
Ramon "Razor" Jackson - Stats

Org    -
Popularity Regional
Camp Dead Rabbits
Record 39-28    
KO Win % 18
Sub Win % 44
Division LW Weight 164 lbs
Age 1056 Born Sep 1982
Years Pro 1089 Recruit Date Dec 1949
Rank - Highest Rank #349
Retirement Rank -
Fight IQ Desire
Aggression Patience
Wrestling Conditioning
Catch Wrestling Strength
Sambo Footwork
Jiu Jitsu Speed
Judo Agility
Greco-Roman Flexibility
Boxing Balance
Karate Reflex
Taekwondo Rhythm
Muay Thai Coordination
Brawling Focus
Kickboxing Fortitude
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5-3-2008 11:33 pm EST
yea dude, i dont mean to keep fighting you, but nobody seems to want to fight me (unless they have CS or SiO it seems)
5-1-2008 7:53 pm EST
our PbP was pretty exciting, I wish I could see matches like that on tv - Keiji
Gurney Halleck
4-27-2008 7:36 pm EST
Great fight. It is impossible to tell whether guys switched to 2nd styles. GnP backup?
4-22-2008 2:31 pm EST
good fight
4-22-2008 2:30 pm EST
lets fight
4-16-2008 6:31 am EST
Haha, sorry man. You were the only guy online near my ranking. Your guy is still mad versatile. Oscar Belfort can only choose Flying Subs or Power Locks.
4-16-2008 6:25 am EST
Yeah Good fight man. Your guy has mad stats.
team gorilla
4-12-2008 4:53 pm EST
it was a great fight...goodluck man...
The Fonz
4-12-2008 1:37 pm EST
Hey, can Luis Martin get a shot? He's one of the top contenders.
Edd Chang
EZ Gym
4-12-2008 8:48 am EST
A shot for Osamu Ariwara? He is one of the top contenders and is on a hot win streak.
4-12-2008 12:29 am EST
looking for shot kalib "KO" you get rematch if i win
team gorilla
4-10-2008 7:03 pm EST
thanx for the shot...no prob the rematch is yours
team gorilla
4-10-2008 5:21 pm EST
i already sent a challenge hope u accept- reinhold
team gorilla
4-10-2008 4:43 pm EST
title shot for angus reinhold?
4-10-2008 12:51 pm EST
that ends our rubber match bro.. great fight for you this time.. time for me to move on to another org... good luck in your future fights man, i'll be sure to remember Dead Rabbits as a respectable, legitimate camp.. peace...
4-9-2008 5:55 pm EST
hahaha.. i was thinking the same thing bro.. i was reading a paragraph at a time til the very end, it could have went either way man... rubber match it is... we'll settle it same time tomorow considering i got work.. later...
4-9-2008 5:51 pm EST
wow that was a great match. However I do think we need to settle this with a rubber match tomorrow.
4-9-2008 5:00 pm EST
sent the challenge for the rematch, good luck to you bro...
The Fonz
4-9-2008 3:34 pm EST
Hey I've got a guy named Luis Martin that I'd like to challenge you with. I'm near the top, just not one of the first in line. Anyway, if you're down for it just accept the challenge later.
4-9-2008 8:28 am EST
thanks man... if you beat me again it'll be time to move up in the world to another org, too many whiners in here complaining i'm running with the belt when i've fought the top contenders including you every month... but oh well, it's just a game... nice solid camp BTW.. see you next reset bro...
4-9-2008 7:38 am EST
good fight champ... maybe a rematch down the road...