
The Outwatchers

Last Online - Wednesday 12th of March 2025
Display Name FistK
Member Since May 21, 2008
Active Record 5-1
Overall Record 15937-10268


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Chits Crew
1-19-2024 8:55 pm EST
9-6-2023 4:13 pm EST
Kicking the shit out of Mets fans daily
Heart FC
7-26-2023 4:18 pm EST
I got banned again for saying hi and hope everything works out for Chief. Could be only a 24 hour thing.
Heart FC
6-9-2023 3:48 pm EST
sup fisty MacK
Vince Lynch
6-9-2023 9:12 am EST
America not being #1 in everything (but sambo and judo) is a crime against reality.
Vince Lynch
6-9-2023 8:58 am EST
Don't forget to put a "kilt" (skirt) on all them scots.
Vince Lynch
6-6-2023 10:39 am EST
Why you reppin the Scots 👀
Vince Lynch
6-6-2023 10:39 am EST
I got high and wandered in, now I'm smacking people around in the name of the DBA. Even in my half ass laziness I'm making it look easy.
Vince Lynch
4-7-2023 9:58 pm EST
Hugs not drugs
12-18-2022 2:22 am EST
Glad to see this camp again...i've always liked your camps name.
5-3-2022 5:15 pm EST
Good to see you around old friend.
Who Knew
11-1-2021 7:22 pm EST
FistK sign up for my event on the forums bro!
Heart FC
4-6-2021 6:37 am EST
Yea I can't access the forums at all. If you were messaging me I would respond. If this situation doesn't prove to you and everyone else that Chief is not actually the one running the game I don't know what would.
1-16-2021 11:49 am EST
I’ll remember that from now on. I’m not big on the missed resets counting against you for title shots but I saw the pattern and figured you wouldn’t be on. All good moving forward...
Army of Shane
11-11-2020 7:05 am EST
Ok cool ...thanks i will join you...already applied my rwquest is pending
10-28-2020 2:18 pm EST
Hey Fist! Yeah, I had a sudden urge to dress up some pixelated fighters and read about them loosing fights in every way possible.
Who Knew
11-20-2019 3:40 pm EST
Nice to see you still playing too
11-19-2019 8:32 am EST
LAnce Templeton
8-3-2019 11:17 am EST
We made it!:)
7-29-2019 6:26 am EST
Lets not miss resets when I know ur getting challenges I'm 5 titles from a hall of fame fighter, I'll be pissed if u miss out on it cause u wanna sit on belt. Thanks man
Vince Lynch
7-13-2019 11:14 am EST
This is where LT has been hiding. DBA ftw!
Master System
Flying Fortress
6-22-2019 8:05 pm EST
Got space for a self-proclaimed founding member?
Oscar Souza
Jalapeno Top
5-31-2019 9:33 am EST
Hey there. I put in a request to join DBA.
Deak Skin Mask
4-19-2019 11:17 am EST
Yup it’s good bro
Deak Skin Mask
4-16-2019 6:31 pm EST
I tried a few times but access denied for some reason
Team Vegas
4-16-2019 1:29 pm EST
I appreciate the offer but no thanks.
Ben Dial
Kenpo Camp
3-16-2019 12:53 pm EST
I'm a former DBA member that is getting back into the game. Wondering what the protocol might be to get back into the alliance.
3-14-2019 5:00 am EST
I’m actually already a member of THC
2-22-2019 3:48 am EST
Used to be Dracorblack.
2-22-2019 12:06 am EST
Very briefly with an old alias, long enough to get the gist and participate in an event or two
2-19-2019 8:55 am EST
Not extremely active on the forums but I pop in from time to time and have a cpl guys in the wrestler event. Been holding off for a bit while I get back into the swing of things with my main and get my new camp to a more stable point, but what the hell I don't see why not. My fading memory and the various antique style guides will only get me so far lol.
2-17-2019 8:00 am EST
Deak Skin Mask
2-15-2019 4:51 am EST
No it's dw51
2-15-2019 3:09 am EST
Yep let´s get them!
Deak Skin Mask
2-13-2019 9:36 am EST
Just give me access to the forums
Deak Skin Mask
2-13-2019 9:07 am EST
Ya man sounds good to me
Crazy KO Camp
2-8-2019 12:34 pm EST
Thanks bro! Your grapplers always force me to adjust
Savage City
Croatian Assassins
2-6-2019 8:28 am EST
Damn. Nice power locks.
1-14-2019 6:29 pm EST
Hey man, not looking to join an Alliance as of right now. Thanks for the offer and noticing my camps it's been a long journey lol
Crazy KO Camp
1-14-2019 7:45 am EST
No problem Fist! I will let you know if anything changes.
Crazy KO Camp
1-12-2019 10:46 am EST
Yo fist! In THC currently, thanks for the offer though. Respect your camp and the crew in DBA
11-16-2018 1:54 am EST
sign me up
11-15-2018 9:32 am EST
Sign me up
10-20-2018 12:05 pm EST
Possibly I’ll think on it
10-15-2018 1:29 pm EST
Let me get back to you in a few weeks when my schedule lightens up.
Beer Devil
Local Heroes
10-15-2018 1:03 pm EST
Thanks man im uluvvutu im waiting to be aproved. Cheers
Beer Devil
Local Heroes
10-15-2018 11:39 am EST
Can you pls send me a link to the forums?
Beer Devil
Local Heroes
10-14-2018 1:49 pm EST
Sure :]
8-12-2018 1:22 am EST
7-15-2018 5:00 pm EST
Yes I would love to if it will make me better, at the game I joined last year I kinda of found my grove with my fighter Jason Olson but he retired, I lost interest because I wasn't able to get any of my other fighters as good as him so if you and that alliance could help me become good I would be really grateful
Wild Bill West
Hardcore Gym
6-24-2018 5:35 pm EST
I'm on the forum fightfantn2 and I'm interested in the alliance
Wild Bill West
Hardcore Gym
6-13-2018 8:00 pm EST
I might be interested, but I know nothing about the alliance's and I don't use the forum s either
6-7-2018 11:16 am EST
I am in an alliance, sorry Habibi.
Team Vegas
5-16-2018 1:37 pm EST
I know of you guys. Used to have a nice rivalry when the Merchants of Death were still around several years ago. I appreciate the offer but I'm staying away from the forums this time around I think.
Henk Myers
Camp Myers
5-16-2018 7:27 am EST
Hmm, I'll think about it.
Henk Myers
Camp Myers
5-14-2018 4:36 am EST
Hey, sorry for the late reply. I'm not sure I want to join an alliance, yet. I'd rather figure things out on my own before I get access to all the secret alliance information, you know?
5-7-2018 6:04 am EST
Lol ironically I was stabbed in Pizza Barn on Mclean Ave in '12 it was a crazy experience
4-26-2018 5:58 am EST
Yup Born and Raised! I moved from Yonkers in '08 to White Plains. #RavineAve Now I live in Florida
Cub Blue
4-5-2018 7:05 am EST
Yeah, I'm on the forums but it won't let me access the DBA thread.
3-12-2018 8:52 am EST
Banned again.
7-6-2017 10:39 am EST
Looks good I'm in
1988 Top Team
6-30-2017 7:48 am EST
It's all good man, I see your quite active on recruiting for DBA. I just came back from a break, was DBA low on active members? Is Warren still a drunken bum? I always kinda liked him even tho he was always grumpy towards me lol.
1988 Top Team
6-30-2017 3:58 am EST
Thanks fistk I really appreciate the offer but I'm in CC. I'm Russian Thai on the forums. this is just a camp that I gave elbown knee from when we were both in THC.
6-28-2017 4:21 pm EST
Hey man.. I appreciate the offer. I'm actually a member of TNG right now. I've been MIA this week (and haven't participated in any alliance events yet) but if something changes I will definitely get in contact with you if the offer still stands!
Dublins Finest
6-28-2017 9:04 am EST
No problem dude
6-28-2017 8:55 am EST
Cool thanks man, glad to be part of the alliance.
6-28-2017 8:35 am EST
No problemo thanks for reaching out, hope Dba comes back with a vengeance. You just picked up iceman that dude is the shit... g'luck man
6-28-2017 7:56 am EST
Ok cool I'll join the alliance bro
6-28-2017 7:01 am EST
Thanks for the offer bud, my name is Judas on the fourms and I'm a proud member of TNG. But thanks again
Dublins Finest
6-28-2017 6:41 am EST
Already part of SFL bud but thanks for the offer.
Talon Wing
6-28-2017 5:15 am EST
Appreciate the offer Fistk, but I'm already with Chaos Crew.
6-27-2017 9:15 pm EST
I'd like to join the alliance but I'm not on here much been kinda busy and can't participate much.
6-26-2017 5:23 am EST
No clue, just came on this reset to see it was gone.
5-16-2017 3:51 am EST
Hey man, I don't really understand the concept of 'trainers'. How do I make a guy a 'trainer' and what do I do with them as 'trainers'. And which guys make best trainers regards Mark
Dublins Finest
1-25-2017 5:59 am EST
Challenge was sent for what?
1-2-2017 8:06 am EST
fight sent for the belt prel bw robj :)
12-22-2016 5:23 pm EST
Challenge sent to Bert Douglas. Sick camp you have, man. Good luck
11-16-2016 5:47 am EST
Hey, Fistk. Yes, I have one guy by the name of Dallas "Cowboy" McDaniel. He is a FW.
7-14-2016 4:38 am EST
Challenge sent to russow Fistk old friend
2-7-2016 8:28 am EST
Sensei High Kick
Team LHK Security
1-26-2016 11:02 am EST
Yeah bud, Chief has made some great additions, glad to see the game still running strong. Life's good on my end, working a lot but enjoying myself.
Sensei High Kick
Team LHK Security
1-24-2016 9:47 am EST
Oh you know, out and about. Had the itch to jump back on and see where the game has gone. How're you?
Sensei High Kick
Team LHK Security
1-22-2016 12:27 pm EST
11-28-2015 10:58 am EST
Good to see you active again!
10-28-2015 11:16 am EST
I'm back and the team has a pretty decent start. Ready and willing to destroy your lower level, soon to be cast off rejects! :)
7-20-2015 3:41 pm EST
Haha yep! U in USA then? If so, they are very weird hours! Im always up for a scrap, so feel free to send me any fights, anytime!
7-20-2015 4:04 am EST
Great fights!
7-3-2015 6:23 pm EST
im good bro how you doing ? and you in a alliance if not join ours pm me if you interested :)
6-30-2015 11:30 am EST
good to see you back homie
The Godfather
859 Academy
5-11-2015 10:23 am EST
Glad you're staying active, always nice seeing familiar camps. I'm trying to avoid my 15th break from the game ha.
Efrain Dario
Head Bangers
4-16-2015 1:02 pm EST
Please join my tournament, it's called Bushido Pride Grand Prix.
3-5-2015 1:36 am EST
Great to see this camp back! :)
12-11-2014 10:45 am EST
see that now. good to see some familiar camps around though first time seriously coming back since 08/09. you still play tycoon?
12-6-2014 4:13 am EST
nice to see you back! wocker from ttt/mmatycoon. you got an alliance?
Sensei High Kick
Team LHK Security
12-2-2014 5:42 pm EST
Oh you know, out and about, haha. Good to see you on here. It's been a long time!
Sensei High Kick
Team LHK Security
12-1-2014 6:30 pm EST
Hey dude
Who Knew
11-17-2014 10:57 pm EST
What brings you back?
jersey devils
8-29-2012 9:02 am EST
That I am!!!! Active record 0-0 :(
5-3-2012 10:46 pm EST
nice camp dude. welcome back.
Jordan Smokin Gunn
camp getstoned
4-16-2012 11:26 am EST
good fight
jimmy chin wynn
2-15-2012 11:12 pm EST
dude wth i saw you online!!!!!!
donnie brasco
Hardknocks MMA
2-15-2012 10:00 pm EST
You have a PM on the forum :)
2-15-2012 10:49 am EST
whats up bro? long time no see
Vince Lynch
12-26-2011 2:03 am EST
Templeton, I'm comin for your fighters. Legend tokens.
Who Knew
4-21-2011 8:23 pm EST
You still active?
1-8-2011 1:25 pm EST
What did u do with your roster?!?
12-14-2010 6:45 pm EST
Yeah man, it's a small world, when did you graduate?
12-14-2010 9:57 am EST
thats where i went to hs, but the older school. I graduated in 99
12-14-2010 4:17 am EST
I'm from Monroe actually
12-9-2010 1:33 pm EST
Yeah, how'd u guess that?
Zangy Wonkers
11-9-2010 9:19 am EST
thnks brother
10-15-2010 5:27 am EST
the villains are in crazy horse ranch
joebob billy blueball
rednecks rjj
10-15-2010 3:06 am EST
10-14-2010 12:09 pm EST
lol, was doing Heroes in one camp and villains in the other
Vince Lynch
10-6-2010 10:36 pm EST
haha hardly ever get on here. don't take it seriously anymore at all.
Donkey Johnson
Team Pork Hammer
9-27-2010 4:18 pm EST
Well shit, all this time I thought FW was secondary to Power for 8pts. Check out this Don Frye replica I made: http://www.mmarmy.com/fighter_stats.php?id=732998
Donkey Johnson
Team Pork Hammer
9-25-2010 2:31 pm EST
Brozefson... just had a brain fart. If I'm building an 8pts guy my obvious enemies are going to be the PG and FS twats. Would takedown defense = Wrestling???? Has this ever been done??
9-23-2010 9:55 pm EST
...That is actually a great idea, man. Hmmmm.
9-22-2010 1:58 am EST
I dunno man, I just enjoyed learning about the effects of Judo when it didn't have it's own style, but now it's kind of obvious what you can use it for so I'm kind of like, "meh, whatever." Haha. I'm mostly concentrating on finding a way of replicating the style of early Pancrase in my camp in a way which can actually be sucessful in EFC. Addition of new styles is interesting though. Keep well boss.
Sensei High Kick
Team LHK Security
9-14-2010 5:06 pm EST
Nah I'm not done with the Alliance thing, I just don't want to say I'll commit when I tend to go through ups and downs with this game. Know what I'm saying?
unknown destroyer
Smashdown Gym
9-10-2010 10:20 am EST
thanks man and congrats to your brother 2 ive always wanted to be a k9 officer
unknown destroyer
Smashdown Gym
9-9-2010 5:33 pm EST
nah im a cop for the nypd so i got sorta stationed in manhattan but i go to middletown time to time for family
unknown destroyer
Smashdown Gym
9-9-2010 8:38 am EST
oh really cool im from middletown dnt live ther anymor but i still go 2 middletown and newburgh ocasaionaly
unknown destroyer
Smashdown Gym
9-8-2010 6:58 pm EST
Hi i heard u were from newburgh ,ny i was just wonderin cus i grew up near ther
Donkey Johnson
Team Pork Hammer
9-8-2010 4:13 pm EST
LEGIONS of cans infesting TPH at the moment.
Donkey Johnson
Team Pork Hammer
8-28-2010 10:10 am EST
Sensei High Kick
Team LHK Security
8-19-2010 11:49 am EST
Note sure if I'll be able to last as long as I did before, just giving it a go and seeing how I do. Where you posting at now? Still U-F?
8-1-2010 9:21 am EST
Zangy Wonkers
7-29-2010 5:00 am EST
haha! maybe your right.
7-25-2010 8:55 pm EST
i just read the comment and picture that huge bear talking haha
7-25-2010 8:54 pm EST
sorry i see your camp everywhere on comments. i jsut have to say. i love your avatar
6-22-2010 6:56 am EST
Tager Scissors = Ducker
wally bautista
6-20-2010 9:14 pm EST
yeah i use to play and my friends usally go there every friday aswell
wally bautista
6-20-2010 9:48 am EST
its coach cuilty and coach iggy
wally bautista
6-19-2010 10:17 pm EST
holyy shit dude wow ima be a junior in nfa this september i picked nfa cause i did wrestling this year and i live in the town of newburgh
wally bautista
6-19-2010 8:17 pm EST
thats the name of my highschool aswell :Newburgh Free Academy idt its the same place ur talking bout
5-29-2010 11:43 pm EST
I think that's a funny thing to be banned for, obviously it was a dick thing to say, but I've seen people say worse things than that daily in the shoutbox. I don't know how it can be justifiable to ban me outright while the people veering wildly off topic launch personal tirades against me are totally ignored, but I guess someone was just looking for an excuse to ban me. C'est la vie. But thanks man.
5-27-2010 6:06 pm EST
Dude, did I just get banned from the forums? What did I get banned for? It doesn't even tell me when I try to access them. I don't mind getting banned so much, but it's kind of bullshit if there's not even a legitimate reason. I wanted to try help out the newer Royal Blood guys too. Oh well.
Hardee Wreckshins
Gin and Chronic
5-24-2010 10:40 am EST
I figured there was probably just a mix up of some sort or you didn't see it. Glad we're cool and you didn't have a grudge against me for something. I normally wouldn't have even said anything but its one of the belts I haven't won yet.
Zangy Wonkers
5-11-2010 12:07 pm EST
Actually was just reviewing your dudes. My favorite has to be "Beauty Eh." Please tell me that is a reference to Strange Brew. Eitherway, your creative approach is similar to mine. Pretty neat.
Zangy Wonkers
5-11-2010 12:05 pm EST
thanks a lot my man. I really appreciate it. marvel is coming soon, but I have a few stupid surprises coming up before that haha. Good to hear from you!
Zangy Wonkers
5-11-2010 5:14 am EST
no, I'm not on the forums. Thanks for your comment about man at arms. Right now almost all my dudes are modeled after He Man. Before that, Greek Gods, and before that, it was DC comic book characters. having a little fun with it.
4-17-2010 10:15 pm EST
scott cooley
4-9-2010 10:50 pm EST
dont feel bad for me you are the onwe who lives in a basement.....go find your own bff!!! maybe you can juggle GSP's nutz in your mouth and take over for migrantworkers. i hear he needs a break....
Coach Koolaid
Koolaids Killers
4-9-2010 7:03 pm EST
Thanks. I stay under the radar for the most part, since I don't really get on the forums. I just recently found out there are alliances on here.
4-9-2010 2:50 pm EST
Man I Was Joking About The Big Improvement, Altho I Do Think You Need To Join Our Upcoming Alliance, Ditch The Boring Old One, Join The Revolution, Theyll Be Fun, Constant Parties And Innapropriate Drunken Moments!
4-9-2010 9:15 am EST
Cheers Bud, Kinda Dissapointed With Your Average Camp, Needs A Big Improvement ;) PS I Think Bellys Getting Feelings For You!
scott cooley
4-1-2010 7:30 pm EST
just playin....easy big fella!!!!!!
scott cooley
4-1-2010 3:07 pm EST
scott cooley
4-1-2010 10:26 am EST
in fact thank you for your generosity, he does need his arm back for personal reasons...wink wink....
scott cooley
4-1-2010 7:41 am EST
did it really take 5-6 days to come up with that comment???? i love the retort but come on seriously did you see that on someone else's wall and come up with that... for real.
scott cooley
4-1-2010 7:17 am EST
that 's why i am a big fan of pant suits......
scott cooley
3-26-2010 7:38 am EST
I'm from a lil town called beatcho ass. texas....moved away years ago but you are making me home sick....belly
Frank Lucas
NY Brawlers
3-10-2010 6:58 am EST
Staten Island dude..born n raise and am still here.
2-20-2010 7:43 pm EST
i kno im getting annoying but i have one last question what is sambo good for
2-20-2010 5:01 pm EST
ok im just making sure i have a guy thats highest is judo and i wanted to roll with that but ill train him in wrestling and btw im the guy u said mmartist doesnt work just im using this accoutn now
2-20-2010 4:23 pm EST
haha...thanks. Good job putting an end to that ridiculous thread about "Freud" haha
2-19-2010 3:28 pm EST
what style should i use for a guy thats strong in judo
2-19-2010 2:33 pm EST
that show was so epic that no remake could do it justice. That's why there is no sequel nor remake in over 20 years. Epic!
Royler Delgatto
Team Delgatto
2-17-2010 3:44 pm EST
thanks for the tip i was just using it untill i can get my jiu jitsu up
2-2-2010 5:27 am EST
That's a good look bro!...
2-1-2010 5:18 pm EST
Gotta love "Clobber'n time..."
1-7-2010 11:37 am EST
Big T Plays
12-30-2009 3:21 am EST
Yea thanks again for the nice words. If I remember correctly you ae DBA, right? Every DBA guy I come across is totally cool. You play the game with respect have fun and I have nothing but love for that.
Big T Plays
12-24-2009 9:40 pm EST
Thank you I appreciate it. I still have a long way to go but a few shines of light in my camp make the time and effort worth it.
12-23-2009 1:15 pm EST
Still the same, why?
Random Dude
Camp Random
12-7-2009 5:06 pm EST
heh.. just got back into it abit back..
12-5-2009 9:33 am EST
Hey bro thanks for the tips
12-2-2009 4:29 pm EST
that would be awesome bro, I have tried everything to figure out the styles but the best I can do is 8 points of contact LOL
10th Planet
11-12-2009 5:21 am EST
lol 8 months!!!! guess kick wanted you to earn it lol
Who Knew
11-11-2009 2:21 pm EST
saw that meng congrats
10th Planet
11-11-2009 2:17 pm EST
Congrats on the set fistk!!
11-11-2009 1:29 pm EST
Belt set complete
joebob billy blueball
rednecks rjj
10-29-2009 7:42 am EST
hey fistk buddy....i pretty much quit perusing the forums...don't have enough time, too much personal crap goin....shoot me a pm or email sometime
10-27-2009 6:58 pm EST
5000th win
10-18-2009 10:40 am EST
i've been flyin' under the radar. had some personal issues but just logged on to fight. lately i've been lurking in the forums & even entered the Muay Thai Tourney. i'll be more active than i've been though. how you been doin? -Bosco
The Robj23
10-13-2009 12:26 pm EST
same over here man chilling
Who Knew
10-13-2009 1:32 am EST
wad up fistk
The Robj23
10-2-2009 2:07 pm EST
hows it going homie ?
The Robj23
10-1-2009 3:13 pm EST
whats up man its robj23 from hitmen
9-16-2009 5:29 pm EST
Yeah, I'm back and enjoying it.
SnaPs N TaPs
8-8-2009 12:46 pm EST
Hey fist sent ya a challenge for the title in SOcat LW with Patterson he's won like 9-10 in a row so...just thought I'd let ya know I was asking for the shot...tapnYAout
Rhasta MMA
8-6-2009 9:13 am EST
Dude, don't you have like msn or icq or somethign? hit me up with you adress... as you know ,i am banned @forum and IRC :D
Rhasta MMA
8-5-2009 1:29 pm EST
Wazzap , your Nemesis is back! :) well, trying anyways... give me a msg dude, coz I think I could use your help. Take care bro.
Daddy Mac
8-2-2009 4:49 pm EST
Some reason I cant log into the forums anymore. :s
Sensei High Kick
Team LHK Security
7-24-2009 4:57 pm EST
No, never, he's always on.
Sensei High Kick
Team LHK Security
7-23-2009 4:26 pm EST
Goro and Arata retired this morning, Koichi is open though.
lufia of the fortress of
7-22-2009 6:40 am EST
ty for that info it lets me feel like a dipshit tho
Daddy Mac
7-20-2009 8:06 pm EST
Are you FistK in the forums?
Daddy Mac
7-19-2009 6:26 am EST
Are you still interested in me to join DBA?
7-8-2009 8:55 pm EST
wow..are you really like 2,000 wins up? and what the hell is this thing stompin its way towards me?
6-30-2009 1:56 pm EST
not a problem man, im just not ready or able to be a good alliance member yet. maybe in the future.
6-30-2009 1:30 pm EST
not on the forums. but you have asked me like 3 times now...haha, its all good though.
Sensei High Kick
Team LHK Security
6-28-2009 9:02 pm EST
I know dude, I'm trying to get on the boards more to talk with you all, been shit-swarmed with a bunch of bullshit that's been consuming me entirely. Hope all is well though.
6-23-2009 5:42 pm EST
I've always had shitty HWs in my japanese camp...I'm sure it's camp hiddens...
6-23-2009 9:31 am EST
You have such esteem crushing names for your HWs
Penns Pit
6-21-2009 9:23 am EST
haha its ok i hate roles team just as much!
Penns Pit
6-20-2009 10:56 pm EST
lol i saw what you said on one of roles fighters. Go Braves! lol
Penns Pit
6-20-2009 4:53 pm EST
boo mets lol
Richard Franklin
Team Franklin
6-17-2009 8:30 am EST
oh fearless leader of DBA haha i see rowdys been on top of the efc for a lil while i won 5 fights in a row then lost dammit hopefully ill get to challenege him
Chits Crew
6-14-2009 12:12 am EST
no I'm not on the forums
Daddy Mac
6-13-2009 4:00 am EST
i guess i could, sign me up then.
Daddy Mac
6-12-2009 6:54 pm EST
what is that?
6-12-2009 3:37 pm EST
still not dude, like a reader maybe
Daddy Mac
6-12-2009 12:31 pm EST
plumpto is my username
Daddy Mac
6-12-2009 12:28 pm EST
No, but I can register,
6-12-2009 9:45 am EST
Ill be there ready to battle, thanks lot
6-12-2009 9:31 am EST
Not sure what that all means, but if it has to do with fighting....how do i join!
6-10-2009 4:13 am EST
Lol...where did you learn that trick? :):)
Richard Franklin
Team Franklin
6-2-2009 8:21 am EST
heyy bud .. still runn through people i see haha i been workin on gettin my fighter "GSP" up the pfp ranks got him to 20 somethin then lost the glory belt
The Robj23
6-1-2009 8:45 pm EST
thanks man
The Robj23
5-31-2009 5:17 pm EST
whats up anyways man
The Robj23
5-29-2009 11:17 am EST
he didn't have enough time anymore and he was in my alliance and offered it to me woo hoo
5-21-2009 5:33 pm EST
hey man, do you know anybody that would like to take this camp over for me? it has a few solid fighters and i just dont want it to go to waste? hit me back.
5-15-2009 5:47 pm EST
you should tell the big wigs to UN-BAN Slayer6 from the forums.
5-13-2009 4:10 pm EST
Glad it worked out for you with Mean McDonald. I guess the student taught the teacher this time. LOL
5-13-2009 12:38 pm EST
It's nice to know that there are some people out there that can learn from a mistake. Not that it was a mistake, more a miscalculation of the moment. At least you can now keep that lesson in mind. Later Chief.
Fedor McGeeno
Dynamo Training
5-8-2009 9:05 am EST
Whats new bro? Hows the camp doin'?
4-30-2009 11:59 am EST
my bad man it won't happen again great fight
Peter Parker
Spider Sense Team
4-22-2009 9:43 am EST
you still get royalties
Peter Parker
Spider Sense Team
4-22-2009 9:43 am EST
it was a remix.
Peter Parker
Spider Sense Team
4-21-2009 9:35 pm EST
you know, I think your theme song might work better if it was for Smacku...doo doo Smacku Smacku doo Smacku Smacku Smacku doo doo doo...cuz of rhyming i figure.
4-21-2009 7:56 am EST
Congrats on getting your HW finally man lol.
4-16-2009 11:38 pm EST
i am like dead
Peter Parker
Spider Sense Team
4-16-2009 10:25 am EST
your avvie needed a theme song.
Peter Parker
Spider Sense Team
4-16-2009 1:10 am EST
doo doo doo doo doo FistK FistK FistK doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo!
bobby boucher
the waterboyz
4-9-2009 2:41 pm EST
starting to recruit guys...when i have a couple decent guys ill be fighting again... i have another old camp already up and running but no notable recruits yet
bobby boucher
the waterboyz
4-8-2009 5:13 pm EST
glad to see your still going strong... keep kicking ass bro, its what you do
4-8-2009 5:04 pm EST
No worries man, shit happens sometimes.
4-8-2009 1:15 pm EST
Hey man leave Lou Foster alone lols he's just had some issues in our training program here at Camp Harsh conditioning, but I assure that will not affect his performance!
Dutch Style
4-7-2009 1:38 pm EST
yo buddy. your record is awesome man. Im always open for suggestions. Thanks again for accepting me in DBA!
4-2-2009 2:29 pm EST
Ah! Good to know! Thank you for explaining that! That really pisses me off. I guess there are no regulations against that kind of thing? I'll be sure to ignore him in the future. Thanks again for the heads up.
4-2-2009 1:00 pm EST
Hey man! You don't know me, but I have a q. You called this camp (http://www.mmarmy.com/camp_display.php?id=12673) a "feeder camp". What does that mean? Sorry to sound like a noob. I gave the guy a shot anyway, but I just wanted to know what it meant for future reference. Thanks in advance! -maul
Tyler Kehoe
Sharks Tank
3-30-2009 5:45 am EST
Best Camp in the World don't give shot he will take them ......J/K DBA!!! also check my camp out
3-28-2009 2:26 pm EST
Thanks for the look over!
Juan Kayo
Team Fingerbang
3-25-2009 6:46 am EST
Oops, meant to post that on your fighter's page.
Juan Kayo
Team Fingerbang
3-25-2009 6:44 am EST
No problem, Good luck.
3-17-2009 4:29 pm EST
Wow, talk about over my head...it wasn't even close! I had no idea that you and FistK are one and the same. Went right on bye and never registered. I just did some checking around and found out for certain who you are. It couldn't have played out more perfectly. Without any hesitation...count me in. "All for one, one for all..."DBA".
3-17-2009 3:34 pm EST
Hey Lance, are you in DBA? Well, Tyler asked me to join and I said that I would if he got a majority vote which I felt was the proper way to go about entering an Alliance. Let me know more. Thanks, Warren
Penns Pit
3-14-2009 9:42 pm EST
I love Howard Stern.
3-4-2009 10:03 pm EST
Yes i listen to howard stern. LOL thats funny you asked me that. thanks for the help man. I own a mma clothing and gear shp so let me know if you want any gear. Also if you live in so cal stop by team quest fight club for free gym time.
3-3-2009 10:55 am EST
Whats up man? LOL at Droppin Loads,whats wrong with his nick name? Ha Ha Ha! Man you have s load of fights under your belt.How long has mmaArmy been around?Anyway thanks for the lol,good luck. Cheers Mate.
2-28-2009 7:04 am EST
Russ McDonald retired today EFC champion and number 1 fighter in the world.
2-27-2009 6:14 am EST
Holy crap Lance...ah...excuse me...Mr. Templeton. I need to address the sir name due to the respect deserved for the number of fights and certainly the number of belts won. As I was scrolling down the list I became scared...I didn't know witch way was up or down. I had to hit the reset button on my computer due to panic setting in that I wouldn't find my way back to the game.. Very nice! I'm totally impressed with your accomplishments in this addicting game. My "game hero", Mr. Lance Temple
Rhasta MMA
2-22-2009 8:57 am EST
Im banned from the forum. And get msn.
Rhasta MMA
2-22-2009 7:15 am EST
Drunken Bum Alliance! what is that!? And dude, get msn or skype. Then hit me up with the information. Btw, check out my Filip Suvorov, look at his cut! :D
Rhasta MMA
2-21-2009 4:19 pm EST
Hey dude, you hav'nt welcomed me back! How comes? Btw, whats your training equipment on?
2-21-2009 1:41 am EST
im game if im not too late
2-20-2009 6:38 pm EST
sounds good, what do i need to do??
Jeremy Carlson
Pacifica Sportfighting
2-18-2009 4:09 pm EST
Hey man. I think I'll take you up on the advice. The thing is, I've recruited about 3 pl guys, but they lose most of the time. They both have 3 stars in STR and SAM but they still lose. Here's what I think I know about power locks: Good against GnP, SFTF. BAD against: PG, 8pts, FS. Am I right or wrong?
2-16-2009 5:34 am EST
congrats on 3000 bro..
Donkey Johnson
Team Pork Hammer
2-13-2009 2:56 pm EST
Dude, this guy, Kenta Shimon, on THT is an absolute beast. I can't make him lose, lol.
2-12-2009 9:52 pm EST
man that camp image drives me nuts, i just wanna smash that fucking thing over the head with something.
Forast Griffen
toi tankz
2-11-2009 6:56 pm EST
Yo wassup bud?
1-29-2009 5:05 pm EST
yeah good fight man
1-26-2009 11:09 am EST
Yeah man you kept it interesting
Kadetska bojna
1-24-2009 5:07 am EST
nice job then...
Kadetska bojna
1-23-2009 5:52 pm EST
you really made it with an original recruit to EFC?
1-21-2009 1:35 pm EST
Hey Lance, thanks for checking in and saying hello. Yes, it is coming slow but surely. One small step at a time. A tremendous amount to learn. Check back again and say hello. Keep it up with those single digit fighters you are training up.
Jimmy Cricket
Camp No Worries
1-16-2009 8:49 am EST
FistK on the forums right? Just wondeirng what your thoughts on GnP was? Send me a PM in the forums if you get time (JimmyCricket). My camp has had GnP as a base pretty much since I started. So it would be fun to compare what we each think. Who knows it might help us both out.
1-12-2009 5:46 pm EST
nice man your mw's are tough bastards!
Richard Franklin
Team Franklin
12-31-2008 10:19 am EST
exactly !
Richard Franklin
Team Franklin
12-30-2008 10:50 pm EST
haha i just won 3 titles in one day bro
MMA Phreak
Red Heat
12-30-2008 8:56 pm EST
yeah, my pooch has won his fair share of trophies. some of the clips in that video are from trials. the one where he takes the guy down in the blue/yellow suit, we won two 1st places and a 2nd place trophy in that trial.
MMA Phreak
Red Heat
12-30-2008 8:12 pm EST
thanks. i had two GSD's before my current dutch shepherd. i'd never go back to GSD's. the malinois/dutch shepherds just have more drive. occasionally that works against you, but i'd rather deal with that than other issues.
MMA Phreak
Red Heat
12-30-2008 4:29 pm EST
no. if you goto the first KNPV video that i made, look under my other videos. the furious angel video is my dog Camo.
MMA Phreak
Red Heat
12-30-2008 9:37 am EST
if you look at the "Furious Angels" video that i made, that is my dog.
MMA Phreak
Red Heat
12-29-2008 8:34 pm EST
yes. it's true. did you watch the video?
Richard Franklin
Team Franklin
12-29-2008 8:25 pm EST
ok im in .. your name is fistk right ?
Richard Franklin
Team Franklin
12-29-2008 3:52 pm EST
sweet. count me in .. just signed up for forums how do i join the alliance ?
MMA Phreak
Red Heat
12-29-2008 3:47 pm EST
where did you hear that?
12-29-2008 4:54 am EST
Ah hello sorry for a extremly late response but if been away for a while. and yes im indeed from the netherlands
Richard Franklin
Team Franklin
12-25-2008 10:05 am EST
everyone seems to think im this decomm dude .. but na ive only been playin for a couple monthes
Richard Franklin
Team Franklin
12-24-2008 2:47 pm EST
impressive camp dude
Master System
Flying Fortress
12-24-2008 10:07 am EST
Dude, u gotta give me permission to acess the topics in our alliance´s forum
Coach Intense
Intense Pain
12-19-2008 9:26 am EST
yea.. i got photbucket.. but how do i link it?
Master System
Flying Fortress
12-17-2008 4:02 pm EST
hell yeah, count me in
12-17-2008 2:04 pm EST
Sure, I'm in... where's the scotch? Yummy yum yum... I love my scotch.
Vince Lynch
12-17-2008 12:37 pm EST
i'm more of a pothead but count me in lol
Fedor Em
Red Devil MMA
12-17-2008 12:15 pm EST
lol...i'm in
Coach Intense
Intense Pain
12-16-2008 6:26 pm EST
how do u put a pic on here?
12-15-2008 3:00 pm EST
ok, thx for the advice
12-10-2008 7:30 pm EST
what do u recommend for my fighters???
12-10-2008 6:41 pm EST
Yeah i could definatley use the help.. i'm not too sure what i'm doing.
12-4-2008 5:10 pm EST
Thanks for the fight man.
11-25-2008 7:28 pm EST
whats up man i see your camp is doing well
Sensei High Kick
Team LHK Security
11-25-2008 10:27 am EST
Hey FistK!
bobby boucher
the waterboyz
11-25-2008 7:13 am EST
ive been training my guys for a while and couldnt resist trying a couple of them....all bums...lol
11-19-2008 12:36 pm EST
Thanks, man. I look forward to mixing it up with your fighters.
Lake Fighting Systems
11-13-2008 8:26 am EST
no problem...good luck!
11-11-2008 5:55 pm EST
whats up man you forget how do decline a fight lol
James Parris
SFP Elite
11-4-2008 6:21 pm EST
yea i guess we are fat asses ... i know my guy sneaking snacks and those protein shakes were just regular milkshakes haha lol
Juan Banuelos
Top Fighters GYM
10-30-2008 5:00 am EST
Ramone Quintine
Power Pack MMA
10-26-2008 12:49 pm EST
Rhasta MMA
10-19-2008 1:15 pm EST
Dude, when are you online @ AIM? Getting bored to death here. No ghettos,hoes or gangshootings in Sweden you know. Atleast you can watch your friends gettign thier ass whooped on "COPS" :D Now, GET ONLINE OR FACE MY WRATH! :)
Rhasta MMA
10-17-2008 11:53 am EST
Ahh, when are the big american worker getting his ass to date the computerchair?
bobby boucher
the waterboyz
10-14-2008 7:40 am EST
thanks... work is very boring without mmarmy... lol
10-13-2008 10:27 am EST
thanks bro i do what i can Lenny is not that big for LHW so its nice that he is still able to win
The Robj23
10-13-2008 10:09 am EST
Don't worry about it, I'll never give Benshido or Izuka Dojo a title shot
10-13-2008 9:06 am EST
i vacate the belt because i fail weight sometimes
Rhasta MMA
10-12-2008 3:55 am EST
when you have added me, please remove my aim from your page:D
Doodoo Brown
10-11-2008 9:05 am EST
Thanks for lettin me know man, I saw something about that a few weeks ago Ill make sure not to accept.
Rhasta MMA
10-9-2008 1:17 pm EST
Oh yeah!? I must break you! If you die, you die! Astala Vista, baby! Yippie kay yeah MF! Im going to knock your hair black! Now, for you to figure out who said what of these commetns :D
10-4-2008 4:26 pm EST
you also man much respect
O Soto Gary
Team Human Tetris
9-28-2008 1:41 pm EST
Dang...thanks for the info bud...I think that might have been the last great win Nori had in him...the grim reaper's a-coming. :(
O Soto Gary
Team Human Tetris
9-19-2008 9:23 am EST
One...two...three... TEAM PLOPPYFIST!!!!
9-18-2008 4:30 pm EST
great fight man
9-18-2008 4:27 pm EST
you got the shot because i respect ur camp though
Corey Sands
Team Sands
9-12-2008 9:05 am EST
Why do I bother fighting any of your guys? Hahaha, thanks for picking on me.
Corey Sands
Team Sands
9-1-2008 6:09 pm EST
Team Sands baby. Stop picking on my fighters. M-E-T-S
Corey Sands
Team Sands
8-30-2008 4:49 pm EST
Hey Fistie, thanks for the beatin
Count Kitano
Kitano Dojo
8-28-2008 9:24 am EST
u r right my fault
8-27-2008 9:02 pm EST
damn man ur camp is pretty good i see
Flex Maverick
Team Suave
8-26-2008 5:46 am EST
I just realised what you meant, lookslike Wand is one of the feeder camps, I had it the wrong way round! Thanks for the info though, I appreciate it.
8-25-2008 6:48 am EST
I am of dutch heritage but have never actually been. Someday soon however.
Team 266
8-14-2008 4:03 am EST
cheers for the heads up its rediculas that he can still be champ. thanks anyway i might have to switch organisations
8-11-2008 4:53 am EST
The Outwatchers greatest fighter Ray Long has retired today. The former Delerium and Glory champion was in line for an EFC title shot. He achieved all of this as a first gen fighter. He was one of the Outwatchers original three recruits and the camp will never be the same.
Jon Austin
New England MMA
8-1-2008 3:30 pm EST
hahaha that's a shame. That's happened to me at least 3 times with Sammy Miller
7-29-2008 11:00 pm EST
Thank you for the compliment.. I try to develope good fighters.. sometimes I do, sometimes I don't.. Thank you again
O Soto Gary
Team Human Tetris
7-29-2008 5:29 pm EST
Fight me fist! -Juicer Osagawa
Rhasta MMA
7-28-2008 5:58 am EST
Its okey, we can dance another day.
Beer Devil
Local Heroes
7-25-2008 2:32 am EST
hahahaha sounds like fun :))) so he didnot have any nice stories to tell eh? :)
Beer Devil
Local Heroes
7-23-2008 5:25 pm EST
haha THE POGUES are the greatest :) hows Shane like mate? :)
7-18-2008 2:25 pm EST
no doubt man ur a stand up guy i respect ur camp
Paul Inosanto
JKD MMA Concepts
7-14-2008 6:39 am EST
Thanks man! EFC is super tough, I'm always happy if one of my fighters can take a win there. Just keep trying, it's the ultimate test if your fighter has good hidden stats and it's just great to have a fighter in the best promotion.
Peter Parker
Spider Sense Team
7-9-2008 11:56 pm EST
Haha, that Galactus guy is some other dude's camp from Brasil, this and the Poon Questers are my camps - beb.
7-6-2008 9:05 pm EST
Congrats man!! Delirium belt is a big deal, and at LW nonetheless. I got a guy in 5th or 6th I believe - Denny Reinhold who moved up a couple fights ago and is on a 5 fight win streak. Pretty even stats if you wanna fight em, a lot of the guys in Delirium have high stats so unless you can counter their primary style it will be hard to defend the belt consecutively.
6-28-2008 12:21 am EST
damn he needs jenny craig lol just playing
6-21-2008 7:08 pm EST
good fight though man and thx
Flying Submissions Master
Flying Submissions JJ
6-20-2008 3:41 am EST
Oh, whoops. Forgot to say I was Lavos.
Flying Submissions Master
Flying Submissions JJ
6-20-2008 3:39 am EST
Hey Fist! /;D Nice to see you off the forums man. You got a hell of a camp here.