
Garret "The American Dream" Mitchell - Stats

Org    -
Popularity Regional
Camp Ultimate
Record 61-40    
KO Win % 61
Sub Win % 2
Division HW Weight 261 lbs
Age 1061 Born Sep 1977
Years Pro 1089 Recruit Date Dec 1949
Rank - Highest Rank #130
Retirement Rank -
Fight IQ Desire
Aggression Patience
Wrestling Conditioning
Catch Wrestling Strength
Sambo Footwork
Jiu Jitsu Speed
Judo Agility
Greco-Roman Flexibility
Boxing Balance
Karate Reflex
Taekwondo Rhythm
Muay Thai Coordination
Brawling Focus
Kickboxing Fortitude
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4-14-2008 1:44 pm EST
Which stat can I improve to help fix my Thomas' glass chin?
4-14-2008 10:55 am EST
good fight
4-13-2008 7:22 pm EST
good fight man sorry to a day to accept i was out of town
4-13-2008 7:21 am EST
Benny Martin hasn't got much time left in his career. He's currently ranked 10th. How about one more shot at glory?
No Surrender
4-11-2008 7:31 pm EST
Great Fight Champ...Maybe Next time...good Luck
No Surrender
4-11-2008 7:24 am EST
Time to assassinate the Champ...Title shot Bro? Clive Rogers
All Out Madness
4-10-2008 2:01 pm EST
Well, if the fight were a 2 round fight i mighta won, but you whooped the sting right out of the angry wasp...thanks for the shot though.
All Out Madness
4-10-2008 1:57 pm EST
I may not be the #1 contender, but "The Angry Wasp" is pissed off and ready to whoop someones ass! Can I get a shot?
Titty Ortiz
High Heat
4-6-2008 9:46 am EST
Thanks for the fight man. I appreciate it and good luck.
Pepe Batista
Tijuana Fight Club
4-6-2008 12:51 am EST
Have to say I'm really surprised by thay result, I thought for sure you'd beat me.
4-1-2008 6:23 pm EST
If you stay #1 contender tomorow morning then it is you and me for the title if you are up for it - "Hollywood"
4-1-2008 10:59 am EST
I have Jared "Take Em Down n Pound" Mitchell in a re0match then if i still have the title it will prolly be you next - "Hollywood"
Bruce Tapper
Tap In
3-25-2008 7:18 pm EST
can i get a fight pls?
3-24-2008 1:14 pm EST
Chuck Wright would like a shot. Number 2 contender.
Steve Dala
Quasimoto Team
3-24-2008 12:31 pm EST
fuck your american dream... mothafucka
Marvel Surysio
Surysio MMA
3-24-2008 9:39 am EST
Congrats, rematch in the PM. I wasnt running. I play the game from my phone and when I try to fight it fucks up quite often. Like I will fight and then nothing happens and I cant just refresh.
Chase Beebe
Tap Snap or Nap
3-16-2008 5:53 pm EST
i could beat Cody u loser
Chase Beebe
Tap Snap or Nap
3-16-2008 5:23 pm EST
That's bull crap man and you know it. Rematch tomorrow fag.
Spencer Fighting Systems
2-26-2008 5:13 pm EST
Good fight mate :) -Gerard "Generalisimo" Hayes.
2-20-2008 8:14 pm EST
That was my first ever KO win for Mr Monster. Great fight though sir. I must say I thought you were winning until then. Hey... your the guy that guy that beat Purple People Eater. Sorry about the anger on that one. I still think that was a BS decision. I think most Dec are bs, even if theyre for me. Good luck in the future.
Sir Shalabi
Rising Shalabi
2-15-2008 11:01 pm EST
absolute bs. As usual the judging on this game is terrible.