
Jon Miller - Stats

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Camp Fedaykin
Record 66-41    
KO Win % 14
Sub Win % 42
Division LW Weight 176 lbs
Age 1042 Born Nov 1996
Years Pro 1089 Recruit Date Dec 1949
Rank - Highest Rank #29
Retirement Rank -
Fight IQ Desire
Aggression Patience
Wrestling Conditioning
Catch Wrestling Strength
Sambo Footwork
Jiu Jitsu Speed
Judo Agility
Greco-Roman Flexibility
Boxing Balance
Karate Reflex
Taekwondo Rhythm
Muay Thai Coordination
Brawling Focus
Kickboxing Fortitude
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8-14-2008 5:31 am EST
No idea how the hell that happened... bad luck my man.
8-11-2008 10:29 am EST
Challenge me tonight for fucks sake and I'll be sure to please you this time.
8-11-2008 10:25 am EST
Jesus Christ, you can't please everyone.
No Surrender
8-9-2008 7:18 am EST
Great Fight and got his first loss
No Surrender
8-7-2008 3:26 pm EST
im an idiot...forgot to change my style...but good job and good luck
8-6-2008 11:35 pm EST
thanks bro, its always a good fight when jon and kenshin meets up
Weedy Gonzales
7-30-2008 5:12 am EST
Weedy Gonzales
7-30-2008 5:12 am EST
Weedy Gonzales
7-29-2008 10:35 pm EST
Sorry to ruin your masterplan for 2 belts "fagface". I think Jon Miller desrves to be the next challenger. Just throw in a challenge and we're on.
7-29-2008 2:24 pm EST
lol yeah i hope it works it was a little trick abe can cut to 155 hopefully he will get a title shot and win and have 2 belts
The Robj23
7-27-2008 7:02 pm EST
Your experience definitely got me on that fight
7-26-2008 10:55 am EST
yeah, thanks a lot. I was not expecting for a title shot so soon. Rematch when you want.
donnie brasco
Hardknocks MMA
7-25-2008 5:30 pm EST
No problem bro. You've got a good fighter on your hands.
7-24-2008 5:01 pm EST
no problem man i don't duck anyone and good fight
7-23-2008 5:17 am EST
thanks bro.. the FF failed.. it was the PG 2ndary that won it i think. i raelly got lucky you ddnt sub me in the 1st
7-18-2008 5:37 am EST
Denny's kryptonite is Powerlocks, he has nothing to beat it. Sorry :(
7-17-2008 6:01 am EST
Heh good fight, damn 'Roids' can never survive a round to switch. Why he's never made it in his pathetic career.
7-15-2008 7:48 pm EST
Wow close one, gnp for the 2nd style perhaps?
Niclas Vedder
Hearts of Fire
7-15-2008 1:25 pm EST
Thanks man :)
7-15-2008 5:02 am EST
Dale "Every Punk Has A" Price has won 11 of his last 13, and 2-0 is socat, he would love a chance at the title...thanks.
Tyrone Manningham
Smirnoff Attack
7-14-2008 5:34 pm EST
Bastard. Thats all Im saying this time. Damy you Jon Miller! Damn you to hell!
Tyrone Manningham
Smirnoff Attack
7-14-2008 2:32 pm EST
Haha. You beat the guy I was going to give the shot to, so guess what? You get to steal another belt from me!! I'll see ya at the reset.
Tyrone Manningham
Smirnoff Attack
7-14-2008 10:38 am EST
You had to follow me to SoCat? Haha, I figured Id get to keep this belt longer but sure enough, you're here to come and take it from me! Im gonna give one a guy a rematch first, and if I win the next fights yours. -Serguei
Luis Escobar
Team Refugee
7-13-2008 7:19 am EST
Sup champ, Kyle Long would like to fight you for the belt. Lets make it happen. - Kyle
7-13-2008 5:34 am EST
Good fight champ, congrats. Dalton Miller
Tyrone Manningham
Smirnoff Attack
7-12-2008 7:55 pm EST
Good match bro, your guy has Serguei's number. Keep that belt streak going!
Tyrone Manningham
Smirnoff Attack
7-12-2008 10:23 am EST
Done deal. I look forward to fighting him. -Serguei
7-9-2008 9:32 pm EST
rematch in the A.M if you want it.
7-9-2008 5:10 pm EST
Can Kenichi Kusunoki get a shot? He is riding a rather nice winning streak and I'd prefer to lose it to the champ. And I figure he is bound to be retiring soon as it is.
Tyrone Manningham
Smirnoff Attack
7-8-2008 7:51 pm EST
Good fight. LnP was definitely a poor choice, haha. -Serguei
Tyrone Manningham
Smirnoff Attack
7-8-2008 5:35 pm EST
With 10 wins in a row, and 4 in LDnet, you sir, are the next in line for a shot -Serguei