
Brody "Beast Status" Chebotarev - Stats

Org    -
Popularity Mainstream Star
Camp Red Heat
Record 79-24    
KO Win % 23
Sub Win % 22
Division WW Weight 191 lbs
Age 1043 Born May 1994
Years Pro 1087 Recruit Date Dec 1949
Rank - Highest Rank #1
Retirement Rank -
Fight IQ Desire
Aggression Patience
Wrestling Conditioning
Catch Wrestling Strength
Sambo Footwork
Jiu Jitsu Speed
Judo Agility
Greco-Roman Flexibility
Boxing Balance
Karate Reflex
Taekwondo Rhythm
Muay Thai Coordination
Brawling Focus
Kickboxing Fortitude
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4-13-2014 7:50 pm EST
Great win dude. Always a tough SOB to crack! GL the rest of the way in the tourny.
4-7-2010 1:21 pm EST
Nice one phreak! - 911
12-7-2009 7:11 pm EST
whew close fight.. PL/GnP is the styles i rolled with.
8-27-2008 8:27 am EST
So sad, struck down before his time. Fucking Soup is uncatchable.
Spencer Fighting Systems
8-27-2008 5:32 am EST
Goliath and Beast retired around the same time. Was an HONOR to have our fighters have such a rivlary! Truly was phreak! I've gained more respect for you through it! :)
8-26-2008 5:09 pm EST
how nice i bet this beast would rape me if he went mmartist
MMA Phreak
Red Heat
8-26-2008 9:21 am EST
yeah, i tried to fight soylent before the reset but brody didn't make weight. i was so anxious to fight your guy that i just hit accept as soon as i saw the challenge. i was going to go GnP/FS. damn...
8-26-2008 9:09 am EST
Just saw the style comment, lol. When I'm sending guys up against Beast Status, he's so dangerous with so many styles it's almost a crapshoot. I basically pick at random.
8-26-2008 9:08 am EST
Thanks for the patience, and good fight!
MMA Phreak
Red Heat
8-25-2008 11:11 pm EST
he misses every once in a while.
Peter Parker
Spider Sense Team
8-25-2008 11:10 pm EST
Didn't know your guy had weight problems. Weird that no one wants to fight your guy though...
MMA Phreak
Red Heat
8-25-2008 11:04 pm EST
i wouldn't have laughed. i didn't even pick a proper style. what would have really sucked is if i wouldn't have made weight and my reset was lost, but it might not matter if nobody shows up...
Peter Parker
Spider Sense Team
8-25-2008 10:58 pm EST
Hey, you said first one to challenge gets it, I have no properly ranked ww and all my lw dudes had fought...I would have laughed my ass off if he did make the 47 lb cut though.
MMA Phreak
Red Heat
8-25-2008 10:35 pm EST
somebody send a challenge. first one gets it.
MMA Phreak
Red Heat
8-25-2008 10:34 pm EST
8-25-2008 5:00 pm EST
Sending a challenge in case Renato misses weight.
Paul Inosanto
JKD MMA Concepts
8-25-2008 2:48 am EST
Thanks man, appreciated.
Paul Inosanto
JKD MMA Concepts
8-24-2008 12:59 pm EST
Ok, thanks, I'll try to wake up early tomorrow.
MMA Phreak
Red Heat
8-24-2008 12:45 pm EST
PM title shot to soylent unless he can't accept by retirement time. if he hasn't accepted by retirement time, i will choose another worthy opponent if they send a challenge.
Paul Inosanto
JKD MMA Concepts
8-24-2008 10:04 am EST
Yeah man, I'd love to get another shot! But I can accept/send the challenge about 5 hours after the next reset at the earliest, I live in another timezone.
8-23-2008 10:19 pm EST
Okay, title fight tomorrow am.
Spencer Fighting Systems
8-23-2008 6:10 pm EST
Nice win. Goddamnit! I CANNOT get a 10th title. This is incredibly frustrating.
Spencer Fighting Systems
8-23-2008 6:04 pm EST
Roger that! Challenge sent.
8-23-2008 9:31 am EST
Nicely done, and far more what I was expecting!
Spencer Fighting Systems
8-23-2008 6:15 am EST
Challenge sent by Goliath. Won last 2 fights including 1 vicious KO.
8-22-2008 11:03 pm EST
No worries on the weight miss, I just hope Green logs in and takes the challenge I sent him.
MMA Phreak
Red Heat
8-22-2008 6:31 pm EST
Preach on brotha! i feel you on that!
8-22-2008 3:22 pm EST
Gamboa has recently kicked everyone else's ass. I don't see a need to repeat recent wins over fighters who are ducking Almeida.
Spencer Fighting Systems
8-22-2008 5:40 am EST
Seems that you and Goliath are destined to battle again. Wat a rivalry.
Paul Inosanto
JKD MMA Concepts
8-20-2008 10:32 pm EST
OMFG, thanks man, my first EFC belt!
Spencer Fighting Systems
8-20-2008 9:01 pm EST
Another fight with Goliath next reset?
Spencer Fighting Systems
8-20-2008 4:34 pm EST
lol @ Glacitusk
MMA Phreak
Red Heat
8-20-2008 12:07 pm EST
8-20-2008 12:00 pm EST
you're a total fucking cunt. MMA, i hope you get hit by a train and dragged or something, as a person you suck here.
8-19-2008 11:57 pm EST
That was unexpected.
MMA Phreak
Red Heat
8-19-2008 9:51 pm EST
never happened. keep trying though...
8-19-2008 7:18 pm EST
You ducked decom and others, and now you're ducking Suso.
MMA Phreak
Red Heat
8-19-2008 6:35 pm EST
bottom line....you don't like being called out? don't duck...
MMA Phreak
Red Heat
8-19-2008 6:15 pm EST
geez. what a baby...
8-19-2008 5:59 pm EST
8-19-2008 5:15 pm EST
Cody Bradley
7th Street MMA
8-19-2008 1:24 pm EST
Thanks for the fight man. Good fight too. You're the 2nd #1 P4P Slater has fought. He fought Robert Wiltsie not that long ago when he was ranked #1. It was great finally fighting you. I had another guy from my camp, Art Ryan, who was ranked #2 P4P and wanted to fight you but things didn't work out. I guess send me the challenge at reset for a rematch.
8-19-2008 12:31 pm EST
Could Suso get a shot? I know he's ranked 9th, but he's on a 6-win streak.
Spencer Fighting Systems
8-19-2008 2:37 am EST
Damn..The 10th title eludes me :( 7-6
8-18-2008 11:54 pm EST
No worries. I was trying yo play on my Helio, which works like shit.
Spencer Fighting Systems
8-18-2008 9:18 pm EST
no one else online...so lets do it again maybe?
Spencer Fighting Systems
8-18-2008 4:26 pm EST
Grats on the most WW Belts. Your nickname is surely true. Im glad to have our rivalry, sucks I need a win / 2 to get another shot..damn Split Decisions D:
8-18-2008 9:18 am EST
thanks for the fight
8-17-2008 8:46 pm EST
Good win.
Spencer Fighting Systems
8-17-2008 6:03 am EST
Sent challenge mate.
MMA Phreak
Red Heat
8-17-2008 1:05 am EST
AM title shot to goliath
Paul Inosanto
JKD MMA Concepts
8-17-2008 12:26 am EST
Thanks for the shot!
Spencer Fighting Systems
8-17-2008 12:02 am EST
Ill send the challenge again tonight mate. Just grabbed myself another win. Hopefully I can get my 10th EFC title and a spot on the EFC champ index. - Goliath.
Terror Mayhem
Terror co of Japan
8-16-2008 3:18 pm EST
but if i can get in to the efc i will take that belt from you
Terror Mayhem
Terror co of Japan
8-16-2008 3:17 pm EST
awsome dude u got a new belt sweet
Tree Hugger
Fallen Angels
8-16-2008 2:08 am EST
lol damn not even the Red Seal Certified Cook can cook the Beast,,, good win.. i must rehound my cooking techniques
Spencer Fighting Systems
8-15-2008 11:09 pm EST
Another installment of the Goliath/Beast rivalry tonight?
Terror Mayhem
Terror co of Japan
8-14-2008 11:39 am EST
Oh tough luck dude i thought u would be champ for awil
Spencer Fighting Systems
8-13-2008 2:48 am EST
Konbar retired.
8-12-2008 7:20 pm EST
Are you waiting for another fight or something? - Misha Komarov
MMA Phreak
Red Heat
8-11-2008 10:09 am EST
lol. who are you?
Vladimir Kharitonov
Kamp Krush
8-11-2008 9:01 am EST
Hey cocksucker your ass is grass homeslice!!
MMA Phreak
Red Heat
8-9-2008 6:44 pm EST
title shot going to suspicious shorts. if he doesn't accept by the time i go to sleep, loves to cook will get it.
MMA Phreak
Red Heat
8-9-2008 5:39 pm EST
i know. he's killing me....
Spencer Fighting Systems
8-9-2008 5:27 pm EST
Lol @ Workhorse.
Club Casual
8-9-2008 5:25 pm EST
???? wat u say champ????
Club Casual
8-9-2008 5:16 pm EST
Hey champ a shot for the workhoarse would be much apreciated?? Gareenteed rematch for u if i do win
8-9-2008 1:44 pm EST
Hey dude checked out contenders. Since Tanner Nomad not here can Misha get next shot or you got somebody in mind already?
Club Casual
8-9-2008 8:19 am EST
Hsy bro how about that shot?? The workhoarse. garenteed rematch for u if i can win it k
Spencer Fighting Systems
8-9-2008 12:25 am EST
Do it again aye? Sure. I love this rivalry. The modern WW version of BT v OW
Spencer Fighting Systems
8-8-2008 5:10 pm EST
oohh damn the first finish in our rivalry didnt expect that AT ALL goodwork dude ill get another win and challenge again
8-7-2008 11:24 pm EST
If I win tomorrow, I'm going to vacate it before Noon ET sometime if you want to get on. Actually, well probably end up fighting again anyways. I'm going to be away for a couple days.
MMA Phreak
Red Heat
8-7-2008 11:21 pm EST
i hear you. i was waiting around for that workhorse guy. he never showed. i was waiting for you to send a challenge. good job on the win.
8-7-2008 11:20 pm EST
I didn't even expect a fight (or a win), there's just nobody else to fight the last few days.
Club Casual
8-7-2008 2:42 pm EST
Hey bro how about a shot fpr the workhoarse at the reset?? Pretty evan fighters. I wont b on for a few hours after reset so if u send a challenge i will definitly accept. and gareenteed rematch for u if i do win k
MMA Phreak
Red Heat
8-6-2008 8:19 pm EST
i don't think goliath has played for a few resets, so you were up. you are on a nice streak against quality opponents. you were a worthy challenger. obviously. you KTFO brody...
8-6-2008 8:07 pm EST
Thanks for giving it to me even though my ranking wasn't the greatest.
Cody Bradley
7th Street MMA
8-6-2008 1:22 pm EST
Okay, np. If you ever change your mind, message me..actually, I'll probably be retired, lol. My guy is 41 and I'm surprised he's lasted this long, lol. Good luck getting to 20!
MMA Phreak
Red Heat
8-6-2008 10:54 am EST
not interested, but thanks. brody is a WW and wants to make his mark there.
Cody Bradley
7th Street MMA
8-6-2008 10:31 am EST
How about moving up to MW to take on #2 P4P Art "Arty" Ryan for the greatest fight ever? I weigh 204 so that's only a 13 lb difference.
8-5-2008 8:01 pm EST
yea it's cool, i totally see where you're coming from. \ and btw don't mind me, i'm just a little too eager to win an EFC belt after playing this game for 8 months, it's all good.
MMA Phreak
Red Heat
8-5-2008 1:51 pm EST
you got your title shot when earned it and lost to goliath. now you've just lost and you expect a title shot? sorry about missing weight, but i made good when i vacated the title and allowed you to fight goliath. stop begging. it's not very becoming.
8-5-2008 10:47 am EST
is branden evans ever gonna get that shot bro? we tried twice but you didn't make weight, i really would appreciate a shot at the #1 fighter though sometime, hopefully. laters, Camp Rotten
Spencer Fighting Systems
8-5-2008 2:09 am EST
Rematch? Just won my comeback fight.
8-4-2008 11:01 pm EST
It's cool, I'd lose anyway.
8-4-2008 10:52 pm EST
Hey man, Your boy is #1...maybe you can even make Hall of Fame in the future for you division on the MMArmy Forums. Good Luck.
8-4-2008 8:30 pm EST
i defeated minori arai, it seemed the smarter decision. have i earned the next shot? ty and gl in the a.m, i'll send a challenge
MMA Phreak
Red Heat
8-4-2008 8:13 pm EST
8-4-2008 8:12 pm EST
is red heat the same player as phreak mma camp?
8-4-2008 4:57 pm EST
lol nice win for the title back. mind if branden evans gets a shot at ya now?
Spencer Fighting Systems
8-4-2008 4:33 pm EST
lol damn First UD of our rivalry :O gw. ill get a win and challenge u again
8-4-2008 4:57 am EST
let's do it at restart bro hehe
8-3-2008 11:11 pm EST
yeah, and thanks for notifying me about it, i was just about to log for the night too.
MMA Phreak
Red Heat
8-3-2008 11:05 pm EST
that's OK, at least you're guaranteed a title shot!
8-3-2008 11:04 pm EST
lol he logged off
MMA Phreak
Red Heat
8-3-2008 10:57 pm EST
no, no. wait. the auto challenge should pop up in a bit. accept it and you'll probably fight goliath...
8-3-2008 10:54 pm EST
and as much as i'd like to take another fight tonight, it's nearly 2 a.m. and there's noone here to challenge, hope to see you in the a.m.
MMA Phreak
Red Heat
8-3-2008 10:54 pm EST
missed twice in a row. i vacated the title so accept the auto challenge.
8-3-2008 10:52 pm EST
yeah thanks, unfortunately it happened again! lol, maybe we can finally have a go in the a.m. if you wouldn't mind. Branden Evans.
MMA Phreak
Red Heat
8-3-2008 10:31 am EST
YES. i like that you took another fight instead of waiting around for the title shot. even though you lost, you earned the shot prior to that. unfortunately i didn't make weight. good luck in the PM.
8-3-2008 9:48 am EST
ahh you couldn't make weight.. can we try that again in the p.m man? Branden Evans
8-3-2008 9:12 am EST
so you're the #1 man right now, congratulations. could branden evans get a shot at the title?
Spencer Fighting Systems
8-2-2008 11:28 pm EST
Another fight?
Spencer Fighting Systems
8-2-2008 5:25 am EST
Good fight dude. Thanks for the shot!
Spencer Fighting Systems
8-1-2008 6:35 pm EST
Grats on the #1 spot. Goliath for PM reset?
Tonari no Totoro
8-1-2008 5:49 pm EST
WOW. that one was close. even going into the 5th and you did just enough to take it. great fight. kind of a good thing i didn't win, you accepted my challenge about 2 seconds before i could click to auto-renew my contract. could have really sucked.
MMA Phreak
Red Heat
8-1-2008 5:03 pm EST
i'm sure he will be. bolo is one tough SOB
Random Dude
Camp Random
8-1-2008 2:04 pm EST
Good fight.. Bolo will be back if he don't retire =p
Spencer Fighting Systems
7-30-2008 5:36 am EST
So u finally get that win vs Goliath. gw. We'll meet again
7-28-2008 6:36 pm EST
I'm 1-6 against The Beast. I give up. -Konbar
7-28-2008 6:04 pm EST
When/if you lose that belt, come up to MW and give 'Windstorm' a fight, it would be a great match. Boomers Camp
Spencer Fighting Systems
7-28-2008 5:12 am EST
Grats on #1 dude. Goliath will win 1 more b4 another fight with u if u want.
MMA Phreak
Red Heat
7-27-2008 5:46 pm EST
not true. look at all the other guys ahead of you. either one win or coming off a loss. you had the best credentials. not an easy fight for brody by any means. bad style match up for him. good fight.
7-27-2008 5:25 pm EST
Thanks for the shot my man. Great fight and I probably didn't deserve it.
7-27-2008 12:45 pm EST
I think you were hungover when I caught you with the armbar.
Spencer Fighting Systems
7-26-2008 7:14 pm EST
Goliath v Beast at PM >
Spencer Fighting Systems
7-26-2008 3:47 am EST
Grats on another EFC belt. Goliath wants another 2 - 3 wins b4 I challenge u again for another classic fight.
Spencer Fighting Systems
7-25-2008 3:07 am EST
Another fight at PM? - Goliath
7-24-2008 9:40 am EST
Thanks. I'm very shocked myself.
Craig R Healy
United Killers
7-24-2008 2:41 am EST
Any chance of a shot for the Pitbull?
Tree Hugger
Fallen Angels
7-23-2008 8:04 pm EST
good fight.. schoolyard bully
MMA Phreak
Red Heat
7-23-2008 5:06 pm EST
seems like he loses every time he's in position to get a title shot.
Pure MMA
7-23-2008 5:00 pm EST
Sid's been hanging around the top of this division for years now, and has never had a shot. Don't you think it's time?
MMA Phreak
Red Heat
7-22-2008 6:41 pm EST
at least you're not annoying...
7-22-2008 6:03 pm EST
Dale Price has the least amount of fights of all the fighters in the top 10, besides yourself, i think we should do battle!
MMA Phreak
Red Heat
7-22-2008 2:04 pm EST
uh, same as any other EFC contender. get some wins over top 10 opponents. at the present, you have ONE win in the EFC. get your feet wet and beat a couple top 10 guys.
7-22-2008 1:34 pm EST
what would it take for Dale "Every Punk Has A" Price to get a title shot? just wondering.
Spencer Fighting Systems
7-21-2008 10:21 pm EST
I just like our great fights /;)
MMA Phreak
Red Heat
7-21-2008 9:51 pm EST
brody will remember your arrogance...
Spencer Fighting Systems
7-21-2008 9:51 pm EST
Spencer Fighting Systems
7-21-2008 9:51 pm EST
I want the shot with Yves first mate :P just coz i beaten u last 2 meetings
7-21-2008 9:16 pm EST
Im looking for a challenge, if you come up to MW ill give you a title shot. Yves
Spencer Fighting Systems
7-20-2008 7:12 pm EST
I want to be the first to finish you, but im sure we'll meet again. For title or #1 contendrship :)
Spencer Fighting Systems
7-20-2008 6:57 pm EST
Another great fight between Goliath and Beast. Is Beast vs Goliath the OVERWEIGHT vs BURGERTIME of the Welterweight division? :D
Random Dude
Camp Random
7-20-2008 5:08 pm EST
grr.. sorry bout that.. you have first shot tomorrow morning. ~Bolodenka
MMA Phreak
Red Heat
7-20-2008 11:50 am EST
st kar
Team Vegas
7-20-2008 10:39 am EST
they are always splits. Man we've had some great battles. I hope you get that title man. Matt Edwards
Spencer Fighting Systems
7-19-2008 6:03 pm EST
Another great fight between Goliath and Beast. Another SD though haha.
MMA Phreak
Red Heat
7-19-2008 12:22 pm EST
yup. Goliath/Beast tonite!!
Spencer Fighting Systems
7-19-2008 5:40 am EST
Wat u think eh?
Spencer Fighting Systems
7-19-2008 4:50 am EST
Rubber match of Goliath and Beast at the next reset?
Louis Jessum
7-18-2008 10:58 pm EST
Lmao! Holy shit whered that come from!
Spencer Fighting Systems
7-17-2008 5:47 pm EST
Good fight man! Thanks so much for the shot! Get 1 win then u can get a rematch :)
Team Vegas
7-17-2008 7:42 am EST
hey man, rematch for the former champ?
7-17-2008 6:38 am EST
What a Beast he is. Only defeats coming by Split decision. he is going to re-write the history books.
Spencer Fighting Systems
7-17-2008 2:17 am EST
Congrats dude! Hopefully Goliath can get another win then challenge you for a shot. A rematch from the GLORY title match. =D
7-16-2008 1:50 am EST
Jesus, sure do have my number.
Spencer Fighting Systems
7-15-2008 7:13 am EST
Me u and Lolo are the top Welterweights in MMArmy. :)
Spencer Fighting Systems
7-15-2008 6:04 am EST
Gonna follow your progress dude. Interested to see how you do in EFC.
Louis Jessum
7-14-2008 7:03 pm EST
DAMN thats the fight I wanted for awhile :(
Spencer Fighting Systems
7-14-2008 6:53 pm EST
Best of luck in EFC mate! Goliath is new GLORY ww champ :)
7-14-2008 5:04 pm EST
'bout time he joined the top org.
7-13-2008 7:23 pm EST
Oh alright. I'll keep that in mind.
Spencer Fighting Systems
7-13-2008 6:52 pm EST
Damn. Thanks for the shot dude! I'll win another one before I challenge again! - Goliath
7-13-2008 12:31 pm EST
I figured that first fight was a fluke, then started to get my hopes up in the last round. -Akim
Spencer Fighting Systems
7-13-2008 8:19 am EST
Goliath vs Beast for AM reset?
Spencer Fighting Systems
7-12-2008 7:29 pm EST
Beast vs Goliath next reset?
MMA Phreak
Red Heat
7-12-2008 11:39 am EST
you should just retire your whole camp.
Hell Monkey
7-12-2008 8:11 am EST
So how many wins do I need since past accomplishments and a #50 ranking mean nothing and you would rather fight guys you have beaten previously.
Team Vegas
7-12-2008 8:06 am EST
Good fight:) I'm sure we'll do it again, I'm headed to EFC
MMA Phreak
Red Heat
7-12-2008 7:23 am EST
no. you have 1 win in GLORY. you are not #1 contender.
Hell Monkey
7-12-2008 7:15 am EST
Jackson Perry is the #1 contender now so maybe a yes now?
Team Vegas
7-11-2008 8:56 pm EST
looks like that's a no:P I'll send a request tomorrow morning, thanks for trying champ
MMA Phreak
Red Heat
7-11-2008 2:26 pm EST
Hell Monkey
7-11-2008 9:35 am EST
Could Jackson Perry get the next shot at the title?
Club Casual
7-11-2008 5:09 am EST
Comon Champ?? Like i said u get 1st shot if i do win
Club Casual
7-11-2008 5:02 am EST
Hey champ a shot for the soldier?? Gareenteed rematch for u at the reset if i do win
Team Vegas
7-10-2008 8:00 pm EST
Another extremely close fight. We have to have a rubber match soon
MMA Phreak
Red Heat
7-10-2008 10:38 am EST
you crush cans, amass impressive win streaks, and dumb title holders who aren't onto your strategy give you title shots. when you lose, you go back to crushing cans. move along, you'll never get a title shot as long as i hold it.
Benshido Gym
7-10-2008 5:33 am EST
And you would lose against Tolenka for shure... :)
Benshido Gym
7-10-2008 5:22 am EST
OK... you are not right, take a look at my records, you cant get champ in so many orgs when you only fight cans... But ok its your decision and i accept it...
MMA Phreak
Red Heat
7-10-2008 5:16 am EST
because you're a ducking scrub camp. i will never give any of your fighters a title shot.
Benshido Gym
7-10-2008 5:14 am EST
Why are you not giving Tolenka Mironov a title shot? You beat Matt "Everytime" Edwards two fights ago, so he is the next contender to get a shot. Or what is the reason?
Benshido Gym
7-10-2008 5:06 am EST
Tolenka Mironov would be honord to fight the champ.
Team Vegas
7-9-2008 10:01 pm EST
looks like we'll rematch:) Matt Edwards
Louis Jessum
7-9-2008 6:05 am EST
Good job you guess what styles I was going to do.
Team Vegas
7-8-2008 9:25 am EST
Thank you:) Good Fight.
Team Vegas
7-6-2008 12:41 pm EST
lol, can we try once more tonight?
7-6-2008 5:39 am EST
I won't turn down a rematch if any dude challenge you bro ! I understand if you feel otherwise though ! Kichiro !
7-5-2008 10:18 pm EST
First time i get stopped in my fight, congrats bro.
7-5-2008 12:10 pm EST
thanks to you for the fight bro ! Kichiro Sen
Team Vegas
7-5-2008 10:39 am EST
nvm, give the title shot to the guy ahead of me. He beat me. I'll have to make my way back up. Matt Edwards
Team Vegas
7-5-2008 9:54 am EST
Can we try again tonight?
Team Vegas
7-4-2008 7:41 pm EST
Alright, thanks a lot man. It's alright. Matt Edwards
7-4-2008 11:30 am EST
Hey bro, 18 fights and delirium champ, you look to be a prodigy! Cannot wait to fight you. Kichiro Sen
7-3-2008 12:23 pm EST
ha i like round one.....