
The Halls Roster

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Active Roster
Arthur "Reed the Aardvark" Stevens 179lbs#80 (29-15)
Pierre "The Dodged" Gautier 207lbs#192 (56-40)
Floyd "Call me Al by Paul" Simmons 202lbs#212 (27-18)
Rory "Hold the Tartar" Carter 175lbs#215 (22-10)
Patrick "Ride my" Biek 172lbs#293 (20-11)
Chosto "the Ghosto" Gonzales 173lbs#416 (46-36)
Ronnie "Doesnt Floss" Ross 279lbs#648 (39-53)
Kyo "the Import" Mitsuharu 226lbs#830 (9-4)
Joey "Jackson beat Michael" Jackson 157lbs#1402 (38-48)
Gilbert "Grape" James 223lbs#1459 (29-28)
Kid "Dont touch my" Colon 164lbs#1481 (20-15)
Corey "Sweaty" Jach 180lbs#1910 (29-33)
Gerard King 163lbs#2218 (17-21)
Vanechka Kozlov 163lbs#2500 (12-15)
Brett "the Hitman Colonel" Sanders 186lbs#2857 (9-9)
Wayne Turner 175lbs#3201 (6-5)
Tank "Abbot" Wilson 195lbs#3434 (30-39)
Sasha "Grey excites my" Johnson 273lbs#3484 (20-30)
Hawk Albright 276lbs#3815 (10-15)
Hector "Does as" Mendez 182lbs#4457 (16-21)
Julito Sanchez 179lbs#5049 (1-1)
Norman Jach 155lbs#6258 (0-2)
Ruy Andrade 162lbs#6973 (2-9)
Duane Martin 214lbs#7622 (10-17)
Kurt Kelly 154lbs#7871 (5-11)
Cade Murphy 197lbs#7898 (1-0)
Tyrone Hall 280lbs#8111 (10-21)
Soledad "the Holy Man" Chavez 153lbs#9374 (9-14)
Phil Hart 187lbs#11300 (8-19)
Billy Young 201lbs#11624 (0-2)