
Pete "BitteR" Cherry - Stats

Org    -
Popularity Popular
Camp No Surrender
Record 87-68    
KO Win % 5
Sub Win % 45
Division HW Weight 256 lbs
Age 1070 Born Oct 1968
Years Pro 1089 Recruit Date Dec 1949
Rank - Highest Rank #4
Retirement Rank -
Fight IQ Desire
Aggression Patience
Wrestling Conditioning
Catch Wrestling Strength
Sambo Footwork
Jiu Jitsu Speed
Judo Agility
Greco-Roman Flexibility
Boxing Balance
Karate Reflex
Taekwondo Rhythm
Muay Thai Coordination
Brawling Focus
Kickboxing Fortitude
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12-7-2009 7:46 pm EST
Wow, sure wasn't like the old days lol. Thanks for the beat down and the 5th and final fight.
Coach Harv
Death Finger
4-24-2008 7:58 am EST
Damn, well we had some good battles. Enjoy retirement old man.
4-24-2008 6:45 am EST
Your guy was amazing for his size. Thanks for all the great battles with Juggs.
No Surrender
4-23-2008 10:33 pm EST
Damn it Pete why now! Great Run my Man!!! Great Run....
4-22-2008 9:59 pm EST
Damn you lost dude.
Brad Green
OC Top Team
4-22-2008 6:45 pm EST
Thank you for the title shot. I'm stoked this guy got one.
4-22-2008 6:24 pm EST
Its that time of the month again lol. Lets fight for that belt again, what do you say?
Coach Harv
Death Finger
4-22-2008 6:05 pm EST
LOL, Destroyer retired too and you picked the belt back up? Dang.
Brad Green
OC Top Team
4-22-2008 5:19 pm EST
Hello. I have won 4 in a row and never had a shot. Would appreciate consideration. From Bert Perry
4-22-2008 5:19 pm EST
Hey didn't accept 66 challenge cause I tried fighting a higher ranked dude. i did and won. One step closer to a title shot.
jersey devils
4-22-2008 3:19 pm EST
Nobody challenge the champ! If you win you automatically retire! Congrats Pete!
4-22-2008 7:26 am EST
Nice win... now... DONT retire!!!
4-22-2008 7:21 am EST
4-21-2008 11:43 pm EST
I take one for the team if I'm on early enough... especially if its to keep it away from chumpo.
jersey devils
4-21-2008 10:20 pm EST
I was just kidding! You were going to get shot in the a.m. but I lost to my toughest opponent...auto-retire! Even when I finally beat you, you still damaged me enough that I had to retire!
jersey devils
4-21-2008 9:30 pm EST
If I get by Hade Wood its yours! Shot in the a.m. Your still #1 contender. Besides, it's nice fighting someone my own size. Man, I always felt like I was too small but you've been kicking all these monsters asses for awhile.
jersey devils
4-21-2008 7:44 pm EST
Thanks a lot for the shot. I know you didn't have to, considering my record against you. It means a lot to get this guy the title. He's one of my original 3.
jersey devils
4-21-2008 2:38 pm EST
It's been awhile since you've beat me up. I've got some wins under my belt and I think I'm ready for another beating. Let me know who gets the shot. Danny Parker
jersey devils
4-21-2008 10:24 am EST
Congrats on another title!
Coach Harv
Death Finger
4-21-2008 5:05 am EST
Good choice again.
4-20-2008 9:42 pm EST
Another good fight!
Ressel Castro
Thunder Cat Killers
4-20-2008 9:01 pm EST
i dunno LOL.. i mean I used FF at the start of his career.. i thikn my power just overmatched his.. :D
4-20-2008 12:14 pm EST
Plus Crip, I'm ranked ahead of you and stopped Juggernaut in the first round. But seriously we need to get our rank up. Need to crack top ten at least dude.
4-20-2008 12:12 pm EST
Calm down Crip. I'm getting next shot. lol
Ressel Castro
Thunder Cat Killers
4-20-2008 9:49 am EST
just beat Juggernaut
Ressel Castro
Thunder Cat Killers
4-20-2008 6:12 am EST
lol im still way way wayyyyyyy out there lol.. i think i need to leave EFC get a belt.. raise my rank then come back LOL
4-20-2008 6:01 am EST
Good win. Thx for the fight.
Ressel Castro
Thunder Cat Killers
4-20-2008 5:22 am EST
LOL is SIlverback up ? hahahaha
4-19-2008 10:11 pm EST
Thanks for the offer. I should be around tomorrow morning early for a bit, but won't be home after that until around 6pmEST. Good luck.
Gurney Halleck
4-19-2008 5:54 pm EST
Congratulations man! You are on a great run...Drago
4-19-2008 5:24 pm EST
haha me too, wrong choice. Good job.
4-19-2008 5:23 pm EST
Dude your guy has more then enough to take me and everyone else in the EFC out on a regular basis. The weight issue doesn't seem to affect your guy as much anymore. But it's still pretty much pick a style and hope you made the right move.
4-19-2008 3:13 pm EST
Cool BitteR vs Juggernaut 5 is on
4-19-2008 2:57 pm EST
Got my win, not convincingly however. Hope that makes your choice easier for tonight. Your guy is on a roll as of late, the old guy's got some gas in the tank still.
M Canada
M Canada
4-19-2008 12:33 pm EST
Thanks for the title shot.
M Canada
M Canada
4-19-2008 12:32 pm EST
Thanks for the title shot.
Mr Heavyweight
The Heavyweights
4-19-2008 10:11 am EST
4-19-2008 6:26 am EST
Cherry/Juggernaut 5? Its funny how Hade actually thinks he deserves a shot.
Mr Heavyweight
The Heavyweights
4-19-2008 3:32 am EST
Hade Wood deserves a title shot!
4-19-2008 12:27 am EST
Damn your dude has ton of experience.
Coach Harv
Death Finger
4-18-2008 9:38 pm EST
How about a shot tomorrow? -Marcus McDonald
Ressel Castro
Thunder Cat Killers
4-18-2008 8:38 pm EST
Silverback is coming for that belt!!! 6-1 since coming in hi s last 7 fights.. LOL.. i figured i need to win 5 more fights to be up there with you guys hahaha.. he will probably retire soon anyways he and Jach were my last two Originals
4-18-2008 7:31 pm EST
Dude - it's great to see Cherry tearing up the HW ranks. Good job.
jersey devils
4-18-2008 5:03 pm EST
Damn! You must be a great poker player. I figured you wouldn't go fs 3 in a row. Thanks for the shot.
jersey devils
4-18-2008 3:10 pm EST
Will do! Thanks for the shot!
4-18-2008 8:09 am EST
Flipping a coin for style choice against BitteR hasn't been working for me...
Coach Harv
Death Finger
4-17-2008 5:07 pm EST
Damn, I should have figured you would change up on me. Once again I picked wrong.
Coach Harv
Death Finger
4-16-2008 5:09 pm EST
Damn, you picked right, but I think my weight advantage gave me the win. Close one for sure. I feel confident that if I had picked FF it wouldn't have been so close. Good fight.
Coach Harv
Death Finger
4-16-2008 10:23 am EST
Lemme see what is going on. You certainly have a good case for a shot, though obviously Hade Wood is a top contender. Joking. -Marcus Mcdonald
4-16-2008 6:05 am EST
Good job with Pete. Tim is on a serious funk right now. Even when I pick the right match up now he still gets beat.
4-13-2008 7:19 pm EST
Well, being big is great but I've still gotta be careful picking styles. Hopefully he can keep it going with all these tough fighters.
4-13-2008 6:56 pm EST
Thanks for the fight, yeah I guess he just sits on guys for the win.
4-13-2008 9:57 am EST
Alright it's done, after the victory over bigfoot, it's on tonight. Good luck.
4-13-2008 7:31 am EST
What do you say about the BitteR vs Juggernaut 3 for the EFC title tonight?
Gurney Halleck
4-12-2008 7:46 pm EST
Thanks for the shot. Great fight. Cherry is still pretty young and he's got a ton of good fights left in him.
Gurney Halleck
4-12-2008 5:27 pm EST
Missed your comment about Walker on my page today, but had seen the State of the HWs comment. He had sent a challenge, but because I missed your comment and I fought him twice recently I did not accept. Sorry about that. Its up to you, fight Walker or the winner can fight him tomorrow. My bad, though.
4-12-2008 12:13 pm EST
whohoooooo!!!!!!! wtg bro! Clark Jach is so jealous lol but very happy for your win.. Bitter deserved that shot and to hold the belt!
Gurney Halleck
4-12-2008 8:36 am EST
Congratulations man! Drago
4-12-2008 8:02 am EST
Nice comeback win! Congrats on the belt!
4-11-2008 5:39 am EST
A few of the guys that were online kept ducking me, so I fought against the #1 contender in LotC. I will definitely fight againt a "PROXC" contender before challenging you...I just wanted to give you the heads up. - Chejo
4-10-2008 9:33 pm EST
That sounds fair. Thanks brother. - Chejo Guzman
4-10-2008 9:14 pm EST
I have been on a rampage at the entire end of my career. It will be over soon...but before it is, can I have a shot at the title champ? - Chejo Guzman
4-10-2008 5:31 pm EST
I'm not trying to pester you but I really think I desereve a shot tonight. Gabriel Flores' last two opponents have been the same as mine and I handled them better. The other two guys ranked ahead of me haven't even had a fight in ProXC... so yeah I hope you see my point...
4-10-2008 5:09 pm EST
Winner of his last three.... all pretty decisively too.
4-10-2008 4:07 pm EST
Parker Howard (former 4x ProXC champ) is ready for a shot tonight champ... make it happen.
4-7-2008 8:14 pm EST
And just like that the belt is gone. If you want the belt you'll have to challenge the other guy who just beat Tim.
Gurney Halleck
4-7-2008 5:10 pm EST
Excellent Fight. I was hesitant to take it at first, because I wanted to fight a higher ranked opponent. However, it seemed like you came back to the EFC to fight me, so I obliged you.
Gurney Halleck
4-7-2008 1:04 pm EST
Dude, you are nuts to leave Glory. Not that you can't be successful here, but this division is stacked.
4-7-2008 7:59 am EST
Welcome back to the EFC...
Gurney Halleck
4-6-2008 8:45 pm EST
Nice winning streak. Damn, those stats are impressive. Still EFC > Glory /;)
4-6-2008 8:28 pm EST
Thanks for the chance! Hopefully my guy can stick around long enough to build him up to your caliber fighter.
4-6-2008 8:22 pm EST
I may be in over my guys head here but I'll put out the challenge anyway.
4-6-2008 11:08 am EST
You staying in GLORY or moving to EFC? I got a HW Prospect here. Pretty good needs another year in GLORY before EFC.
jersey devils
4-6-2008 12:05 am EST
Thanks for the shot. Can't seem to win the big one. Danny Parker
jersey devils
4-5-2008 9:04 pm EST
I'll wait to see if you fight Exploder, if you do its cool, i'll see if I can get another fight. Thanks for letting me know what's up. Appreciate it. Danny Parker
4-3-2008 7:42 am EST
its gone A lhw took it hahaha i kind of want to cry Craig taps to everyone
4-2-2008 5:23 pm EST
chill man champ gets a chance at a rematch don't get all bet out of shape i have you 2 big paydays i don't feel like giving you another one right now
4-2-2008 11:24 am EST
but.... your ugly why do i have to fight your smelly ass
jersey devils
4-2-2008 10:59 am EST
I disagree. If the judges loved losers I would have won by landslide! 30-26 all cards! Lol!
jersey devils
4-2-2008 10:35 am EST
Thought I took rounds 2&3 but it only matters what judges think! Danny Parker
Ressel Castro
Thunder Cat Killers
3-28-2008 5:44 am EST
ill try.. but to be honest, this is new waters for me, this is the first time im in the 90's and, i just hope he can keep winning i still want my match with Drago, i SD hime 2 times, but pbp i won the 1st fight, and the 2nd was razor close.. thanks for the fights bro, im sure things will turn around your fighters are awesome and im still thinking to myself how the hell am I winning these fights.
Ressel Castro
Thunder Cat Killers
3-28-2008 5:16 am EST
dude.. i dont believe this.. Jach must have lady luck or something..
Ressel Castro
Thunder Cat Killers
3-28-2008 5:15 am EST
lol i see myself losing this fight.. but BANZAIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!
3-27-2008 5:53 pm EST
Good fight my man, bad luck on the result
3-27-2008 8:41 am EST
Shiiiiiiiiiit... Sorry, man.
3-24-2008 6:16 pm EST
aargh my fatty cant eva make weight, made next time
Coach Harv
Death Finger
3-23-2008 5:21 pm EST
Good choice, surprised I got a split out of that one.
3-23-2008 7:50 am EST
Good fight my man, bad luck
3-23-2008 7:36 am EST
Bigfoot is looking for a title rematch with BAM, but if it doesn't happen, BitteR is a good fight too.
Gurney Halleck
3-22-2008 5:10 pm EST
Much closer. You have some crazy Sambo & JJ skills though and matchup better with the top of the division than I do at the moment.
Gurney Halleck
3-22-2008 3:35 pm EST
Big test for both of us.
Gurney Halleck
3-22-2008 11:47 am EST
We meet again tonight.
Gurney Halleck
3-22-2008 5:53 am EST
I want another shot at Shortage, if he doesn't accept definitely or tonight?
Gurney Halleck
3-20-2008 6:12 pm EST
Didn't realize this was the protege and prodigy of Magic. I expect to see Magic back at the top, but Cherry is on an very, very impressive run.
Gurney Halleck
3-20-2008 5:41 pm EST
Very impressive run. You fight top level fighters and have avenged most of your losses. I'm impressed.
3-18-2008 7:10 am EST
You are a great fighter, congrats for the win.