
Stewart "Little" Hughes - Stats

Org    -
Popularity Regional
Camp Grrows team
Record 61-44    
KO Win % 10
Sub Win % 36
Division HW Weight 272 lbs
Age 997 Born Nov 2039
Years Pro 1087 Recruit Date Dec 1949
Rank - Highest Rank #5
Retirement Rank -
Fight IQ Desire
Aggression Patience
Wrestling Conditioning
Catch Wrestling Strength
Sambo Footwork
Jiu Jitsu Speed
Judo Agility
Greco-Roman Flexibility
Boxing Balance
Karate Reflex
Taekwondo Rhythm
Muay Thai Coordination
Brawling Focus
Kickboxing Fortitude
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4-28-2009 10:24 am EST
sick Powerholds
4-28-2009 5:29 am EST
Thanks for the shot man.
4-27-2009 5:33 pm EST
retire already!!.. lol... thanks for the shot bro
donnie brasco
Hardknocks MMA
4-27-2009 8:53 am EST
4-26-2009 1:31 pm EST
oh well, i left it in the judges hands.. lol...
4-26-2009 1:28 pm EST
good fight bro
donnie brasco
Hardknocks MMA
4-25-2009 6:16 pm EST
Very sneaky sir!
4-25-2009 3:59 pm EST
I sent out 3 requests with Acelino already. I Just went to the next fighter on my list & sent a request with Jose. I didn't even notice. Relax man.
Team Last Place
4-24-2009 9:04 am EST
You called me out so I had to accept for old times sake, the UFL good ole days...well that loss screws my title shot..Ohh well. Good Luck!
4-22-2009 5:20 pm EST
Wow G somehow I still managed a split with your pl good one my man, John F just letting you know he is not scared lol....
The Robj23
4-14-2009 6:48 pm EST
Naninanibooboo! =P
4-13-2009 5:24 pm EST
i just spit out water from my nose when i read your nickname. (aaron williams)
Team Last Place
4-13-2009 1:38 pm EST
Another good fight, so you run Penns camp alos huh? How do you have time for that. haha
Team Last Place
4-9-2009 7:17 am EST
Thanks man, we will have to do the rubber match sometime. Len Mcdonald
4-8-2009 1:10 pm EST
Thanks for the shot Champ!
Team Last Place
4-7-2009 6:37 pm EST
Congrats, I love how giving you a fight just pisses off someone else..Ohh well can't please everyone.
donnie brasco
Hardknocks MMA
4-7-2009 1:07 pm EST
Thought I was going to get smashed. Turned out to be a decent fight.
Team Last Place
4-7-2009 10:44 am EST
Thanks man, and like I said if you still want the fight after reset the fight is yours. Yeah so in my mind Grrows team = cool... JC team = ?
Team Last Place
4-7-2009 10:36 am EST
wow all that talk just for my guy to miss weight for his first time. I feel dumb LMAO...after reset the fight is yours, my bad.
Team Last Place
4-7-2009 10:34 am EST
The comment you found was me calling him a hypocrite because his fighter got a title shot first fight in the org, I was just trying to call him out on it.
Team Last Place
4-7-2009 10:33 am EST
SO I guess my issue is with Jimmy, that comment was a comment I made later, we both deleted the comments we made to each other. He denied a fighter of mine that was ranked higher then his/your fighter. I came from a differnet org and didn't know of the "rules" and he made a comment like win a fight first, I said something like that is dumb(I was on a winning streak) you just need a rerason to deny my guy since my style matches up to my advantage, then it just became a dick measuring contast.
Mike Garrow
Grrows team
4-7-2009 10:27 am EST
Jimmy, you see what you did. LMAO. Team Last Place, that was someone else, but I do agree about fighters needing a win in the org before getting title shots.
Team Last Place
4-7-2009 10:27 am EST
I was a little before that time....all your nicknames where No Worries, but basically I am willing to accept as long as I know it wont be one sided in the future, obviously I don't want title shot is my guy isn't worthy I just don't want to have a good fighter get denied because of the unwritten rules most guys on the forum have (I still haven't got on the forum yet)
Team Last Place
4-7-2009 9:19 am EST
Question for you.....Awhile back I disagreed with you about my guy not deserving a title shot because he was just coming from a different org, you got all butt hurt and said you would never give a guy from my camp a shot at a belt you held, and now you send me this request....if you where in my posistion what would you do? I am not trying to be a dick but if you are still going to take that stance then I guess you force me to do the same to you.
MMA Phreak
Phreak MMA West
4-3-2009 5:34 am EST
thanks man. i thought my dude was toast. maybe he'll turn out to be something...
Carl Gotch
4-1-2009 6:15 pm EST
good fight
Spencer Fighting Systems
3-31-2009 5:37 pm EST
Damn, good work mate.
Spencer Fighting Systems
3-31-2009 7:19 am EST
Dude, Wes Popham I believe is the #1 contender. Just beat on of the top 3 in the division via KO, and has a good record as of late. I reckon a fight between us would be awesome! - Problematique
Kadetska bojna
3-28-2009 7:56 pm EST
Hey champ how about a shot for Gorbatov?
War Wagon
3-27-2009 5:27 pm EST
I am going to give in. I'm sorry for ducking you sweetie. I didn't mean to hurt your sweet little feelings. Sad and Blaze have taught me well. You'll see me again.
War Wagon
3-25-2009 12:27 am EST
I was not ducking you, dick. You already fought. I was letting you know that I noticed your streak and that you were close to deserving the shot. Trying to be nice in case you wanted the belt. I am a fairly new player to the game, and am stoked about having any belts at all.
War Wagon
3-22-2009 5:45 pm EST
Don't get butt hurt... I'm waiting for the challenge for the belt. We will meet in the cage soon.
3-14-2009 1:40 pm EST
def a good sign.
3-14-2009 1:37 pm EST
Jesus bro ur boy can take a beating! That's a good sign because he's still young and his stats will improve.
Tyler Kehoe
Sharks Tank
3-12-2009 6:20 pm EST
Good fight man and it wasn't my last fight i auto renewed it be4 the fight
W. Bigglesworth
Asian Martial Arts
3-11-2009 7:08 pm EST
Thanks for the fight and good luck with your fatass HW... :( GO URANUS!!!
Nickolai Schauskoff
3-10-2009 5:45 pm EST
God damn, thats a hell of a chin. Thanks for the fight. Gavin Smith
Kadetska bojna
3-10-2009 5:04 pm EST
How about a shot for no.1 contender?
Renzo Silva Jr
Silva T JJ
3-10-2009 10:43 am EST
can grant ross get a title shot? he never lost the title.