
Lolo Espinoza - Stats

Org    -
Popularity Popular
Camp El Terrible
Record 92-45    
KO Win % 32
Sub Win % 27
Division WW Weight 190 lbs
Age 1030 Born Oct 2007
Years Pro 1088 Recruit Date Dec 1949
Rank - Highest Rank #17
Retirement Rank -
Fight IQ Desire
Aggression Patience
Wrestling Conditioning
Catch Wrestling Strength
Sambo Footwork
Jiu Jitsu Speed
Judo Agility
Greco-Roman Flexibility
Boxing Balance
Karate Reflex
Taekwondo Rhythm
Muay Thai Coordination
Brawling Focus
Kickboxing Fortitude
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12-4-2008 5:15 pm EST
you have the shot tomorrow AM
Camp clinic
12-4-2008 4:35 pm EST
thanks for the fight still anit been finished- gustavo santoro
12-2-2008 8:40 pm EST
The Godfather
859 Academy
12-2-2008 3:22 pm EST
ya gotta string a couple wins together bud... good luck & i look forward to the fight.- Dustin
Spencer Fighting Systems
11-30-2008 4:17 am EST
Yeah finally :) good fight
Vasili Oschepkov
Central Red Army House
11-29-2008 4:34 am EST
yeah i own both camps sorry for any confusion its frustrating since i like both camps and there is only one efc WW belt. I am happy you beat herc because i would have nobody to fight for the belt. I sent challenges to like 3 people and you are the one that took it
Vasili Oschepkov
Central Red Army House
11-29-2008 4:19 am EST
good fight man i hope you dont think i was being selfish with the title i just wanted a fast fight because i had to sit out the whole last month
11-28-2008 11:06 pm EST
yo you will fight zory in the am leave a challange thanks man
Mike Garrow
Grrows team
11-28-2008 4:53 pm EST
Dude, fucking bullshit that SAD did not fight you. He fought a guy coming off a lose. So much for intergity for the game. He sucks.
Mike Garrow
Grrows team
11-28-2008 1:32 pm EST
You should be in line for a title shot. Ssds guy is (as usual) a tough fight. Good luck, I think Lolo might pull it off.
Mike Garrow
Grrows team
11-28-2008 6:19 am EST
Man, another great win for Lolo today. Congrats man!!!!! Crips guy is tough!
Mike Garrow
Grrows team
11-27-2008 4:40 pm EST
DAMN IT good win man!!!!
Spencer Fighting Systems
11-27-2008 5:04 am EST
Yeah good fight mate.
Kowboy Killers
11-22-2008 10:39 am EST
I messed up I did not realize I was still using counter strike. Good Win.
Erik Morales
El Terrible
11-22-2008 7:00 am EST
highlights: wins ova Rober "White Mexican" Lopez
W. Bigglesworth
Asian Martial Arts
11-20-2008 4:48 am EST
WOW!! What a slugfest!!! Thanks for the shot.... I thought I might sneak in a win...lol I'll beat some others and be back!!
W. Bigglesworth
Asian Martial Arts
11-19-2008 7:49 pm EST
how about a title shot on the reset champ! I'm on a bit of a winning streak!
Spencer Fighting Systems
11-19-2008 4:11 am EST
Good fight mate. Thanks for the shot - David Clark
11-12-2008 4:36 pm EST
Now you're just being difficult...fuggin toss me a bone ffs lol.
11-12-2008 6:23 am EST
Damn you Lolo...daaammmnnn yooooooou.
11-7-2008 8:43 am EST
Payback?!...yeah right, I'll be ducking you from here on out. lol
11-6-2008 4:13 pm EST
Wow...could it be? lol
11-4-2008 4:37 pm EST
Thanks for the fight. -Lucas
bananen camp
11-1-2008 5:51 am EST
thx for the fight ... but i move up to the efc now because the socat champ already beat me twice - ilya solvyov
Geddy Lee
Canadian Heroes
10-29-2008 6:26 am EST
thanks for the fight - butch stevenson
Erik Morales
El Terrible
10-2-2008 11:15 pm EST
tain judo ortega