
Team Ochocinco

Last Online - Wednesday 12th of March 2025
Display Name Black Santa
Member Since Jan 19, 2010
Active Record 259-204
Overall Record 28254-26017


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12-4-2024 11:36 am EST
King of 🍒
7-11-2024 4:56 pm EST
Thanks for fights today!
Mister Judo
4-22-2024 8:17 am EST
Check my girls finish percentage before you get too excited lol
Chits Crew
1-19-2024 8:56 pm EST
Itagaki Gym
1-16-2024 10:12 pm EST
Santa! You back bro?
Chits Crew
1-15-2024 9:12 am EST
LOL... you need to just go back to GnP
Chits Crew
1-12-2024 7:57 pm EST
lookin good
Who Knew
2-19-2022 2:49 pm EST
Come back bro!
Athlon MMA
5-2-2021 2:32 pm EST
Thanks for reaching out, I appreicate it! Things are fine here. I hope you're doing well too.
Itagaki Gym
3-20-2021 11:14 am EST
Movement MMA
3-4-2021 1:42 pm EST
Hey Man! How have you been?
2-9-2021 3:58 am EST
You cursed him at 27!!! Lol
2-3-2021 4:35 pm EST
No worries bro, he does have some good fighters
1-25-2021 9:27 am EST
Thanks Santa! The guy's a beast.
1-10-2021 12:54 am EST
hey I read somewhere u had trouble with SiO as Ippon, try Clean Sweep ;)
10-29-2020 2:47 am EST
Thanks! That new camp avatar of yours looks super nice!
10-11-2020 4:17 pm EST
Thanks Santa.
Vitamin S Club
8-1-2020 8:55 am EST
Today you're the hammer and I'm the nail. Always a pleasure to fight your camp!
NorthernLights Out
8-1-2020 6:33 am EST
I feel bad in these times, thanks for being a good sport lol.
7-28-2020 5:23 am EST
Great ideas, some may be hard to make with the limited customisation tho :(
Reinz Gym
7-19-2020 1:19 am EST
You welcome buddy!
NorthernLights Out
7-16-2020 5:52 pm EST
Good fights Santa, thanks for the shot. You'll get em back I'm sure.
7-14-2020 7:56 am EST
Started about a week ago, we'll see if I can keep track. At least I can fight both reset when I'm at my work camp ahah.
7-13-2020 10:04 am EST
Duuuuuuuuuuuuude, what's up my man?
Chits Crew
5-18-2020 2:22 pm EST
come to the Forums Bro.
Chits Crew
5-18-2020 9:58 am EST
Hey you bag of balls! you still love me?
5-18-2020 5:54 am EST
Great to see you back again :D
9-24-2016 11:33 am EST
thanks santa , i try to cross CLeansweep with Fast feet but its pretty hard to have a long time champ with.
8-12-2016 12:30 am EST
Gimmick change?
8-8-2016 7:51 am EST
Great to see you back, white Santa now?
Black Santa
Team Ochocinco
7-28-2016 3:39 pm EST
2-8-2016 6:55 am EST
Rock Hard MMA
1-12-2016 4:57 pm EST
thanks man too bad i left him training till he was 6 see how high he can get!
11-9-2015 5:44 am EST
Go Pats! They are looking good! They seem to be on a mission... to Super Bowl!
Itagaki Gym
10-20-2015 4:04 pm EST
both your guys are up, your choice of who to use!
Itagaki Gym
10-6-2015 5:42 am EST
sometimes, life comes up. all good, dude. just happy to hear from ya!
David Nuamah
Camp Spartan Lion
9-26-2015 11:17 am EST
Lets go bud!
9-12-2015 12:34 pm EST
Good fights today man! Haven't seen ya online as much lately.
Crazy KO Camp
7-29-2015 9:27 pm EST
Thanks man, seems like you and I have the jump on all the camps that had to transition away from trainers. We have switched #s 1 and 2 back and forth for the last 2 weeks now
7-27-2015 7:55 am EST
Think it may be little rig for a shot next reset ?
7-26-2015 3:11 pm EST
7-13-2015 6:18 am EST
no problem santa, i understand your point of view : it s true there are missed resets in my win streak. only wanted to know if you have blacklisted me or not.good luck for the next.
7-13-2015 1:39 am EST
why dont you give me the fight title shot this reset? F.Bousquet was the only with 3 wins in MW EFC and wocker's guy only a win before the title shot. i know it s champion choice.congats for all your titles.
6-26-2015 1:51 am EST
Great fights santa!
Vince McMahon Jr Jr Jr
We Will Fight Mexico
6-17-2015 4:58 pm EST
We Will Fight & We Will Fight Mexico are in Alliance with each other! So don't bitch about cheating pussies
5-13-2015 6:29 am EST
Yeah man you to.. if i could just find an answer for wohaf I would be gravy haha
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA
4-13-2015 4:18 pm EST
for sure bro. always good scraps with your camp.
Itagaki Gym
3-28-2015 9:38 am EST
three belts? you're killing it, bro!
3-24-2015 9:48 pm EST
thanks Santa. Yeah, been a long time since we last fought each other like that !
3-23-2015 1:36 am EST
Haha I was joking, it's impressive you fit it all in!
Maike Garcia
Garcias Fighter
3-20-2015 2:32 pm EST
had stopped playing a while and want to go back, have a link on the fighting styles and you have to train? thanks
3-20-2015 1:50 pm EST
Your activity level is insane homie, get a life ;)
3-1-2015 1:22 pm EST
Stop hogging the no.1 spot, ruining everyone elses fun :p
Xander Darling
2-16-2015 6:43 pm EST
So your camp should focus on a few styles instead of letting the recruitment of the fighters be how you choose styles and sparring?
Xander Darling
2-15-2015 5:06 pm EST
I actually have no idea what styles go with what attributes anymore. Especially the secondary attributes. Back when I originally played, it was a lot simpler with like 10 styles, 5 primary attribute and 5 secondary. I'm basically just kinda staying in those guidelines but I know that's not optimal.
2-12-2015 12:08 am EST
i gotta give it to u for holding down that no1 spot, bro...
2-9-2015 10:54 am EST
Thanks Santa. Gonna be short lived as my number 2 guy got KO'd. But thanks
1-24-2015 6:30 pm EST
Thank you, I had no idea.
1-13-2015 1:16 pm EST
congrats for #1 camp ranking, it s so funny when people said you were "underrated" few weeks ago.i always know you are one of best.
1-9-2015 4:30 am EST
Smashing it atm! 2 EFC champs!
Fedor McGeeno
Dynamo Training
12-31-2014 5:03 pm EST
BTW: Congrats on the award amigo. You run a top tier camp. "underrated" my ass, LOL.
12-31-2014 5:23 am EST
Sowwy :(
The System
System MMA
11-10-2014 11:05 am EST
thought i'd come back for a bit when i saw some new changes
11-6-2014 5:45 am EST
Thanks for all those fights bro, always a pleasure to fight the ocho cinco squad
9-18-2014 7:33 pm EST
Thanks for the fights man, all hopped up on meds so feeling no pain right now, looking at at least another week in here
9-9-2014 12:17 pm EST
Well lets hope that code is there when we fight next in LOC. Good fight as always
9-9-2014 10:01 am EST
Very surprised at the way it went down. Figured you were going to wail on me. Always enjoy our fights.
The Godfather
859 Academy
9-1-2014 4:51 am EST
Good fights bud
8-28-2014 4:13 pm EST
yes bro im on the forums
8-24-2014 9:05 am EST
It's going well so far, don't worry about time man, you send the next one whenever you can even if it's when you finish work.
ChiChis Grande
Locos Vatos
8-19-2014 6:16 pm EST
Thanks man.
8-8-2014 7:03 am EST
Tks man! I usually read a lot in the forum, and see the top ranking guys every day... and take a look at some camps often too.. I don't have the equipment to upgrade reflex yet, but I'm working on that... I'm just passed of the fact that just retired a guy with 14 cage titles who never take the next step to loc
Movement MMA
8-4-2014 4:21 am EST
Didn't realise we fight so often, only 4 of my guys have fought so far this reset, and they've all been against your guys haha. Good fights bs
Movement MMA
8-1-2014 4:30 am EST
Thanks man. Still needa improve abit if i wanna have a decent run but that will hopefully come in due time. Pretty sure your guys would kill mine haha
7-26-2014 7:41 pm EST
Good fights man. Thanks
Fedor McGeeno
Dynamo Training
7-14-2014 4:37 pm EST
No need to explain amigo. To be completely honest, I looked at my streak and thought "Eh pretty good, I'll send it and see" I didnt go too in depth. No worries at all.
Mister Judo
7-12-2014 10:23 am EST
lol i have a terrible crop right now. did u get my lf from parker landry?
7-10-2014 5:06 am EST
Hey man, I have to step away for a few, so I sent my next two WC fights just to keep things moving. Feel free to decline if you want to stay strictly in order...just figured we were going straight down the list so far, is I skipped ahead to the WWs
7-7-2014 9:50 am EST
Ahh yer right I mixed him up lol. Of course I start losing fights tho. I'll be there eventually. Thanks for letting me know man
The Godfather
859 Academy
7-5-2014 4:29 am EST
Good fights dick lol, exploiting my noob ass
Big Ace
7-1-2014 9:06 pm EST
I might win more but you have a bad style matchup against me most of the time. I pay it forward by losing to fs/ipp fighters all the time. Respect to you for scrapping me as much as you do. I'm surprised you got the old school Pedro. It's exactly what I was going for but I didn't think the finished product looked anything like him. Good luck out there. You should have fun feeding on my new breed of hkk fighter.
6-5-2014 8:52 pm EST
for you maybe lol.
5-10-2014 6:56 am EST
you really like fighting me now! lol
5-2-2014 2:36 pm EST
Good to see you back!
4-19-2014 11:26 pm EST
ya for sur man..i had this game back in '09 and got really good..forgot my password was never the same aha it is fun tho so im back now
4-19-2014 6:35 pm EST
makes sense..the other problem is guessing which style the other guy is going to use..ive done some sprawl and brawls when the guys ended up striking instead of g&p'ing me...thanks man
4-19-2014 4:15 pm EST
i guess the only question i have is do u have like a list of the best matchup ideas..like wat to do against which style
4-18-2014 9:03 pm EST
hey man ur right...i forgot which fighter i had fighting...i do kno enough i shudnt have gone muay thai but oh well..my loss is ur gain
Black Santa
Team Ochocinco
3-31-2014 9:46 am EST
DBA is recruiting members. If you have what it takes to have fun with this game and be a drunken bum then leave a message. Or hit up Black-Santa or VostreRoy on the forums.
Monster M M A
3-25-2014 5:00 pm EST
welcome back santa!
Dragon Lung
3-24-2014 8:52 am EST
Thanks man, seems like a cool game, going to keep building and see how it goes. Big mma fan, been looking for something like this for a long time.
3-19-2014 3:23 pm EST
Its really awesome to see an active record on that camp page!
Wiked Deuce Black Cats
Wiked Deuce Black Cats
10-6-2012 8:07 am EST
holy shit..u had a kid. http://www.mmarmy.com/fighter_display.php?id=995776
1-6-2012 12:05 am EST
Thanks for the fight. Never seen anyone cut that much weight. I cant get my fatties to cut more then 20. Shogun syndrome i guess.
10-31-2011 3:46 pm EST
true, i think they use him to just stretch the feild anyway. but hope they can beat the steelers in the rematch
10-19-2011 3:05 pm EST
85 aint done crap on the pats so far, whats up?
9-15-2011 2:08 pm EST
thanks dude! def will do!
9-6-2011 5:45 pm EST
im not understanding how you won that last fight by UD over my guy. pretty sure i won all 3 rounds haha...
Team Vegas
9-5-2011 9:09 pm EST
I'm really sorry about that. I hope you ended up getting your shot. And I completely forgot changing weight got rid of the title. At least I'll know that in the future and not screw anyone out of a title shot again. Sorry again man.
Patches O Houlihan
Average Joes Gym
9-4-2011 4:55 pm EST
lol your telling me..... my WW isnt no pushover, and my LW retired!! i thought he was gunna be big too.... 26 lb cutter... winning record.... 7-2 if u dont count his mmartist losses... :-\ its a damn shame.... and FUCK OFF SCOTT!!! he's in DBA!!!
scott cooley
9-3-2011 8:28 am EST
ocho. when are you gonna come join the ranks at mod? cmon man. i dont even hear anything at dba.
8-26-2011 5:59 am EST
I feel bad even challenging you with my GnP guys lately. What's with the lack of versatility, Santa?
8-25-2011 6:36 pm EST
you dont have a phone with internet yet? what is this like 1982?
scott cooley
8-13-2011 7:09 am EST
are you the fan that ocho wants to live with during the season?
House Of Flip
8-4-2011 6:37 pm EST
thanks man...yea todd bernier has pillow fists right now lol
8-4-2011 2:25 pm EST
Thanks For The Fights Santa!
8-1-2011 3:31 pm EST
You have a title shot at EFC HW.
AJ Martinez Jr
Team Phantasm
7-31-2011 6:37 pm EST
aye man. u left a comment to me one time. u said u can help me
7-4-2011 10:09 am EST
that makes like 10 in a row!!!! what gives?
KP Keough
Beast Mode
5-30-2011 9:41 am EST
Hey dude--are you interested in doing Bounty Hunters again? I'm running Bounty Hunters II this summer. Sign up if you'd like; it'd be great to have some of the experienced players back.
scott cooley
5-7-2011 12:19 pm EST
i've been tearing you up lately...
The Akuma
3-2-2011 4:45 pm EST
Yea its a new camp I just started.I wanted a Japanese camp. Thanks for the fight!
2-19-2011 10:27 pm EST
Just stopped by for a visit. Impressive camp, Chris. ;)
Team Laughing Gas
2-13-2011 2:57 pm EST
Thanks, I appreciate it. It's refreashing to see some positive comments. All the other I've recieved have been hateful with poor sportsmanship.
2-7-2011 6:25 am EST
Dunno How, But My HKK Guys Seem To Be Getting The Better Of Your GnP Guys Alot!
1-13-2011 4:34 pm EST
bengals fan r u? any way u think brawlling comes into play on ground n pond? ive always had it but ive notice sence the new styles and shit, brawling hasnt seemed to make a duff on g n p.
1-6-2011 4:34 pm EST
good fight man
1-5-2011 4:43 pm EST
Thanks For The Fights Santa! Didnt Expect To Beat Your #8 Ranked Guy, Let Alone KO Him, Guess I Did Have The Style Advantage Tho. And Yeah Its Like 1:42am Here :(
scott cooley
12-24-2010 3:36 pm EST
hey man is there a 4000 win club?
12-13-2010 5:10 pm EST
congrats on the efc title man
Black Santa
Team Ochocinco
11-25-2010 8:42 pm EST
11-14-2010 11:26 am EST
bows anytime
Cyborg Crush
11-10-2010 6:20 am EST
i have a few Gnp guys, i've added conditioning and gone push the pace to counter strikers, decent results so far, good luck and give it a try
Black Santa
Team Ochocinco
10-31-2010 10:58 am EST
Zeke Reinhold gets win number 3500 for Team Ochocinco
10-19-2010 1:19 am EST
Cheers Man, You Can Look, But You Cant Touch, She Belongs To Me! Loving Your Avatar Too Lol!
9-11-2010 9:15 pm EST
im just beating all your guys lol.
Hallzy Squad
Canadian Bruisers
9-10-2010 5:27 am EST
Well that because my guys GnP Isn't as good as yours.
9-9-2010 8:18 pm EST
yeah you got me with that GnP nice fight
9-3-2010 8:42 am EST
aha.. =(
Black Santa
Team Ochocinco
8-25-2010 6:15 am EST
BigMax Gym is a ducker.
Black Santa
Team Ochocinco
8-21-2010 11:17 pm EST
Kyokushin88 is afraid to fight me and Denied a title shot.
8-16-2010 6:24 am EST
Thanks for the tip on "Ketchup" I will give it a try!
Black Santa
Team Ochocinco
8-12-2010 1:38 pm EST
7 Time EFC WW Champ Joey "The Red Chord" Turner Retires.
Black Santa
Team Ochocinco
8-9-2010 4:05 am EST
9 time EFC LHW Champ Jamal "Drunken Bum" Colon Retires today.
8-8-2010 1:40 pm EST
congrats then man and yea im trying to get back a good wrestling camp again but itll probly take awhile
8-4-2010 9:41 pm EST
hey i think u were one of the camps i used to talk to alot haha but grats on that efc belt
Black Santa
Team Ochocinco
8-3-2010 4:35 pm EST
Jamal "Drunken Bum" Colon and Joey "The Red Chord" Turner both simalteounesly win EFC Titles in the same Reset. May 2148
Devine Jiu Jitsu
7-22-2010 6:54 pm EST
Thanks for the advice, what's the best strategy? try to look to exploit one major skill?
The System
System MMA
7-22-2010 9:40 am EST
Massachusetts right? i'm in Toronto. I went to Boston last year tho, I love it there.
The System
System MMA
7-22-2010 1:17 am EST
nice! they are good. i know 2 of the guys in the band. cool to see some people on here who like metal! good luck to your camp man. cheers
Black Santa
Team Ochocinco
7-21-2010 7:58 am EST
Double Whammy Retirement: Doc Bailey and Vernon Griffin Both retire.
7-17-2010 12:37 pm EST
Congrats on winning the EFC belt, Santa!!!
Forast Griffen
toi tankz
7-17-2010 9:44 am EST
Who are you on the forums?
scott cooley
7-17-2010 8:29 am EST
looks l,ike i am gonna make you famous!!!! good win!!!
Black Santa
Team Ochocinco
7-16-2010 8:11 am EST
Damian "DBA Warrior" Albright Retires today with a Record of 71-62. He had a good career obtaining 7 different belts.
Black Santa
Team Ochocinco
7-16-2010 8:10 am EST
Jamal "Drunken Bum" Colon Becomes the EFC LHW Champion. The first EFC Champ in Team Ochocinco History.
7-15-2010 1:36 pm EST
you have dudes with 130+ fights and an active record over 1200 fights. you must contemplate mmarmy 24 hrs a day
Eleven Lounge
7-15-2010 11:58 am EST
i see that would have been ur first efc belt. this is actually my first efc belt, so i wouldnt have been too mad to see you win. you will get their bro. and thanks for the challenge. i dont think i hhave faught ur camp before this either. thats weird haha
Eleven Lounge
7-14-2010 8:30 pm EST
yea, ive been getting a lot of shit from this jackass for not defending haha. ide challenge the number one contender for 2 resets and they didnt accept the fight. so this reset i decided to challenge the 3 guys with 2 wins in the top 10. i did think you were most deserving, so i was hoping you would get to it first. ill have to see how things look in the am but you will probably get the shot :)
7-11-2010 4:54 pm EST
dude do you live for this game or what your camp is active all the time
Black Santa
Team Ochocinco
7-10-2010 10:51 pm EST
Doc "Guy That Fights" Bailey Notches 2000th win for Team Ochocinco.
KP Keough
Beast Mode
7-9-2010 10:04 am EST
It's tough dude. I barely go above .500 anymore - I just retire my sub-.500 guys all the time, which makes my active record look better than it really is. Everyone knows how to play now and no fight is easy anymore.
KP Keough
Beast Mode
7-7-2010 7:12 pm EST
Awesome active record man - your guys sure stay active!
Black Santa
Team Ochocinco
7-6-2010 8:13 am EST
Jamal "Drunken Bum" Colon - First fighter in Team Ochocinco history to be awarded an EFC Title Shot. Though he was stopped in the first round...it was still a great accomplishment.
7-5-2010 8:09 am EST
That was an ass whoopin
7-5-2010 8:01 am EST
Gus Reed and Doc Bailey have been in the same weight class for over 220 fights and never have scraped. Lets make this fight happen, it could be legendary
scott cooley
6-20-2010 9:13 am EST
i knew you did not want any of CROCOP!!!!!!!
6-15-2010 6:57 am EST
Nice try douche. I received six challenges from you in the last week, and all were lopsided style crushing fights. You don't get to fight my camp anymore. Period. I'll happily accept lopsided challenges, but that better not be the only challenge I get from you.
Black Santa
Team Ochocinco
6-5-2010 7:12 am EST
Josh Price Retires
Black Santa
Team Ochocinco
6-4-2010 9:12 am EST
Harley "Hatchet" Henderson scores Team Ochocinco's 1500th win.
Black Santa
Team Ochocinco
6-2-2010 6:49 am EST
Double Whammy Retirement this morning as both Marcelo Santiago and Checo Reyes retire. Team Ochocinco is not doing so good.
Black Santa
Team Ochocinco
5-29-2010 10:19 am EST
Axl Williams retires today. After making a comeback and making it to the EFC...Axl retires.
scott cooley
5-26-2010 7:48 am EST
today i hate you....
scott cooley
5-19-2010 9:32 am EST
a split today!!!!! but you won the better of the two....
scott cooley
5-18-2010 9:19 am EST
i totally understand....i like the guys @DBA...one of their former members was like a mentor to me...for about a year, i waged a personal war against them....RB's reputation will turn around soon....i promise...good luck to you...now we will really battle....
scott cooley
5-16-2010 6:59 pm EST
Black Santa
Team Ochocinco
5-10-2010 7:37 am EST
Noooooooooo. Dino Cooper...my only EFC Fighter...retires...right after his victory over Austin Hayes. Now my camp is screwed
scott cooley
5-5-2010 10:21 pm EST
just to let you know thaat ROYAL BLOOD wants you and your team....you would be a perfect fit for this squad. we got a great bunch of camps that love to fight and have fun....you would fit in perfectly...BELLY
Black Santa
Team Ochocinco
5-5-2010 5:28 am EST
2 time A-1 WW Champ...Phil "The Prosecutor" James retires. Another retirement.
5-4-2010 11:04 pm EST
for sure man. we had some wars there. maybe meet again in the EFC down the road. are you on the forums bro? you should check it out if not.
Black Santa
Team Ochocinco
5-3-2010 8:51 am EST
Norm "Storm" Taylor retires today. The retirement bug still has not left Team Ochocinco.
Black Santa
Team Ochocinco
4-28-2010 7:34 pm EST
Noah "Freight Train" Long wins number 1000 for Team Ochocinco. 1000 wins and running.
scott cooley
4-26-2010 10:02 pm EST
you been kicking my ass!!!! join ROYALTY and be a king!!!!!!!!!!!
scott cooley
4-26-2010 9:42 pm EST
maybe 13 or 14 seconds???? i suck!!!
4-26-2010 1:39 pm EST
join royal blood and help us smite the dba trolls
Black Santa
Team Ochocinco
4-26-2010 7:40 am EST
The Retire Fest continues as Dustin "The Messiah" Price retires too early. Age 29. Up next? Probably Zeke Nash. Too many retirees.
scott cooley
4-26-2010 7:26 am EST
you ought to join us @ ROYAL BLOOD?
Black Santa
Team Ochocinco
4-24-2010 9:14 am EST
Kurt Spencer retires 2 days ago and now Cisco Munoz....There is a retire fest running around at Team Ochocinco. The New Generation is ready to step up.
scott cooley
4-22-2010 10:08 am EST
have u joined an alliance yet?
Black Santa
Team Ochocinco
4-13-2010 9:28 am EST
Sam "Braveheart" Morris retires at Age 33. Another Innovator to the game. Sam Morris is the last of my original 5 to retire. The new Era of Team Ochocinco starts today!
Black Santa
Team Ochocinco
4-11-2010 8:28 am EST
Nooooooooo. Marko Baumgartner has retired too. Ahh...Another Camp member bites the dust.
Black Santa
Team Ochocinco
4-10-2010 10:09 am EST
Sad Sad Day for Team Ocho Cinco. Derrell "The Black Giant" Foster has retired. 65 wins and 65 losses..Though he never won a belt for team Ochocinco he was an inspiration to the camp. Good Bye "Black Giant"
4-2-2010 8:48 pm EST
thank man ill accept tomorrow
Mike Garrow
Grrows team
3-28-2010 1:02 pm EST
Right on bro, thanks.
Black Santa
Team Ochocinco
3-23-2010 8:13 am EST
Another fighter bites the dust as Bernie "Thundercat" Jenkins retires. Leaving my camp with more and more holes.
Black Santa
Team Ochocinco
3-18-2010 10:56 pm EST
500 wins and counting.
2-28-2010 7:13 am EST
lol for sure wish all fights were like that, thanks man, Kent.
2-25-2010 6:21 pm EST
W. Bigglesworth
Asian Martial Arts
1-29-2010 8:12 am EST
Welcome to the game!! I highly recommend you go to the forums and look around... there is a lot of good info there to help you out!! There are also a lot of vets there to answer any questions you may have!!