
Roy Liie - Stats

Org    -
Popularity Mainstream Star
Camp Itagaki Gym
Record 90-49    
KO Win % 0
Sub Win % 64
Division LW Weight 187 lbs
Age 603 Born Sep 2435
Years Pro 585 Recruit Date Aug 2454
Rank - Highest Rank #5
Retirement Rank #31
Fight IQ Desire
Aggression Patience
Wrestling Conditioning
Catch Wrestling Strength
Sambo Footwork
Jiu Jitsu Speed
Judo Agility
Greco-Roman Flexibility
Boxing Balance
Karate Reflex
Taekwondo Rhythm
Muay Thai Coordination
Brawling Focus
Kickboxing Fortitude
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The Rated R Star
New World Order
10-23-2015 3:09 am EST
Thanks for the shot
10-22-2015 5:56 am EST
Thanks for the shot ippo!
10-20-2015 4:18 pm EST
That's what I get for trying something new lol GF
10-18-2015 10:08 pm EST
thanks for the shot Ippo, nice rivalry between those two fellow !
10-12-2015 6:02 am EST
Thanks for the shot ippo. Always fun
10-11-2015 10:49 pm EST
Did you see how you beat all my fighter in a row just like that with guy Ippo, congrats !
10-11-2015 6:41 am EST
God Ippo, this battle wersus Ishiyama was an awesome war, congrats on that leg lock, didn't see that coming !
10-7-2015 6:42 am EST
Thanks Ippo, yeah thats crazy, i pull out a beast with recruiting that guy, i 'm very happy with how he performs.
10-5-2015 10:05 am EST
thanks Ippo for the shot, been a long time since i beat you in a EFC title shot !
10-4-2015 10:36 pm EST
Someone has probably moved down a fighter and made sanna out of the top 10, thats why you didn't be abble to challenge me...
10-4-2015 10:31 pm EST
i should have got the shot with sanna over warren no Ippo? 3 streak > 2 win streak !
10-4-2015 4:35 pm EST
Good win, man!
9-30-2015 5:42 am EST
Glad someone showed up to fight. Congrats!
Chris Hansen
15 and Under
9-21-2015 4:17 pm EST
Thanks for the shot. Is it just me or is HKK really overpowered? I lose 80% of the time against them with cd/ff/8pt.
Chris Hansen
15 and Under
9-19-2015 4:17 pm EST
Saved up 10 sparring sessions so I could pull off that hkk switch. Good fight, and sorry about that, but to beat the best I gotta play a little dirty.
Talon Wing
9-17-2015 10:26 am EST
Thanks for the shot.
UFK Moscow
9-16-2015 1:29 pm EST
Do you want the title shot net reset? - Russ cox
9-10-2015 4:07 pm EST
I guess he has a high desire to get knocked out. Didn't expect that at all.
9-9-2015 10:12 am EST
Just can't give that one away, Ippo.