Right and I was riding a three fight streak before that and then he skipped me and my fighter ended up sitting for a few rounds. Wasnt implying I deserved it more yours was like 7-1 or something ridiculous. Just that the other dude was ducking me.
Yo man can you accept Shamrocks challenge for the inchickta title? Im ranked top of the division and Ive been skipped like three times in a row by the last guy. Thanks in advance.
Appreciate the response. No hard feelings. I was fired up because my guy is likely to retire any day, and he hadn’t won a belt yet. Sorry if I came off like an a-hole
Better yet, send a challenge and if he doesn't show up I will go with your boy. It will be later in the afternoon or very early evening but before the reset. Thanks.
I think it's too bad they came at the same time and are in the same weight class. Happens to me. I'll get three EFC champion HW's or WW's at the same time.
Whatever douche i hardly ever send out challenges and when I do its to who is online so fuck off and play the game, never had anyone bitching about this shit. I chose who i accept challenges from, not you, if anything your challenges would usually be in my favor so why the bitching because i didn't fight you especially when you went on a rant before i even logged in.
So you talk shit in SB because I don't accept you ippon challenge, lol check my fighters if you think i can crush. No wonder new guys quit this game with idiots like you shooting your mouth off.
S'all Good Man, I Know Your Not The Kind Of Camp To Style Rape, So Im Happy To Accept Any Challenge U Send My Way :) P.S Thank Fuck Your Guy Lost The Title, Now Hurry Up And Retire :D
Good To See You Back Bud, This Reset Has Been 1 Big Fuck Up Lol, From Heart FC Fighting Instead Of The Title Fight, Then Me Fighting U With The Wrong Guy Lol, Shot Is Yours Next Reset!
hey man i am having a challenge on who can build the best MMARTIST and the winner gets a free 64 man tourney for who ever they want. try it out and check out the thread on the forums. BELLY
Aloha brah, you look really experienced in this game so I was wondering, how can I get fighters that have better stats? I mean I know I have to train but I can only train stats up so far when I dont have a fighter that has really good stats.
...also for the record, I'm not thrilled about his nickname either. I think I gave it to him when I was drunk. However, now he has to keep it based on principle! lol
In short, it wasn't intentional. I didn't even realize it was going down like that until you said something. No hard feelings, dude. Feel free to criticize my fighter's nicknames anytime!
Its cool, man. I wasn't sure if you were joking or not. You can ask your alliance about me and they'll tell ya that I'm a stand up dude. Anyhow, you are right, belts should be defended every reset if you can. At least two of the times I sent out a challenge and it wasn't accepted. Friday night I was too busy I wasn't able to play any of my camps. One of the times I think I logged on too late to get out a decent challenge.
oh im sorry dude. ill look out for ur camp and we can get some fights in! which guys, or orgs have you been challenging me in? it looks like you fun an awesome camp and ive got no problem with ya. ill look out for you from now on :)
Hello, my name is Jake, and I am looking for elite Middleweight fighters to join in a tournament I am hosting called the Middleweight Grand Prix I for all active Middleweight fighters. You have one of the top Middleweight fighters in the game, and I would be honored if you would enter him into the tournament. The more big names that enter the more will want to join, I'm hoping I can bring tournaments to a new high in this game. Please check it out and get back to me if you can.
Lots im sure... but it doesn't bother me... my record would indicate that I'm just a crappy player with jacked up guys!! With only one EFC title to my name *sigh*
I date them mostly so I know where they are in their career. A fighter has a max of 15 years - I just like to know when they are getting near the end. It's especially important for your trainers if you use them so you know when you have to start making a new trainer. Good luck!!
The Butt Scooters