
Goodkid MMA

Last Online - Wednesday 12th of March 2025
Display Name GoodkidCC
Member Since Jun 28, 2011
Active Record 70-24
Overall Record 3413-3011


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Mister Judo
3-8-2025 4:01 pm EST
Also I gotta be 100% honest I have to thank you! After my best buddy Chief gave me all the info on the game and I hacked to get the things Blim changed I didn’t know how to lose for a long period of time and people were starting to get suspicious! Fortunately you copied my style and showed me how to run it right into the ground! Imagine being so shitty at the game you copy a “cheaters” build and still suck!? It’s a gift!
Mister Judo
3-8-2025 3:36 pm EST
Ah shit man I forgot you were the admin of the game and not just a loser troll that hops alliances every month! I Good thing we’re fielding a team! Please don’t disband us! I promise it’s only me hacking detective!
Mister Judo
3-8-2025 1:39 pm EST
I’m just tanking it on purpose so you don’t report me for hacking again. Have no fear though once I finish my adjustments I’ll reach new heights and you’ll be rounding up another posse in no time!
Mister Judo
3-8-2025 4:02 am EST
8 retirements in 3 days. If you ever played the game long enough to get one you’d know what that was like. Appreciate you sticking around for 15+ years just to be my fan though
Heart FC
3-4-2025 2:21 pm EST
you wish sucka
Jorge Silva
Chute Boxe West
1-21-2025 11:18 am EST
appreciate you always accepting fights
1-15-2025 4:35 pm EST
Absolutely pissed
Kieran McGregor
The Irish Are Back
12-8-2024 10:05 pm EST
If Pissreal Adesackya can be racist towards Dricus then I can call him a monkey boy all I want, especially when he does what he does to animals. You absolute muppet of a "man" you're probably a libtard.
Kieran McGregor
The Irish Are Back
12-8-2024 9:58 pm EST
Why would I want to go to a forum? I'm heterosexual, thanks anyway.
Kieran McGregor
The Irish Are Back
12-8-2024 9:56 pm EST
Never heard of you before but feel free to leave my page, he is a fan of a monkey boy who jerks off dogs, where's your counter-argument?
Kieran McGregor
The Irish Are Back
12-5-2024 3:06 pm EST
do neo footwork with which fighter of mine?
Mister Judo
11-23-2024 4:58 pm EST
Appreciate the advice! Hopefully I can get as many #1s as you someday!
Mister Judo
11-21-2024 4:09 pm EST
That’s because my other guy in his division is a hofer and is covk blocking him, together the two of them will retire with more efc belts than your entire camp ever
11-16-2024 10:21 am EST
Thks bro! Nice to see in the mix as well!
420 Fight Club
6-26-2024 3:32 pm EST
Haha. You got a good memory dude. That shit cracked me up. Wife is Nagy is legendary.
Sticky Green MMA
6-21-2024 10:20 pm EST
What the hell was me nog th? I remember it, but I don’t remember it lol. It was jidderish wasn’t it? He was having a meltdown in the shit box??
3-31-2017 9:53 pm EST
That camp avatar is one of the coolest things I've ever seen. Where is it from?
Crazy KO Camp
8-17-2016 7:04 pm EST
I'm about to start my last year of Grad School so will probably be a bit busy soon. But other than that I've been good man. Glad to see you aren't fully banned ;)
6-22-2016 8:09 pm EST
You were. Sorry forgot to bring you back.
Mister Judo
3-22-2016 11:31 am EST
Do your research kid. Ippon said smashing 8points lately. Id gladly fight them but they obviously don't want too.
Piggly Wiggly Supermarket
Piggly Wiggly MMA
5-29-2015 7:03 pm EST
Hello sir, I belong to The Lebowski Crime Syndicate alliance on the forums. We are looking for active coaches to join our alliance. Some of the best coaches in MMArmy history are in our alliance, and we are looking to add one more! You! We want you to join our alliance! I am "GoodkidCC" on the forums. Join the forums and send me a PM sir. We want YOU to be the next member of TLCS. We are hands down the greatest group of players looking for our next brother in arms. Join the forums! Join us!
3-9-2015 7:51 pm EST
i can hear my hair growing
2-9-2015 8:35 pm EST
Thanks dude! Trying to build 6 stats as much as I can
2-8-2015 5:31 pm EST
It hurt me making me 0-5 in the big league
Miyata Gym
1-27-2015 10:32 pm EST
hmmm, LnP with judo...interesting!
Sensei High Kick
Team LHK Security
12-19-2014 7:33 pm EST
Thanks but I've got a bunch of bums and can't seem to obtain some solid momentum with all these new additions!
Mister Judo
11-5-2014 5:19 pm EST
lol if u think i give shitty shots or can crush by all means tax and black list me. hate me all u want but that doesnt make me a bad player. i have good news though! my chapter ends soon so u will have to find another coach to hate / be jealous of or ul probably become bored like myself and retire. Without me to "feud" with you u will become more irrelevant then u already are ;)
Mister Judo
11-5-2014 11:15 am EST
And what's with the face? And snide remark? U gonna black list me? Lol for 1 I don't think chief allows them. And the fact that I win more efc titles in a day theh u do in a month makes that a pretty stupid thing for u to threaten lol. U made it clear ur gonna look for every possible reason to duck me anyway. As for dicknose struggling to gain rank his issue was he was too dominate over top ranked guys. He had beat most top we multiple times by the time he got the belt. Fought the entire org
Mister Judo
11-5-2014 10:39 am EST
Lol go fuck urself . Because I fought 1 low ranked guy so it disregards my 3 top 10 wins? Eat shit u little troll
Evolve MMA
8-24-2014 8:18 pm EST
Yea, Bernie is literally my only good fighter in my camps history. Guarantee if I wasn't such a shit show he would have been #1
Fedor McGeeno
Dynamo Training
8-16-2014 9:46 am EST
Killin it dude! A five year guy going for belts? Sick!
Evolve MMA
8-3-2014 6:49 am EST
How do you decide if you'll keep a fighter or not? Usually I only cut for weight or stats. Do you think it's worth cutting for intangibles like chin/heart?
Evolve MMA
8-3-2014 6:29 am EST
Hey, all joking aside - I really like your camp. I've been checking out your build and switches. It's helped me quite a bit, thanks man.
Havoloc Demetry
8-1-2014 5:32 am EST
Thank you sir, although I was worried about the KO, glad i escaped without getting knocked out lol.
Havoloc Demetry
7-31-2014 1:15 pm EST
I don't miss any resets, just have alot of girls dodging my fighter lol
Red Night Sambo
7-23-2014 7:57 pm EST
Thx my camp is doing well. The switches are boring IMO . Style adv just aren't interesting to me. It has never held my attention... Could be much better
Evolve MMA
7-18-2014 3:58 am EST
Appreciate it, man. I'm thinking about switching to Push the Pace. There's a lot of matchups I just don't know.
7-11-2014 3:46 pm EST
Meh, lower divisions, I'm on my phone at work, aint no time to check where they got the wins.
Pork Hunt
7-10-2014 2:53 am EST
What do you mean by that?
Tap or Sleep
7-7-2014 3:14 pm EST
I just sent challenges to people online. I rarely send challenges and just accept who ever sends me. I understand why I don't anymore.
sensei Mica
Mica MMA
7-7-2014 7:44 am EST
Sorry man my bad i didn't realise I won the belt
7-1-2014 6:36 am EST
I don't hate you kid it just pisses me off when you do things like this, i also send out challenges all the time for title shots and the champ ALWAYS fights some random guy to get the easy win, i'm really struggling to get fights at the moment
7-1-2014 6:31 am EST
1. All my FUTF fighters have switches so where do you get your info? 2. I watched you say in the shout box "Warren never fought me 'cause he didn't have the style advantage" or something along those lines. 3. I challenge you whenever you're online and i need a fight. 4. You challenged me the other day, i accepted straight away even with style disadvantage, i then challenged you and you fought someone else because you had no advantage.
Goodkid MMA
7-1-2014 3:57 am EST
Tommo deleted my comments from his page pointing out how wrong he is. A true method of phallic folding.
7-1-2014 3:39 am EST
What i'm saying Kid is that you send a challenge like that which i am more than happy to accept as i fight anyone yet when i challenge your fighter to an fight where my guy has a switch you dick tuck and fight someone else, this isn't the 1st time you've done this either, you call Warren out on this like he'd duck you for some reason yet you do it yourself, grow the fuck up and accept the same challenges you send out. P.S - There's a reason everyone thinks you're an idiot.
Muay Thai Champions
6-26-2014 6:56 am EST
why did you post on kirk cox when it was gustav castro that sent the challenge to your guy? i am just trying to get fights bud
Fedor McGeeno
Dynamo Training
6-13-2014 5:34 pm EST
I appreciate you letting me know man. I thought my fighter had aids haha. I usually dont sent style or stat crusher fights, LOL.
5-21-2014 10:38 am EST
Is that the tournament you're doing or an alliance? Either way, thanks for the invite. I'll check the forums.
Coach Peavler
Pride MMA
5-1-2014 4:10 pm EST
I will
4-29-2014 8:50 pm EST
doubtful...my camp has turned into a bunch of pussies...
4-29-2014 7:48 pm EST
no problem...i just saw u online and sent a challenge.
Coach Peavler
Pride MMA
4-29-2014 7:43 pm EST
But I haven't even won an EFC title
4-29-2014 4:01 pm EST
You are good now. Foul banned you for some reason.
4-29-2014 3:59 pm EST
lol Shouldn't have been. Let me fix it.
Coach Peavler
Pride MMA
4-29-2014 1:25 pm EST
Anyone can join?
Goodkid MMA
4-22-2014 1:35 pm EST
Pankrash, BOTB, ProXC, A-1, Strikefest, EFC.
4-15-2014 7:58 am EST
trust me, its luck....im sure the tide will turn soon in ur favor.
3-29-2014 7:14 pm EST
tricks are for kids. beer is for men. leave the pleasantry to the peasants.
Welsh Warriors
3-25-2014 10:12 pm EST
Hi kid, i always show online as I use an autoloader, but i only play about 5 mins a day so when i play each of my fighters have about 5 challenges and i can obviously only pick one. Nothing personal.
Ronald Coleman
3-22-2014 1:55 pm EST
3-13-2014 4:40 pm EST
*bows* nothing but respect for ur camp...
1988 Top Team
2-5-2014 3:41 pm EST
Toro is a graffiti writer from San Francisco. (The top left of the pic in green and blue. Looks like a tongue with teeth) sorry, thought maybe you were a writer.
1988 Top Team
2-5-2014 11:40 am EST
Do you like toro? Or just like the pic in your camp avatar
Mister Judo
2-4-2014 5:06 pm EST
yep if u look at my camp ul find tons of style dodging. good call kid
2-4-2014 4:09 pm EST
Thanks for the shot Kid. I tried something different because you have been beating the shit out of PTP. It was a long shot, but I though I would try. I usually give it a go against SnB, but your guy is a beast. Nice fighter and build
7-18-2013 7:31 am EST
Linos gym
7-2-2013 3:12 am EST
Do not say stupid things that you lost man
Muay Thai Champions
7-24-2012 7:16 pm EST
no prob i send challenges to everyone just tryin to get a fight
Shane McMahon Jr Jr Jr
We Will Fight Vatican
7-13-2012 9:05 am EST
We Will Fight & We Will Fight Vatican are in Alliance with each other! So don't bitch about cheating pussies
6-14-2012 5:07 pm EST
deleted your post fhaggot
6-14-2012 10:19 am EST
6-11-2012 8:07 pm EST
your clearly a loser :)
6-10-2012 1:41 pm EST
im you we have split personality it's ok
5-20-2012 5:58 pm EST
I didn't notice it either until you said something. lol I always try to fight whoever happens to be on at the time. Good win, though!
The Last Emporer
Fedor Fight Force
5-6-2012 3:45 pm EST
The Last Emporer
Fedor Fight Force
4-21-2012 6:01 pm EST
The Last Emporer
Fedor Fight Force
4-17-2012 3:46 pm EST
dont be scared homie.. i see, fight me only when you can win.. i think its called ducking. its all good. i understand.
The Last Emporer
Fedor Fight Force
4-16-2012 4:26 am EST
whatevva you king tut wannabe.
No Surrender
4-15-2012 11:35 am EST
Thanks for the legend fights!
Goodkid MMA
4-15-2012 6:45 am EST
The Last Emporer
Fedor Fight Force
4-14-2012 5:07 pm EST
id say no
The Last Emporer
Fedor Fight Force
4-14-2012 4:59 pm EST
didnt the Jews whip dat ass(Egypt) in like 5 days?
The Last Emporer
Fedor Fight Force
4-14-2012 4:58 pm EST
you can win in the minors, get to the big leagues and then we will see.. -FFF
The Last Emporer
Fedor Fight Force
4-14-2012 4:29 pm EST
are you British or Canadiene?
The Last Emporer
Fedor Fight Force
4-14-2012 4:20 pm EST
at least outta all your fukbuddys, you have the balls to fight me. my hat is off to you. nice fight -FFF
The Last Emporer
Fedor Fight Force
4-14-2012 2:35 pm EST
hilarious. great stuff.
The Last Emporer
Fedor Fight Force
4-14-2012 8:58 am EST
move along now kid ====>
The Last Emporer
Fedor Fight Force
4-14-2012 8:55 am EST
kool story
The Last Emporer
Fedor Fight Force
4-14-2012 8:49 am EST
yup, beautiful split decision. fuktard
The Last Emporer
Fedor Fight Force
4-14-2012 8:40 am EST
lol.. amusing. ok, keep dreaming noob
The Last Emporer
Fedor Fight Force
4-9-2012 4:08 pm EST
The Lobster
4-4-2012 6:59 pm EST
lol. He got pwned and restricted me. Hope he doesn't run like a pussy when he's fighting lol.
Randy Butternubs
Randy Butternubs
3-26-2012 1:01 pm EST
I agree with you
3-13-2012 12:34 pm EST
no thanks i do not want to fight any of your fighters. have a nice day.
The Last Emporer
Fedor Fight Force
3-1-2012 4:58 pm EST
no. please be more specific. thank you in advance.
Ryan Wallace
Canadian Top Team
2-13-2012 5:04 pm EST
Read my newest Al Howard update. The Church of Al will be posting on the regular. Enjoy!
Mister Judo
1-27-2012 6:49 pm EST
lol idk if ur trolling now or what but u had the same comment when i was in lotc. i can only go as fast as my contract
Big Losers
1-26-2012 8:16 am EST
LOL, if you only knew the whole story. thanks for the comment though, i do appricate it and gl.
Oscar Souza
Jalapeno Top
1-23-2012 10:32 pm EST
Cool camp :)
Mister Judo
1-23-2012 6:02 pm EST
had a rough start + my camps went to shit. slowly getting better
Chief Master
Camp 420KC
1-9-2012 4:49 pm EST
Lol, I saw someone use it on Bloodyelbow. I'm pretty sure its from Tim and Eric Awesome Show.
gate master
push off me
12-20-2011 2:51 pm EST
OK i think your going over your head lets finish this with a legends fight because you just want that ass whooped. Crino Pac MAN HUERTA.
scott cooley
8-13-2011 7:22 am EST
the clown camp is a good guy. u are not. u are a huge dick. the reason i hate you is that you take something that is fun and turn it to shit. mmarmy is a game that is fun. it becomes not fun when cockbiters like you start fucking with everyone because they dont play like you. why cant you plaY your game and have fun. leave people alone and just play the game. oh yeah and please have a few drinks on me and drive....real fast please.
Clown Camp
8-7-2011 11:37 am EST
You win buddy. I clearly don't have the time to contribute to my camp that you do to yours. Your the greatest. I didn't mean to upset you for a week to draw all the hate. I should have taken your affection for this game a little more serious I guess. Good luck to your camp. Feel free to keep sending the challenges.
420 Fight Club
8-1-2011 11:00 am EST
I dont see any of your guys in the same org as my guy so I dont know who you are talking about.
7-28-2011 9:08 pm EST
Yeah he was going good guns but couldnt handle it in EFC. I have another guy on his way up who seems to win his fight even when you think he wont, maybe he will do better.
7-6-2011 11:12 am EST
i couldn't care less. you butthurt because i gave you a chance for the belt? well, i'm deeply sorry but u don't need to accept the challenge if you think that some shit is phishy or just not fair.
7-5-2011 9:16 am EST
dude the fuck what? i challenged about 5-7 random dudes (and only because i'm limited to the first 10). u think i know who will accept first. should i wait for the game to take my title away because i didn't fight anyone cause u all had stats like a dead drunk bitch? u prolly should stop giving to much shit about this game. no one just challenges that one dude because he has a crafty plan or an ugly vendetta running.
7-1-2011 9:16 pm EST
Hi back mate.:) new camp eh ?