Well I’d personally like to recruit you. I’m rarely on the forums but we have a discord and I personally find that much more Convenient. Real life is always a priority! But it’s fun to socialize here and better your camp. Even an old dog like me is learning new tricks lately!
Yes they were good fights, hope they meet again in the future. I even change styles but your fighter very well rounded.
I transition qwadria to striking now.. c ya
Someone told me you were having trouble accessing the forums. I'm the owner of the game so just sign up for the forum again and let me know what your screen name is and i'll approve you.
Camps have up-and-downs, no big deal. I'll tell the owner next time we're both online or you can leave a message on his camp wall. His camp is Andrews Elite.
well max weight cut is 35lbs, so its a hit or miss, try him a few times at 170lbs, sometimes they miss once then make it the next. if he really cant cut weight, then decide if he helps training your other fighters and if he has some good hidden stats. but yeah, always try smaller weight classes first.
That's completely fine bro, some coaches just think "i can do what i want" but other coaches see this and won't defend titles against them so it backfires on these stupid people. You don't seem like one of these people so that's very good, if you ever have any questions just write on my camp page or PM me on the forum (i'm tommo)
As far as blacklisting goes, you are the first in 6 years playing this game Congrats!!. Trite and I had a misunderstanding but his gameplay is never in question he takes and sends fair fights. A novel concept.
Avoiding styles my ass. My PL camp fights all styles and PTP is the easiest style to use because you don't need to switch. I went through your fighters and you avoid PtP unless its a title fight or style rape. That does not fly with me especially when you challenge my PL camp all day long. As far as blacklisting goes you are the first. Congrats!!! 7 years playing and you win!
Thanks for the comment about Rocky man! He doesn't have the highest starts currently as he is relatively new but he must have good hiddens or something. I'm still trying to figure out what style to stick with for him but hey good fight bro I thought your guy had it!
Je te comprends, j'ai perdu mes deux meilleurs gars hier et aujourd'hui, les deux avaient moins de 8 ans de carrière (sur une possibilité de 15) pis y'était rendu dans la EFC.... tsé quand t'as le goût de crisser le feu à ton ordi en te levant le matin... lol
Hello sir, I belong to The Lebowski Crime Syndicate alliance on the forums. We are looking for active coaches to join our alliance. Some of the best coaches in MMArmy history are in our alliance, and we are looking to add one more! You! We want you to join our alliance! I am "GoodkidCC" on the forums. Join the forums and send me a PM sir. We want YOU to be the next member of TLCS. We are hands down the greatest group of players looking for our next brother in arms. Join the forums! Join us!
Hey dude, dont pay attention to Murder Mauy Thai. Hes a known coward and cherry picker. Hes a vet coach who hides behind that camp so he can play like a pussy and talk shit on peoples walls. Its funny to see him play this game like a true bitch because it mimics his real life. Later bud.
Ah stress pas avec ça, les alliances sont là pour ceux qui veulent en faire partie, si ça t'intéresse pas laisse les faire et continue ton chemin. Les Legends Challenge c'est des combats uniquement entre combatants à la retraite, mais ça coute de l'argent pour en faire
Pareille pour moi, ça c'est mon deuxième camps, mon principal est eXtreme Troll Fighting et j'ai plus de six milles combats de fait... Le jeu devrais renaitre, il vient d'être vendu à quelqu'un d'autre et il dvrait recommencer à avoir du monde un peu plus
ceom check them out. Youve already got a great grasp of styles and strategies but we run some fun contests and competitions there. Plus some cool people like swamp troll below. And you never know,you may find some new info that could take you to the next level.
Hi- Have you ever thought about joining an alliance? The ITC is an alliance of player from different countries. An alliance gives you a subforum on the forums where you can chat about the game or anything else and gain more knowledge about the game and take part in alliance events. If so, drop by the forums and send ghost or bigshow a PM. Thanks.
its cool, and thanks. its just better to look through top 10 real quick and pick most wins or best wins. when you are in efc/glory/strike and do the bad shot thing, people tend to remember and hold grudges. anyways, good luck
yea even if you dont join an alliance the people on the will give you great advice and the forums have style information most people know and some people wouldnt know... if you do want to join an alliance send Green or LNPguy a pm on the forums
ouais fait toi une autre adresse email pi tu fais comme ta fais pour ton premier compte mais oublie man c tufff a a soccuper meme 2 compte looooooll fack si ta des question jsuis la pi si jai des question bin t la ahah c cool sa
NorthernLights Out