
1988 Top Team

Last Online - Tuesday 11th of March 2025
Display Name Russianthai
Member Since Aug 27, 2013
Active Record 0-0
Overall Record 603-432


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7-6-2017 7:13 am EST
Thanks RT , you were the first dude to reach out and offer me advice . I hope I can keep the momentum going and e able to compete with you all. Thanks again broski
7-1-2017 4:50 pm EST
Haha yeah we lost a lot of guys and are trying to build back to respectability and Warren is a drunken bum for life. Dont let his grumpiness bother you that just means he likes ya lol
6-30-2017 1:04 pm EST
love you long time
6-30-2017 12:08 am EST
Thanks brother what a beast you have there, that sub came out of no where man ... hell of a job champ
6-29-2017 8:41 am EST
Hey man would you have any interest in joining DBA alliance on the forums? Alliance's get to participate in cool events against other teams etc
6-16-2017 4:37 am EST
Come to daddy!
5-17-2017 7:36 am EST
Welcome back man! Been a long time!
Efrain Dario
Head Bangers
3-17-2015 10:55 pm EST
Please join my tournament, it's called Bushido Pride Grand Prix.
hell Saints 14
4-13-2014 5:11 am EST
hell Saints 14
4-13-2014 5:11 am EST
3 / 6 of my active fighters are in efc " little lady " , noy sure if you know buts that's 50% of my camp is in the best org. , all in all that calls for a big shut the fuck up ...
hell Saints 14
4-10-2014 5:26 am EST
alright next time I start a fighter ill somehow skip all the first orgs. and jump to EFC , sound good ? ps give me some advice on how to do that ?
3-7-2014 7:40 pm EST
Dude.. Wtf?
1988 Top Team
2-28-2014 7:17 pm EST