I appreciate the insight, I'm sure I will fuck up again but I'll do my best to learn when I do haha You're an absolute gem, and I appreciate the kind words. You have also made a pretty successful transition back haha always happy to swang and bang with you brah
It does makes sense haha, I appreciate the info. Is this stuff somewhere in writing in the 'by laws' that I can read before I mistakenly assume that I know the rules haha I'm gonna end up being a shit head again without even realizing what I'm doing, guaranteed haha
Thanks for the comment! Norm is my number one. Struggling to get a winning record starting my camp up again. So many new styles, hard to figure out what to go with but fun to be back.
PYP Build. Looks like you are going Spd, reflex, focus on the rights. I have tried. Spd, footwork, flexibility on rights. Not a lot of success. I did notice that Guys with focus worked better. I am adding focus and dropping ?
Thanks fedor! Glad you're able to absorb challenges and not kick my ass too much. I have to get all my fighters a fight every reset, but people like you make it much easier to grind down the list.
Thanks. Hopefully I'll make the return longterm this time.
So much has changed since I was last here. Have a lot to learn.
I'll be back in the forums soon too, I'm sure.
Sorry your guy didn't make weight. The weight checking tournaments do still work. One problem I found is that as soon as you recruit a guy, he won't show up as any tournament option unless you log out of your camp, and then log back in. After that the weight check tournaments work just fine. Must be a bug of some sort.
I don't give zerg, protoss and whatever else camps he runs much credit. Ultimate style poacher, just see you giving props to one of his fighters so wanted to let ya know.
whatever u say dude. i never threatened to blacklist. i simply said that due to ur business i will not send u title defenses unless i see you can accept them. Uve missed 4 efc title shots sent to u within 2 weeks so its not like im just stirring shit. Theres others out there that would love the shots ur to busy to accept wanna and i wanna defend my belts. u bitch at me for sending u shots and now ur bitching because you might not get them? what exactly do u expect me to do?
i understand ur busy but when ur threatening to take shots that arent urs and being spiteful without reason doesnt look good on a coach of ur experience. the time u ducked me wasnt for efc it was uno fc. i sent a shot and had 2 active wins. u came on near the end of the reset and fought ace who had 1 win and had missed the reset before. I will note the fact ur busy and only send title defenses to u when i see you are online. otherwise they will go to the next best in line.
lol @ u call me irrelevant when im a better coach currently and overall. But This was never a personal attack. Idk where ur getting the rank #3000 vs #rank50 its not 2010 anymore if anything its the opposite for us lately. Ur right its not ur responsibility its mine thats why i left that msg to avoid another mess up. u put me in a shitty situation because as the champ its my responsibility to give out proper shots.
as explained in my post i had just come off a backshift and needed sleep. there was still an 1.5 left to the reset though so i left out the challenge in hopes ud accept the shot. i woke up a few hours later and removed it. i wrote that msg so u wouldnt fuck up and accept a shot that wasnt urs like u did last time. considering uve no showed or blatantly ducked me like 5 times recently and now ur pissy attitude it will be easy to not give u shots instead of u no showing on them constantly
I appreciate that, man. It's definitely not even close to your level, but I'm trying. You're one of the best camps in MMArmy history. My guy is getting destroyed in EFC, though.
Yeah I even talked that one over with some people and they said it was a tough call. Figured I would put it out there anyway and would be cool with whatever you decided. Your guy looks good, probably fight him eventually one way or another.
Thanks man :) funny thing is i was so busy the last week or so that i stopped paying attention to this camp but kept fighting Dirk, then he got a title shot and boom! Now he's #1, you can bet i'm gonna give this camp all my attention again now
4 out of 5 gold straps right now in same camp?!?! Ok bro I will never have any remorse when i ever beat one of your monsters from now on ;) Nicely done steve thats awesome bro!
Perhaps you need to go out a little bit, and enjoy life. This game is giving you unneeded frustration. Integrity my ass, you blacklist people and avoid them. You are the only prick I've come across while playing this game. You will not fight any of my guys either.
I tell you a guy you gave a shot to likes to duck when he is champ. You tell me to eat a dick and think I am calling you out on missing resets. I then make it clear what I said, because you read it wrong. Then, I get restricted? Please, tell me what I did to offend you sir. I would love to know, at which point I attacked you in any way.
No problem, anytime man. Don't worry you'll be back at full strength in no time. Mopping the cage with scrubs like me lol. Good luck with your comeback.
i always enjoy fighting ur camps. i looked up to ur mass wins as a noob lol. im catching ya now though! ;P this camps my step child camp though lol. Judoka gets much more love
pretty sure I sent it. I checked in several times as well. If somehow the screwup is on my end I apologize as you deserved it most - but like I said - I am pretty sure I sent it. Good luck.
Hello I would like to invite you to join a tournament I have recently created. I have not played this game for long, but I have relised that I would like to help to make tournaments a larger part of the game. To do this I am organizing a Lightweight Gran Prix tournament to compete the best current Lightweights in the game against eachother. You house some of the best all around fighters in the game so I was wondering if you are interested werhttp://mmarmy.com/tournamentview.php?tournament_id=419
Haha, it's definitely part of it! I was way too lax(i.e. stupid) on my fight picks before. I'd fight way too many GnPs and fight way too many people ranked far below me. After eight months I'm finally starting to figure out how to play, kind of embarrassing but oh well!
Ahh it's coming back around. I got bored with PL went to CD, and now I'm back to PL + adding GNP, I plan on complete obliteration of PG, if I can't beat em'.....well -- I'll G-N-P EM!
thanks steve, man it's getting hard as heck for me to find a fight unless it's an FF guy or something...I dunno man I either give the fight away or I fight u that's my choices....most of those so called respected vets are nothing but ducking pussies...seriously i get declined all the time even my PL guys who challenge 4 star JJ guys its bad...
Yea funny man dude says i'm a feeder and that's why i don't join the forums because of assholes like him he just tries and bully people because he has moderator status and i don't have time for that shit
yeah im still playing... but the real world is keeping me down... I am more or less just training and catching fights when i can :( When you see my guys shoot a challenge and when i get on I will fight!!!
thanks bro. i just wish i had more time to dedicate to it. alot of times i dont fight for 4 or 5 days, and i know you cant get anywhere not fighting almost every day. i almost wanna give the camp away, but i just cant..haha. good luck.
hey buddy...i have another question, and this time I dont want you to demonstrate during the fight. do you and all the other camps that have been playing forever play every day? both resets? because as much as id like to be able to get all my guys to fight every reset for the money i usually dont make it here both resets. so how long did it take you to start gettin the 5mill equipment? because im assuming withouth good equipment im just wasting my time. thanks buddy ole pal!
thanks for ruining this reset. i come to you for advice, i ask you for a few tips, and you give them to me while you also deliver a few L's. thanks buddy
and any tips or advice you have from here on out would be appreciated. ive decided that im only shooting for Glory or EFC belts, and only taking the highest paying contracts on the way. is that a dumb idea? should i take lower paying contracts and try to win lower level titles in order to gain ranking and then get to the big leagues? i know, im rambling.
thanks bro. im just beginning to catch on. i was hangin around .500 for a good while trying to figure out what worked, but im gettin the idea. i do know that Dynamo=sick stats and dangerous wars every time. good luck and see you at the top!
Thanks dude...after months and months...and months of fucking about I started to take it a bit more seriously and finally got a winning record. You obviously run a great camp and it's a pleasure to get fights with you. See you in the trenches.
Thanks for the compliment man...I had my camp on the right track finally then the day you leave that comment I goto jail! I just got out....lol. Shit sucks man. Now I gotta work back from nothing cause I know my guys gonna retire any day.
lol my killer recruits.. It is the one I normally only keep because of 1 high stat that i think won't amount to anything that ends up being the killer.. all the ones that start off good often end up disapointing
thanks, i've been taking a bit of a break and relaxing... hopefully there's some prospects that I have that will be ready to roll by the time i'm back full time.
yea man my team is doing all right some guy was telling me they say i'm feeding i only own this camp so if they say so but i see ur camp is doing well as usual number guy in the game huh , that's because your not fighting my guys lol
sorry it took a while to get back to you man been real busy and my camp is doing aight got a couple of studs i think except my beast misses weight all the time lol
Dawg I never said you ducked. I'm just starting to get pissed off about doing what I'm supose too to get a title shot and when I do I don't get one. Its over and done when so its cool. Hey are you in an alliance? I'm building a strong team in Uranus which you could join. If you are in an alliance defect,defect,defect. Let me know.
Crazy KO Camp