
Kyle Peterson - Stats

Org    -
Popularity Regional
Camp Ligonators
Record 80-73    
KO Win % 6
Sub Win % 49
Division WW Weight 178 lbs
Age 1059 Born Dec 1978
Years Pro 1088 Recruit Date Dec 1949
Rank - Highest Rank #237
Retirement Rank -
Fight IQ Desire
Aggression Patience
Wrestling Conditioning
Catch Wrestling Strength
Sambo Footwork
Jiu Jitsu Speed
Judo Agility
Greco-Roman Flexibility
Boxing Balance
Karate Reflex
Taekwondo Rhythm
Muay Thai Coordination
Brawling Focus
Kickboxing Fortitude
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4-30-2008 6:16 pm EST
Damn good call on SiO... never saw it coming...
Red Night Sambo
4-29-2008 7:38 am EST
OK I am not fighting guys with 150 fights when my guy has 20 again...
Liu Dan
K Star
4-23-2008 5:34 pm EST
sorry about that before, mis-challenged in terms of weight
Harry Dick
The Hairy Dicks
4-22-2008 7:45 am EST
I'm more popular than you, why would you deny my challenge unless you're scared?
Ressel Castro
Thunder Cat Killers
4-20-2008 6:17 am EST
thats cool he can cut to 155.. Hiro never was able too lol
jimmy chin wynn
4-16-2008 7:33 pm EST
good fight man thanks for the fight.
4-14-2008 9:37 am EST
if you drop down to delerium.. challenge manabu, he is the champ again.. ive been OL now for 6 hrs, not one person has challenged me lol.. im may just vacate the belt if i dont get a fight tonight
4-13-2008 8:06 pm EST
i'm tryin someone a little closer to my experience right now- buzz carter
4-12-2008 2:11 am EST
Yeah i know.. Manabu will fight you, the belt is vacant.. hope that i win it so you and Manabu can have a lil rivalry also..
4-11-2008 5:50 pm EST
bro! Kyle Peterson have not seen you in a lil while.. i got a rematch to get my belt back.. if i win it back.. you will be my first defense! Peterson Sakiyurai wars were classics, hope Sawamatsu Peterson will be just as good.. just get in any fight win or lose you and i will fight next ( hopefully for the belt )
Master Reude
Reidige Schleich UK
3-17-2008 5:57 pm EST
thx for your nice msg... tell your mum /;) But nice stats
3-15-2008 5:32 pm EST
i will give you a rematch if i win???
3-15-2008 5:26 pm EST
lets fight
Ryan Findlay
EPIC Fight Sports
3-15-2008 5:22 pm EST
#1 contender bro. Let's bang!
Ryan Findlay
EPIC Fight Sports
3-15-2008 5:05 pm EST
How about a title fight for Checho? Let's do it champ!
3-15-2008 12:09 pm EST
Good fight, well done! Best of luck in your title reign - Tyler "Winnipeg Wolverine" Leclerc
3-14-2008 8:35 pm EST
lol bro.. from Hiro Sakiyurai.. looks like you and i have run into each other again.. Manabu Sawamatsu is his camp mate.. and GL i hope you win the title here i doubt jodoin will give me a shot even at #3.. lol.. just look at my Teams HOme page comment box
3-14-2008 2:06 am EST
i just vacated the belt, im in MFO now.. my top guys are at the end of their careers, so im taking them to EFC and make some money for my new guys.. GL here bro.. im sure that you will be dominating this org for some time. Hiro Sakiyurai
3-13-2008 6:50 pm EST
yeah man.. awesome.. great fights!
3-13-2008 6:11 pm EST
challenge has been sent bro.. this is it 5th bout! GL and win or lose.. its been a real treat having this friendly rivalry with you.. Hiro Sakiyurai
3-13-2008 5:28 pm EST
I'd like to fight you at 8 AM, if you don't have anything lined up.
3-13-2008 6:25 am EST
lol.. yeah i know.. and it does not seem like anyone of them are in a hurry to fight either of us too lols..
3-13-2008 6:19 am EST
wtg! congrats on the win i guess this is where i ask for a fifth bout with you lols.. its cool if you dnt want to fight again.. if you do lets do it.. if not.. ill prolly move to another org
3-13-2008 6:18 am EST
well i guess no one wants to fight me lols.. i even challenged the one PVT dude.. he did not accept.. well here goes.. 4th fight bro!
3-13-2008 5:22 am EST
if no one else accepts, ill fight you.. lemme see if anyone of the top 5 want a shot first ok?
3-12-2008 5:14 am EST
great sets of fights man.. it would be an honor to fight you or anyone in your camp anytime.
3-12-2008 3:26 am EST
just realized.. aside the hair.. we are freakin twins lol
3-11-2008 6:17 pm EST
ok agreed.. catch you in the am bro.. another great fight
3-11-2008 6:17 pm EST
dang man.. back n forth lols.. what next? we fighting again tom am?
3-11-2008 6:17 am EST
cool, ill send you the challenge, and not luck bro.. you got a killer fighter.
3-11-2008 6:08 am EST
good fight.. re-match tonight? Hiro Sakiyurai
Royce Rodriguez
CTT Central
3-7-2008 6:07 am EST
good fight
2-26-2008 4:23 pm EST
im waiting on the champ.. if that tool no shows again.. then you and i can fight if you want
Michael Zhan
2-21-2008 6:21 am EST
Hey, ready to fight Ian Sanders yet?