
Minas Gerais Top Team

Last Online - Tuesday 17th of December 2024
Display Name MGTT
Member Since Feb 8, 2009
Active Record 0-0
Overall Record 8183-7604


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7-22-2024 7:03 am EST
Great fight bro!
2-23-2024 10:42 am EST
Pleasure to fight you bro top coach to guy
Chits Crew
1-15-2024 1:39 pm EST
1-3-2024 10:56 am EST
Alliance event coming up... round up your best
12-24-2023 10:24 am EST
cheers bro
Chits Crew
9-18-2023 4:48 pm EST
check now... welcome back
Chits Crew
9-16-2023 10:20 pm EST
you are in go say hello
9-10-2023 8:05 am EST
PM Bro
Mister Judo
8-31-2023 6:23 am EST
Thanks man I appreciate the kind words. If you ever need some advice hit me up on my wall or on the forums. I’m Mr. Judo there
6-28-2023 6:00 am EST
The best Brazilian camp of all time!
5-22-2023 10:44 am EST
trying to back in track
12-26-2022 4:20 am EST
Thanks man, just tryna enjoy the game while it lasts...hopefully it dont die :/ Glad to see you playing, I always liked your camp name. Had some good fights way back in the day also. Hopefully we have many more fights in the near future. happy new year
12-23-2022 7:02 pm EST
Maike Garcia
Garcias Fighter
3-7-2019 6:19 am EST
Essas alianças dão algum beneficio ??
Maike Garcia
Garcias Fighter
3-6-2019 10:15 am EST
Mano, tem algum forum onde diz as habilidades treinar pra cada estilo de luta? em qual parte eu faço isso ? tem o link ai ?
3-5-2019 10:29 am EST
Trying to get Maike Garcia, also involved could you help me with that?
3-5-2019 10:28 am EST
If you are on the forum my name is chitlnz. Send me a PM and we can talk some more...
3-4-2019 10:46 pm EST
Looking for some coaches to join our alliance. Would you be interested?
Maike Garcia
Garcias Fighter
3-3-2019 11:28 am EST
Eu sempre coloco lutas parecidas, tu acha que botar 2 estilos distintos da certo ? Problema é treinar 2 estilos assim, tenho um boxer com bastante westrler, mas se priorizar outras habilidades acaba deixando o lutadores mais fraco diante dos outros, não ?
Maike Garcia
Garcias Fighter
3-1-2019 6:28 pm EST
Qual o segundo estilo pros boxers ??
Maike Garcia
Garcias Fighter
3-1-2019 6:02 pm EST
Dei uma olhada, ele tá top msm no EFC, eu só tenho de bom o Oscar Gouveia e n esta tão bom, veio um bem top agr o Chinu, mas se colocar p lutar direto tem muita chance de n fazer cartel bom, eu quero formar boxer mas só vem jiu e greco, nem sei oq da p fazer com greco
Maike Garcia
Garcias Fighter
3-1-2019 4:58 am EST
to numa fase que todos estão perdendo, ta foda mano, muito dificil pegar um lutador bom
Maike Garcia
Garcias Fighter
2-28-2019 6:36 am EST
mano, qual teu foco de estilo e o que tu treina nele ?? bora se juntar pra deixa as academias top
Maike Garcia
Garcias Fighter
2-28-2019 5:52 am EST
Opa mano, é Br? to tentando ver se encontrou outro BR pra conversar sobre o jogo kkkk
2-15-2019 3:46 am EST
Whats your name on the forums?
2-13-2019 4:35 am EST
Are you interested in coming back to DBA alliance and participating in alliance events?
10-20-2017 11:40 am EST
Please be aware that Drunken Bum Alliance has drafted you into their alliance as of this posting. Your access should get you into our Forums and sub forums. We welcome you and look forward to playing this game with you as a member.
2-25-2015 7:45 am EST
Fala, cara! Brasileiro?
Welsh Warriors
12-10-2011 5:16 am EST
Are you interested in joining my alliance? Let me know and will discuss more. Cheers.
12-8-2011 6:05 am EST
Hey. É brasileiro?
11-20-2011 6:10 am EST
Good To See An Old School Camp Back!
Clown Camp
11-15-2011 5:54 am EST
Ah, Minas Gerais. Nice state. I've visit on an annual basis....nice win.
Fedor McGeeno
Dynamo Training
6-9-2009 9:04 am EST
Thanks for the comments, nice job with the camp!
5-7-2009 2:26 pm EST
thanks for the shot! seemed close enough fight my guy get a few more fights under his belt maybe they could do it again in a while!
4-24-2009 9:48 pm EST
eae mineiro, tambem sou mineiro... :)