

Last Online - Wednesday 26th of February 2025
Display Name SN
Member Since Sep 2, 2009
Active Record 172-127
Overall Record 8192-5943


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Goodkid MMA
3-6-2025 11:55 pm EST
You paid all this money on ebay just to abandon this camp?
1-1-2025 3:45 pm EST
I did :)
Mister Judo
11-11-2024 3:28 pm EST
Looks like you’re on your way there. Keep big weight recruits, your stats look solid. Fight as much as you can, get 5 star equipment and buy more roster spots too. It’s a grind of a game but keep chugging away! I’ll see you at the top! Also join the discord! Lots of events and discussions there, the forum for this game is dead
10-17-2024 4:14 am EST
Good fights this reset! But like drink said below if you haven't already you should join the forum or discord. Got quite a few coaches talking daily and the guy that runs the game at the moment keeps us updated with what's going on.
10-16-2024 1:37 pm EST
I bought this account off someone on eBay, my name is Ryan!
Sadaharu Oh Dojo
10-15-2024 9:27 am EST
Sov is that you? Get on the forum or discord
9-26-2024 3:51 pm EST
I’m your dad! Never talk crap to someone ranked higher than you ;)
8-16-2024 10:33 am EST
New goal! Get individual fighter rank p4p #10, #5, 3, 2, 1. Highest camp rank #10. Time to switch styles to see if we can get higher!
8-16-2024 10:30 am EST
1st efc champ Andrie trentini august 16th/ 24!
7-18-2024 6:11 pm EST
I don’t know how?
7-12-2024 7:52 am EST
Thank you! I bought this camp on eBay, I’ve been studying the best players and how they play. Soon I will be #1! Watch out Gyptian! :)
8-30-2011 6:04 am EST
119 EFC titles
7-20-2011 1:58 am EST
TIER 2 - pank hw.
6-23-2011 12:00 pm EST
tier 1 - sao HW. logo LW. ldnet LW, LHW. aoc LW, WW, MW, HW. cages LW, MW. mfo WW, LHW, HW. rr LW, WW, MW, LHW, HW.
5-19-2011 8:02 am EST
TIER 6 SF lhw.