
the ball sack
2-3-2011 8:24 pm EST
aha ya man i always prefer the gnp but flyin subs worked for me that time
New Chapter
2-3-2011 5:15 pm EST
also HKK I think
New Chapter
2-3-2011 5:10 pm EST
Honestly, I'm still trying to find out the same thing about style matchups for PiB, but so far still having mixed results... but for me I think Dirty Boxing, SiO and GnP will beat PiB.
2-3-2011 4:36 pm EST
Tried, But It Doesnt Work, Any Other Tips?
2-3-2011 3:55 am EST
2-1-2011 1:46 am EST
Your Tribute Just Picked Up Del Gold :D
1-18-2011 4:24 pm EST
your fighter is edwin twitty
1-18-2011 4:24 pm EST
we need to fght for the MFO-title-keiji sasaki
1-15-2011 8:41 am EST
got the flu.. be back in a few days
1-3-2011 5:15 am EST
Pedro Trigo
Trigo Team
7-21-2010 4:10 am EST
You got that right Scott!! ROYAL BLOOD!!! I pissed them off bad last night ahahaahahah
Pedro Trigo
Trigo Team
7-19-2010 3:07 am EST
I was banned for 2 days for insults and violence or whatever they called it in the shout box. Wun pushed me and i followed! its over now
Chits Crew
7-17-2010 4:45 pm EST
sure why not, i need the fights ive been gone for awhile and trying to bring my camp back is taking alot longer than i thought
Chits Crew
7-16-2010 4:42 pm EST
I'm not going to post it because they asked me to send some of my scrubs to you so that you would pick up a few wins... they feel bad for you you should be honoured you were allowed to win a couple by their request...
7-16-2010 7:44 am EST
I Had To Change The Javi Herrera's Nickname To The Belly Killer Because He Was Making A Fool Out Of Your Little Sister Camp! So I Gave The Nickname To Someone Else!
Chits Crew
7-15-2010 11:37 pm EST
I saw the connection... by your overall record it seems your sissy camp will also wallow in mediocrity. you needed a win. :)
7-15-2010 8:26 am EST
beat chitz crew 4 a title.....wtg DBA!!!!!
7-13-2010 10:15 pm EST
Pedro Trigo
Trigo Team
7-8-2010 11:15 am EST
Hooahhhh lets go man!!!