
Lenny "Lights Out" Biek - Stats

Org    -
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Camp SoLo FC
Record 74-38    
KO Win % 14
Sub Win % 49
Division LHW Weight 218 lbs
Age 1048 Born Feb 1991
Years Pro 1090 Recruit Date Dec 1949
Rank - Highest Rank #38
Retirement Rank -
Fight IQ Desire
Aggression Patience
Wrestling Conditioning
Catch Wrestling Strength
Sambo Footwork
Jiu Jitsu Speed
Judo Agility
Greco-Roman Flexibility
Boxing Balance
Karate Reflex
Taekwondo Rhythm
Muay Thai Coordination
Brawling Focus
Kickboxing Fortitude
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Hung SoLo
9-5-2008 8:27 am EST
You were my greatest fighter! 33 titles! Enjoy retirement! You will be missed.
Hung SoLo
9-1-2008 12:03 am EST
Out of 107 fights, Lenny has only lost a non decision 3 times. 2 KO's and 1 submission.
Hung SoLo
8-25-2008 7:32 pm EST
Damn! How many fucking split decision losses am I goona get in the EFC?
Random Dude
Camp Random
8-21-2008 1:44 pm EST
I had to buy the judges for that decision.. =p
I Chokeya
Camp Choke
8-18-2008 4:57 pm EST
whatever dude, you're not even top 3...sounds like you don't want to get whipped. it's cool though... -EL PERRO MALO
8-16-2008 8:56 pm EST
LoL Sounds good to me Dude /;) Good Luck I know you will win the belt for sure :D
8-16-2008 7:57 pm EST
Damn your guy has got my number :P Good Fight Bro Atleast I took it all rounds :D
8-16-2008 7:55 pm EST
Accept my Challenge PLease!!
8-16-2008 7:50 pm EST
Just the man I have been looking to get another re-match with :P What do ya say Bro Give Gustav another Chance to see if he has what it takes to beat ya??
I Chokeya
Camp Choke
8-15-2008 7:58 pm EST
i'm ready for a shot when you get back from vaca. -EL PERRO MALO
Hung SoLo
8-13-2008 11:24 pm EST
Lights Out will be on a 1 day vacation due to a prior commitment. Just a heads up to other fighters with challenges!
Zero Penguin
8-10-2008 7:53 am EST
Ok, you're clearly the better fighter. - Tyson
Spencer Fighting Systems
8-9-2008 4:45 pm EST
mmm good work
Zero Penguin
8-9-2008 10:10 am EST
You're cocky for a guy that didn't fight last night against the guy who gave you your title shot, after you had so many losses, out of courtesy. - Tyson Cox
Hung SoLo
8-9-2008 8:54 am EST
11 time A-1 Legends LHW Champ!
Spencer Fighting Systems
8-9-2008 12:30 am EST
Hey bigsmooth696969 this is Problematique from mmanews.com/forum my dude Brett Long is #1 contender atm in A-1 legends. Would like title shot next session. Cheers Just beat the other top contender via r2 sub.
Hung SoLo
8-8-2008 11:11 am EST
Tha Champ is BACK!
Ronaldo Silva
Brazilian Beatdown
8-7-2008 5:26 pm EST
Kind of ironic... "Better move back down! Your getting whooped by the big boys!"
8-6-2008 11:58 pm EST
Sounds good to me. Guess it was just a misunderstanding
8-6-2008 12:31 pm EST
I never said my guy was unbeatable. I knew for a fact, and even told you he was beatable. I wasn't going to send you more challenges when you were going to accept them from other people and miss out on my fight for the day
8-5-2008 11:31 pm EST
Really? Want to give me links to these threads? And I know some of them didn't ask before me cause I was asking for 4 fights. The only way I ever give an immediate rematch to the former champ is if it was a split decision. Any fighter coming off a loss doesn't deserve a shot. 90% of the people in the forums agree with this
8-5-2008 9:06 am EST
Are you being serious? Cause it's not like it happened once. It happened about 5 times. I didn't care when you fought the people above me but you were fighting people ranked in the 2000's that should not have ever gotten title shots over higher ranked people. You don't have to get upset that I called you out on being a can crusher just to keep your title
8-5-2008 12:30 am EST
I'm not talking shit or being a cry baby. I'm simply stating the truth
8-4-2008 2:04 pm EST
Good way to confirm you're a ducker. And your camp will now be blacklisted
8-4-2008 12:17 pm EST
If you look at my record, I atleast tried to move up and fight in EFC and Glory. Even tried Delirium and I went 3-9. I already know they can beat my ass. Now I want to see if you can. You must think I can since you refuse to fight me
8-4-2008 8:51 am EST
Did this 2000 ranked guy ask before me too?
8-4-2008 12:10 am EST
And I don't even care about "one more shot at glory". My guy only weighs 201 so he isn't going to do well any higher. This isn't even that good of a belt but you seem to think so. That's why you have none ranked higher than it so I'll just let you keep it forever
8-4-2008 12:08 am EST
Yeah I'm pretty sure that is what you did and out of your last 10 fights 6 of them have been with Rusty Lessard. I think you've proven you can beat him and you won't fight me cause you're scared to lose. Nice job of ignoring how you gave a title shot to someone ranked in the 2000's
8-3-2008 12:28 pm EST
The only reason you're a 21 time champion is probably because you ducked other fighters. So you gave him the shot because he left a comment on your page? It doesn't matter who leaves a comment on your page. The guy was ranked in the 2000's and hadn't even fought in Legends yet. There's no way you're going to convince me you didn't duck me. -Rip Colon
8-3-2008 9:40 am EST
It's all good man.. maybe at reset we can fight again.. if not, it's cool.. i'm just tryin to finish off the fights on my contract then move up to a higher org..
Hung SoLo
8-2-2008 8:32 pm EST
Hey Rip, I am a 21 time champion! Show some respect BOY!
8-2-2008 7:16 pm EST
Thanks for ducking and giving it to a guy ranked 2000 below me. -Rip Colon
8-2-2008 6:53 pm EST
Thanks for the fight man. "minotouro"
8-2-2008 6:49 pm EST
Hey champ, plz give me a title shot. "minotouro"
8-2-2008 10:09 am EST
If i ever comeback to A-1 I wanna revenge my loss against u with or without the belt :P
8-2-2008 10:07 am EST
Nicely done!! Ur the A-1 Champion again lol. Good job.
7-31-2008 9:43 pm EST
yes, you do for sure.. send me a challenge at reset.. thanks for the shot.. quite the rivalry so far..
7-30-2008 6:42 am EST
Damn Gustav is outta his Prime Good FIght Dude.
7-29-2008 5:04 pm EST
Gustav is back and looking for his A-1 title back :P if will give him a shot /;)
7-29-2008 9:26 am EST
oh, and i do have 2 open spots for fighters.. just getting crappy recruits.. im not patient, so once i see their ugly stats, i just retire them right away.. haha..
7-29-2008 9:25 am EST
Yeah, i'm planning on doing that now.. i dont really use this camp too much.. i have like 8 teams overall.. some with average/good equip.. LOL.. but yeah, good win and lookin forward to that rematch tomorrow!
7-29-2008 6:22 am EST
Send me a challenge and i'll accept.. after all, u are the #1 contender.. Rusty Lessard
Hung SoLo
7-28-2008 9:45 pm EST
After that run in Strikefest, I think that organization should be named Biekfest!
Mike Garrow
Grrows team
7-28-2008 7:27 am EST
HAHA, you gotta admit my Glide did good to take such a good fighter to a dec!! lol Look at his stats, they are getting better. Again, thanks!!
Mike Garrow
Grrows team
7-28-2008 7:26 am EST
Good fight Champ! Thanks for the shot. I will stick around, get a few solid wins and we will meet again.
7-27-2008 8:58 pm EST
Looks like you have my number... congrats -Bloomdido
7-25-2008 11:10 pm EST
You took my title back in the day, now I want the chance to take yours... send me the fight request tomorrow and I'll except. Or I'll send it to you if I show up first. -Bloomdido Popham
W. Bigglesworth
Asian Martial Arts
7-24-2008 4:03 pm EST
So is it going down tonight?
El Rafa
RC Team
7-24-2008 5:33 am EST
hey man, let´s go to fight! Bruno Dantas
team gorilla
7-23-2008 4:24 pm EST
your fighter is very promising keep moving him up he'll be successful...goodluck to you bro...good win...respect to you
team gorilla
7-23-2008 4:22 pm EST
nice win...congrats...
team gorilla
7-22-2008 10:47 pm EST
you have been ducking my fighter derrick hughes when you are the champ...but ok i'll give you a shot you deserve it
Ronald Bass
Power Company
7-20-2008 10:27 am EST
Always rematch sorry got too many fights left to vacate, we fight at PM reset Good Luck!!
Ronald Bass
Power Company
7-20-2008 9:22 am EST
Good fight Im vacating so keep ur eyes open!
Genky Sudo
Sudos Samurais
7-19-2008 9:49 pm EST
dude...i gave it to the no. 1 contender.
Ronald Bass
Power Company
7-19-2008 9:11 pm EST
are they gonna strip you?
7-19-2008 3:46 pm EST
title shot is yours at the reset, and i see a great fight my near future. "The Prophet"
Genky Sudo
Sudos Samurais
7-17-2008 10:21 pm EST
fair enough, man.
Ronald Bass
Power Company
7-17-2008 9:23 pm EST
And Im 2-0 in Logo
Ronald Bass
Power Company
7-17-2008 9:22 pm EST
Hey Champ Im a former UFL LHW champ can I get the next shot please? =Branden "Flatfoot" Collins
team gorilla
7-17-2008 5:03 pm EST
title shot for derrick hughes?
Genky Sudo
Sudos Samurais
7-17-2008 12:05 pm EST
so according to your logic, we'll fight again at the next reset?
team gorilla
7-14-2008 5:26 pm EST
title shot for the no. 1 contender derrick hughes?
Winnie Man
Pimp House
7-14-2008 11:14 am EST
if you* win,rematch at night bro
Winnie Man
Pimp House
7-14-2008 11:13 am EST
if i u win, rematch at night bro...
Genky Sudo
Sudos Samurais
7-13-2008 10:00 pm EST
all right, but that doesn't make as much sense, considering I already have a win over you, so wouldn't you rather attempt to avenge that loss instead of immediately rematching someone you just beat?
Hung SoLo
7-13-2008 8:54 pm EST
Genky Sudo
Sudos Samurais
7-11-2008 8:50 pm EST
Thanks for the shot man. you'll get a rematch soon.
7-11-2008 8:09 pm EST
Never mind, ir kicked me out after I just fought, maybe we will meet up down the road someday.
7-11-2008 7:28 pm EST
He already fought tonight but, I understand if you wait to fight him tomorrow before you defend, if we fight you will also get a rematch if I win the title.