
Elite Training Facility

Last Online - Wednesday 12th of March 2025
Display Name Fedor McGeeno
Member Since May 28, 2008
Active Record 14-10
Overall Record 23872-17409


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Mister Judo
9-15-2024 3:15 pm EST
Sly shows 95% of the time on the buzzer. Still pretty gey you beat my girl though
7-16-2024 8:47 pm EST
Hey thanks pal, hope to see you around!
7-6-2024 4:40 pm EST
Not a fan of you this reset.
6-13-2024 10:01 pm EST
I know right? Dinosaur is 2 wins away from tying what I think is the record of most EFC wins in a row. Hope to God he's got a year left in him.
5-27-2024 12:01 am EST
Good to see this camp around!
3-29-2024 4:09 pm EST
Thanks, dude!
3-17-2024 11:04 am EST
Gen 1 perks my freind :)
Itagaki Gym
3-15-2024 10:53 am EST
"Can't lose the fight when you the bribe the judges" -Zhou Gong
3-13-2024 9:14 am EST
little man!!!! pfftt
Rock Hard MMA
3-10-2024 1:51 am EST
Cheers it's starting to come together I think although the record says otherwise
3-3-2024 4:56 pm EST
Thx bro. Good to see a top vet camp return.
Mister Judo
2-21-2024 10:06 am EST
Just got hit by retirements! Was at 1200+ before that lol. Welcome back Steve! Look forward to fighting your guys!
2-19-2024 4:27 pm EST
Good to see ya back man! Always enjoyed fighting your camps!
2-10-2024 8:35 am EST
Cock gobbling thunder Cxnt :) Ready n waiting to slap you silly :)
Itagaki Gym
2-6-2024 8:28 pm EST
Good to see you back, bro!
9-21-2023 11:16 am EST
9-2-2022 2:18 am EST
As soon as I come back and start competing for belts you ghost and I don't get to test my camp against yours. Hope you enjoy your break but come back soon.
Crazy KO Camp
8-29-2022 5:11 pm EST
Hope you come back soon bro. Love fighting your camp. Would be a bummer if a couple of dudes whined you out of the game
Crazy KO Camp
8-25-2022 7:33 pm EST
Haha, hope I can do something with em. Haven’t always had the best runs with “top prospects”
8-15-2022 5:12 am EST
MW EFC shot broski
8-11-2022 10:21 pm EST
#1 camp ranking shockingly enough Aug 11 2022. Never had that happen before. Try to accept any reasonable opponent and proud to see my first top ranking.
7-26-2022 12:16 am EST
Thks bro but I don't know.. Tok striking is a great striking camp but you doing very well at that as well. Each time our fights are fun and close.
Adam Dyke
7-20-2022 9:00 pm EST
Or if I'm in a mood, I might make one look completely ridiculous for no particular reason at all haha
Adam Dyke
7-20-2022 7:25 pm EST
I'll pimp out the ones who earn it or are good prospects in my opinion haha may as well lose in style. Your guys are pretty baller too
7-14-2022 10:59 pm EST
appreciate the kind words, you have a good camp running too! cheers
Spencer Fighting Systems
7-2-2022 4:21 pm EST
Appreciate it mate.
6-23-2022 10:14 am EST
Respect your elders.... or i will be forced to open a can of ass whopping :)
5-25-2022 10:28 am EST
Gonna have to name a fighter the Fedor finisher.... :)
5-23-2022 11:40 pm EST
All Hail "Turbo Hunter"
5-12-2022 10:34 am EST
Man puffs out his chest :)
5-10-2022 4:00 am EST
Hey buddy, nice to hear from you! Hope all is well.
5-8-2022 10:13 am EST
I feel like he grew up with Mendoza lol! Theyve been battling it out in every org
5-7-2022 12:10 pm EST
no problem we always have some good battles
5-6-2022 11:31 pm EST
Haha yeh for sure! I’m gonna try and even out this lopsided record with a load of losses XD
5-5-2022 3:51 am EST
Haha I’ve been lucky with my previous job allowing me to be so active, unfortunately I’m not so much anymore so those numbers aren’t growing as much lol
5-4-2022 11:08 am EST
TBF Fedor glad you came back, just for the bants
5-3-2022 11:42 pm EST
ah so funny... pressure pick
5-3-2022 9:13 am EST
you giving me stick for calling a fighter pro :)
ArmBar MMA
4-30-2022 7:55 pm EST
yeah i'm not 100% sure but usually i try to train both because the guides i've seen have said "boxing+martial arts", so i assume it could mean either. and no problem, always trying to spread any info i have considering how cryptic this game can be.
ArmBar MMA
4-30-2022 7:50 pm EST
it's almost exactly the same stats as RK, except you wanna also build up karate and TKD. it's boxing/martial arts+footwork/speed/reflex/fortitude. but building up kickboxing probably doesn't hurt either. GG brother
4-24-2022 10:32 am EST
Agreed ! Thanks for the fights as well, always a war
4-11-2022 7:49 pm EST
welcome back bro
4-6-2022 9:36 am EST
If was not short of fighter i would retire the one fighter you beat out of respect
4-6-2022 9:30 am EST
Just read that comment :)
Dee Ann
Dee Ann
3-31-2022 8:42 pm EST
Nice camp bro, one day I'll get to this level haha
Sadaharu Oh Dojo
3-31-2022 5:11 am EST
Haha, trite and sly are the ones to watch out for, killing it lately. Good luck with the rebuild.
3-28-2022 1:46 pm EST
good fight bro
Brutal Intent
4-17-2018 9:14 am EST
Come join the forums, we'd love to have you over at Fist O'Clock!
Oscar Souza
Jalapeno Top
3-29-2018 1:37 pm EST
Dirk Croft won with a calf slicer. Up for a rematch?
2-1-2018 8:17 pm EST
welcome back my friend I'm gonna whoop that ass lol good to see you back buddy :)
2-7-2016 8:30 am EST
Rock Hard MMA
11-20-2015 4:45 pm EST
yeah man all good!
11-13-2015 3:15 am EST
Well, thank you for saying so. Have always enjoyed fighting your camp as well. Tough camp to beat. See you in the cage soon, I'm sure.
9-30-2015 8:57 pm EST
It was pretty fun. Tried it with a few fighters. Not sure I build it the same way as you did though. Were you saying you used kb in your AA? My build is box/ma/brawl for lefts.
9-30-2015 10:38 am EST
I've been doing well vs the Jitz using RK lately.. Not sure what success youve been having with it.
9-30-2015 10:36 am EST
Arrogant Assault. It will be fitting cause when it works I'm going to be pretty arrogant haha.
9-11-2015 8:28 am EST
Killing the game right now Fedor. Keep killshotting bitches.
Pete Predge
Quebec MMA
8-26-2015 10:13 am EST
Glad to be back sir! Glad to see your camp is still here too! Looks like it took the HKK direction ;)
8-25-2015 2:03 am EST
Thanks for the kind of words on my MW champ, your great fedor!
8-18-2015 1:02 pm EST
Going through all your fights i gotta say you are good!
7-4-2015 1:53 pm EST
and if that wasnt the case I apologize just a little salty
7-4-2015 1:47 pm EST
yo why did you accept MW shot after missing the reset you were up for it? my guy with 4 wins gets skipped now
6-11-2015 7:05 pm EST
Thanks dude! Thought I might as well make use of the 3 star KB my guy started off with, even though I'm a PL/PG kinda camp lol
6-8-2015 12:50 pm EST
Thanks man. Funny thing I always considered you and Phreak best.
Kamogawa Gym
4-25-2015 12:21 pm EST
i don't know how these other camps keep up with training more than 7 or 8 stats! it's nuts. i'll be back in top 10 soon, i hope!
4-21-2015 5:15 pm EST
Congratulations for the 1#. Your fighters are always a good matchup, very though
Efrain Dario
Head Bangers
4-14-2015 6:55 am EST
Please join my tournament, it's called Bushido Pride Grand Prix.
2-9-2015 2:52 pm EST
Thanks for the kind words. Was that Steve or Tommo?
2-7-2015 4:59 pm EST
get your facts straight. i have 3. and you could have asked my forum name, you dont have to stalk me. im not into nen. want my facebook name too? and i never said im good at this game, sorry i dont live to play this game like you. please crawl back into your troll cave with your boyfriend and die.
2-7-2015 4:53 pm EST
didnt forget, just didnt think you were that big of a nerd to log into your other camp to swing from my nuts. get a life.
Sub N Tug FC
12-17-2014 2:31 am EST
ah i see, i understand but why not run one normal styled camp rather than two pussy bitch made styles? PTP is bad for your legacy. no real coach uses that garbage, thats some noob shit homie. phreak dont use ptp for a reason. spidey,hudo, nobody besides chubby who is openly hated for the chubby era.
Sub N Tug FC
12-16-2014 5:06 pm EST
i understand its a cheap and easy build,but how come you run two PTP camps? im sure a coach as good as you could win with any style.
12-10-2014 7:52 pm EST
You know this isn't sov right lol? -Pepster
11-27-2014 2:11 pm EST
No worries man. I was in the heat of the moment. Should get my oportunity again this reset :p. I did almost the same thing to Santa a reset ago also, so I understand.
9-19-2014 5:28 am EST
Can you unrestrict Who Knew on Elite so you could see how ill I think The Flash is?
Pete Predge
Quebec MMA
8-27-2014 10:42 am EST
Glad to hear it man. I just subscribed to the forums, perhaps thats going to help me get familiar with all the unwritten rules. Sorry for my mistakes, youve got two killer camps right there, would be a shame not to be able to compete against them.
Who Knew
8-13-2014 12:00 am EST
Are we good bro? You're one of my favorite coaches. I was just telling you about Dixie Mma's title shot ducking practices.
Who Knew
8-9-2014 4:08 pm EST
I was talking about Dixie MMA having shady defenses. Thanks for the comments bro.
Who Knew
8-8-2014 12:07 pm EST
??? I think we're talking about two different things sir. I wasn't talking about what you are my man.
Tap or Sleep
7-7-2014 9:43 pm EST
Good fights indeed. Was fun to test some guys and fight yours.
Athlon MMA
7-7-2014 9:06 pm EST
Yea, definitely - great fights!
7-2-2014 12:39 pm EST
I agree bro!!!!
6-15-2014 10:47 am EST
point taken. thanks again dude!
6-14-2014 9:38 am EST
Really? I'd say mediocre at best. Still working with a lot of my first gen fighters since coming back. But thanks amigo, like always your camps are solid. One of coaches I respect the most;)
Mister Judo
4-21-2014 3:57 am EST
Someone had to do it after u left lol. Welcome back dude
The Lobster
3-30-2012 9:30 am EST
Ha. Dirrrrty Ace came out. 2 losses by finish in my last 2 fights put me on tilt. You were the collateral :)
3-28-2012 10:42 am EST
Glad to see you back broseph!
3-24-2012 5:59 pm EST
Thanks, my brotha!
Hayato Fuurinji
Ryouzanpaku Dojo
3-23-2012 2:14 am EST
Wow you got a lot of wins.
Mike Garrow
Grrows team
3-18-2012 8:39 pm EST
12K!!!!! Congrats you stud!
3-17-2012 6:51 pm EST
12k your a fuckin monster!
Auvo Niiniketo
Hokutoryu JuJutsu
3-16-2012 5:48 pm EST
Mike Garrow
Grrows team
3-16-2012 4:09 pm EST
Just like old time...you kicking my ass!! I got tears!
3-9-2012 7:47 pm EST
Wow my homie is back what what
3-6-2012 6:47 pm EST
I can't imagine where you'd be win wise if you didn't take a break lol. Glad to see you back bro.
3-1-2012 11:15 am EST
I wonder if I'll get 5k wins before you get 15k? Doubt it lol
Who Knew
2-28-2012 8:55 am EST
Man, came back not too long ago.
No Surrender
2-28-2012 8:40 am EST
just back, and closing in on 12k!
Who Knew
2-27-2012 7:19 am EST
Mike Garrow
Grrows team
2-19-2012 10:26 am EST
Great to see you back man!!!!! Total class.
Mike Garrow
Grrows team
2-16-2012 11:38 am EST
Where are you?
2-15-2012 7:33 pm EST
KP Keough
Beast Mode
7-10-2011 1:57 pm EST
Come back, steve.
6-19-2011 12:37 pm EST
I wish you were here.
4-25-2011 7:41 am EST
You on the forums?
Who Knew
4-15-2011 4:39 pm EST
What up bro
The Godfather
859 Academy
3-6-2011 6:26 pm EST
Need ya in the sub-forum if at all possible steve, hope all is well.
The Axe Murderers
3-5-2011 9:25 am EST
Hey, im a casual player thats kinda looking to take my camp to the next level. If you have time, could you take a look at my camp and see what direction I should take? And give me some advice on how I can win more?
3-2-2011 2:35 pm EST
yo! hope everything is good bro! i set up a tourney for TLCS. you get to enter any 4 fighters you want. go put them in, we have the other 60 already signed up. just need your 4. tourney is called TLCS King of Kings.
2-18-2011 4:45 pm EST
Good, always liked fighting you, so hopefully everything works out well man.
2-8-2011 9:13 pm EST
its gonna be a slooooow comeback.. but im glad to see ur still in the game man!
2-3-2011 3:11 am EST
No Worries Mate, You Gave Me The Shot! Lol!
1-16-2011 2:50 am EST
title shot for preliator lhw ? Sam ''young gun'' Perry.
jose te cabo
camp killer
1-11-2011 12:12 pm EST
thanks man great fight you fought my al jodion my jiu jitsu dude lol i needed my revenge
12-9-2010 4:57 pm EST
damn that was a close fight
Nickolai Schauskoff
10-12-2010 5:19 pm EST
hey, u still on?
9-4-2010 11:42 am EST
thanks bro, you cuttin' back your activity a little bit? i guess after you break 10k wins you lose a little interest.
9-3-2010 8:07 pm EST
Thanks dude, you got a nice camp sig yourself ;)
7-10-2010 8:21 pm EST
Thanks, thought I'd try to get back into the game, I've got allot of catching up to do.
Ben Dial
Kenpo Camp
7-8-2010 6:29 pm EST
I apologize for offering you a fight. I offer everyone that is online if I want to get a fight in before the reset. But you won. Yay you?
The Punishers
7-2-2010 3:06 pm EST
READ YOUR COMMENTS! :-)))) Tourney is waiting for ya!
The Punishers
7-1-2010 2:26 pm EST
A new 4 man tournament...let me know what you think...
KP Keough
Beast Mode
6-29-2010 6:33 am EST
lol, no worries. I'm never sure if some of the top contenders want a shot at a low-org belt or not. By the way, congrats on 10k.
The Punishers
6-26-2010 7:58 am EST
gotta start it now, if you want to be in the next one, let me know...
The Punishers
6-26-2010 3:51 am EST
well...let me know if you want in or not. I will start the tournament next reset
The Punishers
6-25-2010 7:19 pm EST
Nice job with the 10k. thx for accepting that legend fight back in the day. If you got a good slammer, join my free openweight 4 man tournament...
6-21-2010 8:09 am EST
10,000....wow, nice job man
10th Planet
6-20-2010 7:52 pm EST
congrats bro! amazing accomplishment!
6-20-2010 5:21 pm EST
10,000 wins. Congrats friend, that's a lot of ass kicking.
Black Santa
Team Ochocinco
6-15-2010 7:46 am EST
Yah...I just looked through your entire active roster. We have fought all of twice. Both times you had the style advantage. But ya...I am the style crusher. Right Dude.
Black Santa
Team Ochocinco
6-15-2010 7:27 am EST
LoL. Resorting to name calling are we? And you talk about this integrity thing. I have sent you plenty of good challenges. If you fail to accept them then that isn't my problem. Also what am I supposed to do if I am in a division with all PGers and I am GnP...Should I just not fight that guy?? To meet your standards? I don't get it bro.
Black Santa
Team Ochocinco
6-14-2010 6:34 pm EST
LoL? Style Crushing? You must have the wrong guy bro. Im sorry...maybe I send your PG guys challenges from GnPers. I really don't know what you are talking about. And if that is the case try a SiO switch. I don't know what else to tell ya bro. I can always go MMArtist and lay down for ya...That good enough for you?
6-2-2010 12:06 pm EST
Hey man, when you have some fighters that haven't fought and my fighters are free in the same org please send me challenge. I usually log on late on the resets, so it's harder for me to find fights, and I always love battles with stand up camps like yours.
5-4-2010 5:00 pm EST
You will beat me soon I'm sure!! lol..btw, outstanding job here over 9500 wins and well on your way to 10k...Go get em Steve!!!
5-4-2010 3:27 pm EST
it was under help with efc lw bro.
4-21-2010 9:18 am EST
I'm VostreRoy on the forum
3-30-2010 4:26 pm EST
Don't laugh at the punching bags it's true they be brittle little princesses and you might hurt their feelings lol.
Mike Garrow
Grrows team
3-26-2010 7:44 pm EST
JT Long has gone to complete shit since beating your guys. He was 10-1 then. Now he is like 13-10. Very sad.
Cecil Harvey
Paladin MMA
3-18-2010 3:25 am EST
Oh God, seven #1 p4p fighters?! Insane skill...
Hells Lair
2-18-2010 6:11 pm EST
well ill take any fights from you, ranked above or below...so if you see my please send!
Mike Garrow
Grrows team
2-17-2010 4:38 pm EST
Blackhearts wants you bro.
Jamie Strong
Team Strong
2-16-2010 3:25 pm EST
Thanks and thank you Chuck Norris!
Hells Lair
2-15-2010 5:13 pm EST
thanks for fights, you are killing me!
Jonas Bol
1-22-2010 4:14 pm EST
Youre welcome. Even I was surprised with the result. See ya.
Eleven Lounge
12-31-2009 2:39 pm EST
you gonna hook me and my camp up with our first ever efc title shot? -luther gray
12-30-2009 3:48 pm EST
Thanks for the challenge and Happy Holidays man.
12-29-2009 6:57 am EST
my dude must have a certain hidden that makes him better against pg. i wish i knew what it was.
Peter Parker
Spider Sense Team
12-21-2009 9:02 am EST
er...that guy's a 151 lb trainer..
The Punishers
12-11-2009 7:59 pm EST
Thanks man!
The Punishers
12-10-2009 11:19 pm EST
and apart from that it is great fun no matter who loses...
The Punishers
12-10-2009 9:03 pm EST
as said it is a catchweight bout so ANY weight realted advantages are gone, just ask mkick!
10th Planet
12-1-2009 11:22 am EST
i thought i clicked on this camp not Dynamo....either way just showing equal love lol
11-29-2009 12:01 am EST
i didn't realize i'd been fighting your camp a lot lately?
KP Keough
Beast Mode
11-12-2009 3:43 pm EST
Damn man, your PGers are crushing me lately!
11-8-2009 8:39 am EST
well, i dont stay on the comp playing this game all night, so its not like i knew only you were gonna be available to fight.........h
Hardee Wreckshins
Gin and Chronic
11-4-2009 9:25 pm EST
I can sleep well tonight knowing Chuck Norris approves of what I'm doing. Send me a challenge anytime. It'll be awhile 'til I get on your level.
10-30-2009 8:44 pm EST
Thanks for checking and and the complement!
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
10-30-2009 6:24 pm EST
thanks man, but you know this game runs in cycles. i had a good one. i'm soon to suck again...
Ricky Suarez
Fire Kingdom
10-18-2009 6:24 pm EST
Yep EXACTLY 10 yrs from recruit date is all he lasted....he'd been in the top 10 of the game I'd imagine if he'd had 5 more to go seeing as he already had 11 titles...
Ricky Suarez
Fire Kingdom
10-18-2009 5:35 am EST
dude Cod Lock retired the other day he retired 10yrs to the day he was recruited. With 11 HW EFC titles, had he lasted 15 years I've got no doubt he'd been in a GOAT category somwhere. UNless he declined terribly somehow or something...
Ricky Suarez
Fire Kingdom
10-11-2009 11:11 pm EST
Fuck yeah he is. I know the faggot ducked me like 9 out of 10 fights. Then he'd send a 4 star pg to fight a 3 star PL and I'd accept anyways. That's why he has guys up in orgs with like 27-4 records. I've always accepted a fair fight and most the time 90% at least I accept one that's not so fair...I've got a guy that's 21-1 right now and that's the first time ver for me. He has them all the time bc he's a pussy ass fucker and a fucking fag to boot. Btw COD LOCK is p4p #1 bro..
Ricky Suarez
Fire Kingdom
10-11-2009 4:35 am EST
Thanks bro. Cod Lock is either ON or OFF. He's just one of those fighters that can do it all when he wants to. If he doesn't then he'll do just enough to lose. I've gotten him to #2 and it's cool to see that I have the #2 fighter in the game. Only thing is/; is that when you're in the EFC title shots get people mad and I don't like the drama of it all. I had to choose between tes and caleb and I chose tes first then caleb plead his case in the sb and i saw what he meant so now tes i
10th Planet
9-1-2009 8:10 pm EST
Hater!! lol, i must admit i do love going on other camps pages and seeing my name written..lol
8-31-2009 2:05 pm EST
Oh and Teshore just said that because he loves my camp name (Dead Rabbits) so much and he's trying to inherit the camp if I ever leave it LOL.
8-31-2009 2:03 pm EST
BTW congrats on 6000! I'm a week late but who's counting lol.
8-31-2009 2:02 pm EST
hahahaha so be it Steve, the way it's been going lately maybe I will duck your PL guys from now on LOL.
captain beardo
sin city fighters
8-26-2009 3:35 pm EST
thanks a lot man...i appreciate it
10th Planet
8-25-2009 7:01 am EST
thats what im hoping for..lol
10th Planet
8-24-2009 10:29 am EST
congrats on 6000...and man, you've been whooping me lately i think im like 1-73 against you now!
KP Keough
Beast Mode
8-19-2009 9:52 pm EST
Hey dude, belated congrats on 6000 wins.
8-12-2009 7:24 pm EST
Actually this is jbear and a camp im building to eventually give away as an alliance prize. But thank you for the very nice comment and the generous offer. Respect.
Charles Bronson
Team MMAndom
8-12-2009 4:02 pm EST
Ha! I was pretty worried actually, The Creep has kicked Tyson's ass already a few times now.
8-11-2009 5:12 pm EST
Thanks man. I really appreciate you saying so.
jersey devils
8-7-2009 11:57 am EST
Thanks bro. I am feeling much better now.
Mr Slippyfist
Team Slippyfist
8-7-2009 11:43 am EST
Thanks man...that means a lot coming from an elite player. Always a pleasure!
8-7-2009 7:06 am EST
hey man, both our guys retired after that title fight....must have beena war...was an honor for my first efc champ to go out fighting oone of your guys
8-6-2009 4:00 pm EST
was a toss up, both guys that challenged were ranked ahead of me and on 3 fight win streaks...but you beat him in your streak so i gave it to you.
7-30-2009 3:47 pm EST
Yeah I post on the forums a bit under the name Ben. I've seen the alliance stuff around the forum allot, but I'm not sure what they exactly do?
Charles Bronson
Team MMAndom
7-29-2009 5:13 pm EST
Thank you sir. It came as a surprise to me, though!
7-28-2009 1:00 am EST
thanks dude, just started this site not to long ago. gnp camp is hard work .
7-19-2009 1:50 am EST
Thanks man. You have a top camp too.
7-18-2009 9:00 am EST
thanks for the compliment ...we can fight any time
scott cooley
7-17-2009 4:05 pm EST
good fight sir looking forward to more
7-16-2009 12:15 pm EST
haha..yeh, i was kidding. i actually love fighting your camp. anytime i see your name im definately accepting. and any time i win, im definately smiling. :)
7-5-2009 8:33 am EST
Geez Bro you're kicking ass in the LW division right now. Congrats.
Mike Garrow
Grrows team
7-2-2009 5:24 pm EST
Much respect bro!
Mike Garrow
Grrows team
7-2-2009 5:13 pm EST
I log on every once in a while. Jr fights some of the guys, but when he slacks off, I come on to fight 1 or 2. By no means do I try to get a lot of fights. I only need one belt to complete the set. My LHW got the pro xc hw title, then lost a split for the socat. lol Once that is done, I might fight every once in a while, but not much. And I defentely will not be on the forums. UFC.COM bro, UFC.COM!!!! I will make sure you re treated with due respect. lol
7-1-2009 8:04 pm EST
Thanks man I should pull down the milestone in the AM. Appreciate the kind words, always enjoy the battles!
6-30-2009 8:27 pm EST
Yea I have been busy lately though. I retired my camp about a month or two ago, then found some time to get it going again, but I have really been bust theses past 2 weeks so I had to give up on that. The camp is running good though.
6-30-2009 6:10 pm EST
a vet in disguise? im flattered.
6-13-2009 12:14 pm EST
damn son...4 dudes in the top 25? i swear when i grow up im going to be just like you! one day...ONE DAY! kiddin man, but thats sick. you got your shit together, while im still trying to figure out how the hell to play, effectively atleast.
The Robj23
6-9-2009 3:34 pm EST
damn steve i can't get a reply?
6-8-2009 3:56 pm EST
Thanks for the fight bro!
Mike Garrow
Grrows team
6-8-2009 4:44 am EST
Roster is looking awesome man.
6-6-2009 4:26 pm EST
Lenny "DB II" Williams thanks Elite Training Facility for taking a fight that doesn't meet your criteria of competitive challengers. Camp Southern Yankees is grateful for the opportunity to fight in the premier league and against a formidable fighter and camp. This is Southern Yankees first EFC Title and we will hold it sacred. Thanks again for the fight. A proud member of Drunken Bum Alliance. :)
sick of you too
are you stupid
6-5-2009 11:29 pm EST
According to a report from scrappin.com the fighter Tyson "Eat Biter" Cooper is highly irritated with and has made several threatening phone calls to the punks surrounding Elite Training Falicity. The alleged incident stems from a fight just a couple months ago when Tyson wore his favorite red and blue undies and ETF made a derogitory comment. Tyson did not like the comments made and so him and fighters from his camp have sworn war against Elite Training Facility!
6-1-2009 5:12 pm EST
But i have nothing but love for you buddy...lol
5-28-2009 11:24 am EST
Perhaps there was another reason why i didn't challenge them. Dont be so quick to think I'm just trying to get the best style match up (God forbid anyone tries to do that!!), i may have not challenged them because I mightve seen they were in line for a title shot, or i may have not even clicked on their profile at all.
5-28-2009 8:11 am EST
Well, sorry. But if you have guys ranked near me, whether theyre PL or CD, im gonna challenge them.
Big Losers
5-26-2009 7:38 am EST
yeah, was trying to get my first shot at an efc title and hope for a punchers chance, didn't think my guy could beat any of the top 10 so he would fall out of contention, then the bastard retired, guess he was afraid. thanks for the comment, i knew I was trying to steal a title shot without a win in the org. alvaro-big losers
Mike Garrow
Grrows team
5-22-2009 4:02 pm EST
Ah man, Mark had told me he thinks I was up for the title shot. I was not going to argue with him...lol Sorry bro.
Mike Garrow
Grrows team
5-22-2009 2:58 am EST
I am headed to a job interview. Am taking my computer, but my internet will not be that great. Ok, but not great. You have two guys with a win. Tanner does as well, but he sat out. Pick which one you want to fight for the title and send the challenge.
BJ Dwinell
Team Birdman
5-21-2009 6:07 pm EST
Thanks for the tip biggin...
5-20-2009 6:24 pm EST
damn you keep sending them monsters after my guy or what lol
lufia of the fortress of
5-20-2009 5:49 pm EST
yo man u are to big of a poor sport man,KUTFO's fighter that u were saying didnt deserve to fight you...retired that was a rank of #17 btw.but u say he didnt deserve to fight you.
5-15-2009 5:47 pm EST
you should tell the big wigs to UN-BAN Slayer6 from the forums. :)
Felix Silva
Team Nature
5-15-2009 4:11 pm EST
It's mostly a power lock camp now, thats why haha. Thanks. Good fight by the way.
Mike Garrow
Grrows team
5-13-2009 4:45 am EST
I get so mad at this game sometimes.
5-12-2009 5:09 am EST
Alright which of your endless supply of fat asses want a piece of me today lol.
5-10-2009 7:23 pm EST
thanks, gl to you man
Gary Mclintoc
Hawaii Town Blowers
5-8-2009 8:31 pm EST
5-8-2009 9:07 am EST
hahaha nothin but love Stevie
Team 7 Eleven
4-28-2009 2:07 am EST
hey thanx bro.. I didnt get a chance to play mmarmy for 3 weeks, all my good fighter retired..
Team Toon
4-23-2009 7:57 am EST
Wow! That Elite avatar really brings back some memories!
4-17-2009 11:39 am EST
Not really man. lol, right now on the rebuilding mode. My "Rebuilding Gen" did their job on getting the team back up, so this gen will hopefully be stronger and ready to have many wars with your teams again.
4-16-2009 1:49 pm EST
damn steve i don't even get a good fight lol
4-8-2009 7:54 pm EST
thanks man good fight
4-8-2009 7:13 pm EST
Ahh so youre Steve Mcgreeno!
10th Planet
4-6-2009 6:54 pm EST
what a great camp!! always great having wars with you!!
Team 7 Eleven
3-22-2009 4:48 am EST
Thanx, still trying to get better at the game. you got a awesome camp ..
Mike Garrow
Grrows team
3-18-2009 9:45 am EST
He is getting ready for retirement. Gonna be an under ware model.
3-11-2009 5:38 pm EST
i left a comment on guzman's page .i'm an idiot!
2-20-2009 12:52 am EST
Hells ya silver n black representin'...
Jesus Sanchez
2-18-2009 3:26 pm EST
yes sir i am, took some time off to get refreshed now im back again.
Carlos Gracie
Gracie Elites
2-12-2009 5:13 pm EST
Wow great camp
Sukh Klass
King Cobra
2-2-2009 3:05 pm EST
Yeh cheers mate im just finding it hard to find fights nowadays, vernon lee was bit of legend good fighter
Nickolai Schauskoff
12-29-2008 8:48 am EST
How bout that BUSH!!!!!
12-28-2008 9:33 pm EST
pm me with potential reps for alliance wars and links to fighters we are gonna start in del robj23
12-23-2008 9:41 pm EST
by the way thanks would never had tried to make 155 and he did thanks fucker lol
12-16-2008 4:21 pm EST
thanks man, i appreciate it, yeah i like fighting your camp too, "the viper" was quite the beast, I've had a run in with "the shadow" also and i didn't realize TOorNO was yours, that's cool man
12-16-2008 3:52 am EST
Lol thank you, It is a shame I had to get a bunch of hm and eggers before I lucked out with Dalton Kelly..
12-16-2008 12:36 am EST
Ronin Warriors http://www.mmarmy.com/camp_display.php?id=20803
12-10-2008 9:25 am EST
Thanks! =D Maybe soon I'll kick your guys ass =D haha, probably not, but it's worth a try XD We would have like five guys fight eachother like every other day lmao. I think I'm like.. 1-100 against your camp. You have a great camp, I'm jealous.
12-9-2008 9:14 pm EST
don't sing it bring it
12-7-2008 9:52 pm EST
favorite camp :)
Captain Tina Hark
Team Centaur
12-5-2008 6:53 pm EST
Thanks for the fight, i'm amazed Playboy won, i thought you were going to dominate me.
12-5-2008 4:30 pm EST
lets do this chump "The finisher"
Hawaiian Pride
Tap Out Or Nap Out
12-2-2008 4:30 pm EST
thanks bro,I'll check into that-Morgan Gray
Hawaiian Pride
Tap Out Or Nap Out
12-1-2008 8:35 pm EST
lol, cool.Just got his first lost.RNC'd! No worries tho,lol
Hawaiian Pride
Tap Out Or Nap Out
12-1-2008 5:35 pm EST
Back again,"Joe Price" can cut to WW (3-0) ,and ,he won the GEC wW belt,lol.He beat a guy who had close to 100 fights.,but got the boot right after.Hopefully he can do well at the top level!Peace!
11-30-2008 6:29 pm EST
Thank you my friend, i think I am moving up after ym contract ends, hope to see you there
11-29-2008 4:25 pm EST
much respect to your camp
Hawaiian Pride
Tap Out Or Nap Out
11-28-2008 10:01 pm EST
Thanks man.Hmm,I haven't tried,yet.I'll get back to you on that!
11-14-2008 2:16 pm EST
This camp and Dynamo Training kick my ass =(
11-10-2008 6:31 pm EST
well, i take back my take back, missed weight. he's useless.
11-10-2008 6:22 pm EST
take that back, he just made weight, but the dude that challenged him didnt! haha, hopefully i can get him makin weight consistently, i never get a good lhw.
11-10-2008 6:21 pm EST
i thought i had a killer too man, mother fucker wont cut shit!
10-30-2008 4:39 am EST
haha, yeah "jobber" has not tried to cut to 85 yet, but i need a LHW guy to grab some LHW belts i need, so he is stuck at 05 for now.
10-21-2008 8:54 pm EST
haha bro. i honestly dont know, i guess camps have hidden stats too. Crippler's corner is even sicker. i think ive had 3 or 4 280lbers on that camp, to go along with atleast 8 270+ lbers. haha.
9-20-2008 8:28 pm EST
Hey dawg just seen your message, Thanks alot for the respect. Your camp look great too plus you got a glory belt which has alutded me. Anyways thank you, Philly Dawgz.
jake miller
ADDHD nut house
7-26-2008 8:24 am EST
nice school