If you’re looking for an alliance I just created one with a bunch of like minded coaches. Regardless I love your activity and your fair challenges. Coaches like you make Mmarmy better
Hilarious promos on JC, I may just stick around and add my own after work today, your fat-ass tribute won again, so he needs to let the world know!!! :D
Well obviously, you have sicked your puppies on me. All I get from your puppies is over stated HKK aginst my MT guys. NOT a good way to determine our interest. It needs control, not rampard attack.
thx for the compliment. Didn't expect you to go 'punches' at all either. i was just hoping to get you off your primary in the first round. I Probably got a bit lucky. (Cody Martin)
I Think To Make The Split Easier, It Should Be 4 On 4. Me, You, Grap And Chief Vs Warren, Kid, Vroy And Someone Else, Then If Its 64 or 32 Or 16 Man, We All Put In Our Fighters. But We Need To Think Of A Ruleset, Like No EFC Champs Or Something.
K, Ive Set Up The Tournament And Added All The Entrants, Ive Made A Stipulation That All Fighters Must Be Ranked #100 Or Higher. Ive Added Your Top 8 From Both Camps That Are #100+, And Set Up The Brackets. Good Luck Old Man(Not As Old As That Old Fart Warren!)
Bro all of the MoD hate threads are because of 3 of us. Me, Karma and Malas. Karma because he apparently gave a sketchy title shot out then talked shit to the bitches when they cried. Me and Malas just dont back down when the elitists start demanding respect and talking down to us because we make fun of them living this game. Sooo many rules, respect your elders!! One yahoo compares this game to having a family and trying to raise his children (noobs) correctly. JOKES!!
Im starting to become one of the most hated forum members, but damn it, its so fun fucking with these bozos. Belly and Grapple back on the same team would really blow some bitches minds!
You're right, there aint shit happening. Just heckling the no lifers who confuse the game with real life. Keeping the fire lit so they toss and turn when they go to sleep at night.
My weekends are always busy as shit, so I rarely get a chance to get online. If you are talking about me not posting in the crybaby bitch threads, Id rather watch all the pathetic no lifers try to justify why they act like elitist pricks while claiming this game doesnt run their life. I just sit back and LOL. Whats the good word? You coming back to MoD to help crack some skulls or what?
Its water under the bridge to me dude. Glad that we could work shit out and when you feel like its time, come back to MoD. We will all welcome you back anytime.
Hey Big Belly. Are you ready to fucking die?? Kumite starts on Saturday, the bracket is posted. You need to change your dudes nickname to the American Death. Rules are rules bucko.
Working Random Hours, Only Making One Reset Atm, I Only Make The Morning Reset (UK Time) For 10 Minutes Then Have To Go To Work Most Days. Are You Still Working Some Fucked Up Hours?
no, and i doubt he will be around for long. his camp name give me suspicion that he runs another camp that is his main camp, he is a feeder, or he doesnt care about this game enough to come up with a creative name.
Ill Try And Find An Org That Your Guys In So You Can Continue Your 100% Losing Streak To Anything Warren Related Lol.
P.S Your Second Comment To Paso Is The Gayest Thing Ive Ever Read On MMArmy!
Honestly, I'm still trying to find out the same thing about style matchups for PiB, but so far still having mixed results...
but for me I think Dirty Boxing, SiO and GnP will beat PiB.
I'm not going to post it because they asked me to send some of my scrubs to you so that you would pick up a few wins... they feel bad for you you should be honoured you were allowed to win a couple by their request...
I Had To Change The Javi Herrera's Nickname To The Belly Killer Because He Was Making A Fool Out Of Your Little Sister Camp! So I Gave The Nickname To Someone Else!
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