
Dillon "All American" Turner - Stats

Org    -
Popularity Popular
Camp Team Chi
Record 64-37    
KO Win % 33
Sub Win % 20
Division HW Weight 272 lbs
Age 1041 Born Dec 1997
Years Pro 1089 Recruit Date Dec 1949
Rank - Highest Rank #10
Retirement Rank -
Fight IQ Desire
Aggression Patience
Wrestling Conditioning
Catch Wrestling Strength
Sambo Footwork
Jiu Jitsu Speed
Judo Agility
Greco-Roman Flexibility
Boxing Balance
Karate Reflex
Taekwondo Rhythm
Muay Thai Coordination
Brawling Focus
Kickboxing Fortitude
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MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
10-2-2008 7:33 pm EST
By excepting a title challenge or sending a title challenge, you agree that if you win, you will not defend the title against Benshito Gym's fighter. If he were to get the title, he would either not defend it, or defend it against the worst possible opponent. If you chose to break this contract, you will be permanently placed on the shit list and far less likely to ever get another title shot.
9-24-2008 11:47 am EST
flying subs with 2 star jj and 1.5 flex??? rock paper scissors (rolleyes)
Hawaiian Pride
Tap Out Or Nap Out
9-21-2008 6:23 pm EST
thanks for the match.
9-21-2008 7:49 am EST
I hate splits! Thanks for the fight -Clyde
9-17-2008 8:50 pm EST
good fight man
Terror Inc
9-17-2008 5:06 am EST
that's too bad, getting released from you contract is a crappy way for you to lose the title
Terror Inc
9-16-2008 6:41 pm EST
Rubber match?
9-10-2008 5:51 pm EST
I'm just glad Lou didn't get dominated. Figured you'd win going into it.
9-9-2008 6:40 pm EST
Thanks for the fight.
9-7-2008 7:44 pm EST
good fight
Club Casual
8-28-2008 1:35 pm EST
sweet man thanks for the shot rematch is yours just send the challenge through and il accept
Club Casual
8-28-2008 5:10 am EST
hey champ a shot for the thief?? Gareenteed rematch for u if i do win
Benshido Gym
8-26-2008 5:05 am EST
Vladik Yefimov would be honord to fight the champ. Number #1 Contender.
8-2-2008 9:03 am EST
If i am still champ by then u will for sure get your shot. Good fight btw /;) and Good luck in future fights (Y)