
Tim "Jiu Jitsu Sucks" Foster - Stats

Org    -
Popularity Regional
Camp Team Pork Hammer
Record 39-19    
KO Win % 44
Sub Win % 13
Division LW Weight 163 lbs
Age 1039 Born Aug 1999
Years Pro 1089 Recruit Date Dec 1949
Rank - Highest Rank #690
Retirement Rank -
Fight IQ Desire
Aggression Patience
Wrestling Conditioning
Catch Wrestling Strength
Sambo Footwork
Jiu Jitsu Speed
Judo Agility
Greco-Roman Flexibility
Boxing Balance
Karate Reflex
Taekwondo Rhythm
Muay Thai Coordination
Brawling Focus
Kickboxing Fortitude
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Sensei High Kick
Team LHK Security
9-3-2008 1:49 pm EST
Enjoy retirement Tim....sucks you had to bail so fast, but good luck in all future endeavors - Team LHK Security.
Donkey Johnson
Team Pork Hammer
9-2-2008 5:22 pm EST
MT Kelly
Donkey Johnson
Team Pork Hammer
9-1-2008 5:12 pm EST
MT Dino
8-23-2008 10:04 am EST
Thanks for the fight man.Kick to the face!Good luck.
8-22-2008 5:29 pm EST
High kick out of nowhere...thanks for the fight.
8-4-2008 5:55 pm EST
argh! sean russell wanted to beat you with his AWESOME jui jitsu skills. oh well, il take what i can get. good fight
O Soto Gary
Team Human Tetris
8-1-2008 9:49 pm EST
Nice job...tossing "Einstein" back on the street with tomorrow's garbage. -ploppy