
Kamogawa Gym

Last Online - Monday 8th of April 2024
Display Name Ippo4ever
Member Since Dec 13, 2011
Active Record 0-0
Overall Record 5299-4057


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3-21-2024 9:21 pm EST
Thanks for the help bro.
4-25-2015 10:12 am EST
Haha so true amigo! I think I'm just stubborn. I refuse to train 12 stats and have 6 different switches, LOL.
4-2-2015 9:43 am EST
If i was my mistake, some times i just send loads of challenges
3-22-2015 4:18 pm EST
Good fights.
2-7-2015 9:34 am EST
no one really gives a shit until higher divisions
2-7-2015 9:33 am EST
i challenged the top 5 guys really dont follow the the rules untill about tier 5 i fight who will fight
Hayato Sakurais
Sakurais Samurais
1-28-2015 8:29 pm EST
chill out faggot
Mr Kamogawa
10-18-2014 2:39 pm EST
whatre the odds you would come up with the same camp name 3 years after me
10-6-2014 4:15 am EST
Thanks for the info. Sometimes I put them out there but nobody challenges them for some time. I don't go looking for fights I wait for them to come to me. Nice to know though. Thanks.
10-5-2014 3:14 pm EST
I am mainly a striking camp that dabbles with other styles.
Kamogawa Gym
9-20-2014 8:52 pm EST
jesus christ, my fighters are having a bad fucking week.
9-14-2014 5:31 pm EST
I see you edit your fighters to be Chinese. Would you like me to change your camp to China? Let me know on the forums as i may not check my camp wall right away.
9-7-2014 4:21 pm EST
richiewvufarmer Farmboy Fighting Systems 9-7-2014 7:18 pm EST Fumio isobe sent you the challenge because you have the longest in org streak...should you defeat him please defend this belt and any belt in the same way
Big Ace
8-27-2014 11:12 am EST
Because the contender I chose had 3 wins consecutively in the division. Rank has nothing to do with how I defend. I select based on streak of in org wins - and the quality of those wins. Good luck.
The Godfather
859 Academy
7-23-2014 4:20 pm EST
No worries, look forward to fights down the line. I'd rather someone be over aggressive with title etiquette then turn a blind eye
The Godfather
859 Academy
6-28-2014 6:02 am EST
Hope all is well, I talked to jid and he said you're a stand up guy so I'll look past our last conversation. I always give title shots to who I feel is most deserving and nothing to do with match ups so please never get that twisted.
The Godfather
859 Academy
6-24-2014 7:45 pm EST
:( I have a feeling that will affect you more than it does me.
The Godfather
859 Academy
6-24-2014 4:31 pm EST
Oh goodness, one of those guys lol. Need more than 1 mediocre win to get the shot.
Who Knew
4-11-2014 8:14 pm EST
If you see a guy named "Fight for Geez" He is not fighting. I am waiting for them to fall out the org.
3-27-2014 12:31 pm EST
Hey- ITC's doing a Coach's Career Challenge if your interested drop by the subforum and sign up. Thx.
Mister Judo
3-5-2014 3:43 am EST
Ippon is like a muaythai clinching /judo imo. Lots of knees and elbow cuts from the clinch
1-17-2014 11:09 am EST
Would Pwr,boxing,brawling be enough for a good Swing for the fences?
1-13-2014 8:05 am EST
How is that ur stft always wins over my sio? what do u need to be a good stft? is power boxing speed enough?
1-6-2014 1:00 am EST
1-3-2014 7:54 pm EST
Come to the forums and sign up for new event. Begins in 1 week. Breakfast league season 4
Victor Lacquart
11-6-2013 6:38 pm EST
Fight me
Hayato Sakurais
Sakurais Samurais
8-28-2013 7:44 am EST
No, retard. All I saw was you posted on Hiroki Muro's profile and said something like "you're feeding your own guys to him" or something like that. Which I wasn't. Now go away and I'll be sure to give the title shot to someone else next time
Hayato Sakurais
Sakurais Samurais
8-27-2013 1:34 pm EST
What are you talking about? I responded to your comment on MY GUY'S profile, Hiroki Muro. I only run 2 camps, Sudos Samurais and Sakarai Samurais. Bean on here since '08. Get lost bro
Hayato Sakurais
Sakurais Samurais
8-25-2013 10:32 am EST
Who are my own guys? There's only like 10 dudes in my weight class org so naturally I have to fight a few of the same people. They're not mine. So get lost
6-13-2013 6:15 pm EST
hajime no ippo is king! Takamura is one of the coolest chars in any medium ever.
Thai master
Thai Elites
5-30-2013 3:37 pm EST
shit i forgot about him, that guy is beast can't wait for that fight.
Thai master
Thai Elites
5-30-2013 1:32 pm EST
Did you read todays chapter? Lol ippo is s till shy around that girl, but what's more interesting is ippo taking on the world, he will probably fight miyata soon
Thai master
Thai Elites
5-30-2013 8:11 am EST
Your name is from the manga right. Best boxing manga ever.
5-23-2013 5:57 pm EST
i just might do that have to build up my greco first
5-21-2013 8:28 am EST
damn you lol i like your camp though for real thats good stuff wish you the best homie
5-20-2013 6:46 pm EST
really i did not know that wow thank you but it would take me sometime to build up my DB what is your name in the forums if you dont mind me asking
5-15-2013 1:57 pm EST
Send your boys over anytime and I will train them up for you...via a beating! ;)