
Silverback Elite Roster

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Active Roster
Curley "The GOAT" Williams 190lbs#34 (32-24)
Javier "El Guapo" Vazquez 199lbs#47 (43-38)
Cao "Blonde Ambition" Bedemar 200lbs#83 (21-19)
Kevin "Solid Gold" Spencer 228lbs#84 (52-57)
Sidney "The Bouncer" Perry 280lbs#86 (33-30)
John "The American Samoan" Barnes 267lbs#86 (49-46)
Quico "Tres Puntos" Flores 204lbs#88 (38-35)
Gage "judo" Lange 178lbs#109 (26-24)
Lincoln "The Dream" Howard 185lbs#114 (13-15)
Doc Lachance 277lbs#129 (19-14)
Warwick "Bonecrusher" Peixoto 206lbs#143 (13-10)
Danny "The Worm" Bell 178lbs#147 (58-50)
Edwin "Animal" Peterson 273lbs#149 (18-9)
Benjamin "Puffy" Martel 166lbs#171 (62-79)
Iva Krinov 131lbs#200 (20-22)
Tyrone "Fists of Fury" Wood 198lbs#216 (56-71)
Gerhart "Luke" Perry 213lbs#266 (31-32)
Chance "The UK Hammer" Rogers 187lbs#276 (27-24)
Shannon "brawling" Stevens 204lbs#279 (19-25)
Lee "The Seattle Syndrome" Howard 256lbs#285 (17-15)
Cassidy "Soul Glow" Foster 193lbs#292 (18-15)
Warwick "The Darkness" Benecio 274lbs#295 (49-51)
Cisco "Agent Yellow" Pena 210lbs#302 (13-10)
Benjamin "Samson" Phillips 195lbs#306 (33-37)
Jamie "The Psycho" Thompson 228lbs#312 (11-10)
Osip "The Balkan Barbarian" Zinoviev 251lbs#328 (9-6)
Del "Agent Orange" Stevenson 195lbs#346 (52-65)
Brody "College Boy" Wood 276lbs#352 (19-14)
Michi "Gaijin" Hayakawa 215lbs#358 (49-46)
Beto "El Grande Taco" Gonzalez 221lbs#360 (28-26)
Mehmet Ertug 154lbs#401 (3-2)
Brody Sokolov 159lbs#409 (14-15)
Doc "Get Ready For The ER" Walker 196lbs#428 (42-47)
Jackson "Mr Jersey Shore" Bailey 211lbs#435 (39-38)
"Box" Doug Sharp 261lbs#457 (2-1)
Cheslav Gorbatov 276lbs#459 (8-9)
Aloysha Nesterov 189lbs#507 (3-7)
Christopher Haynes 198lbs#517 (6-5)
Zack "The Intimidator" Powell 191lbs#530 (6-5)
Gene "Mean Machine" Scott 277lbs#532 (8-6)
Avel Lavrov 147lbs#536 (4-5)
Jerry "Chocolate Thunder" Davis 259lbs#557 (12-9)
Grant "The Pusher" Lee 200lbs#567 (17-15)
Chejo "Il Mustachio" Perez 173lbs#570 (8-9)
"Str" Evander Shelton 275lbs#583 (3-2)
Aster Sarkis 205lbs#599 (8-13)
Oliver Thornton 266lbs#601 (9-12)
Michael Bates 223lbs#615 (6-8)
Norman "The Dominator" Smith 189lbs#623 (53-69)
Stu "Dr Doom" Bennett 194lbs#639 (8-5)
Attalus Sarkis 276lbs#655 (1-2)
Cru "Beach Boy" Evans 267lbs#663 (42-41)
Helge Suvorov 149lbs#684 (4-7)
Coni "The Clamp" Vazquez 188lbs#694 (10-7)
Mick "The KO Hunter " Monson 220lbs#696 (20-22)
Lincoln "My Left Foot" Fortin 163lbs#708 (42-60)
Vanechka Vorobyov 217lbs#711 (3-2)
Raymond "Mr Perfect" Brown 257lbs#715 (22-29)
Gordon "Weirdo" Lundy 204lbs#718 (25-27)
Tim Cherry 259lbs#721 (2-1)
"Brawl" Justin Cullum 149lbs#722 (2-1)
Ronald "The Glove" Stewart 174lbs#725 (4-2)
Nate Price 154lbs#733 (5-2)
Curley "Welsh Kryptonite" Jones 275lbs#735 (32-37)
Thiago "Nightmare" Duarte 160lbs#737 (46-57)
Pyotr Chernov 186lbs#749 (1-1)
Claus Miller 175lbs#761 (9-4)
James Morin 199lbs#764 (2-2)
Tim "The NYC Prodigy" Jenkins 191lbs#765 (33-49)
Adam "The Apprentice" Smith 169lbs#782 (10-8)
Kaan Giray 173lbs#812 (3-1)
Suso "Blue Steel" Mendez 189lbs#825 (11-9)
Michael "Fright Night" Perry 274lbs#873 (38-73)
Petrov Markov 192lbs#901 (2-3)
Mick "The Brick" Green 204lbs#904 (4-3)
Jeremiah "The Messiah" Ouellet 186lbs#912 (16-19)
Lawerence "Curly" Thompson 173lbs#915 (2-1)
Kaan Akcam 268lbs#930 (1-4)
Fonso "The Contender" Vasquez 173lbs#961 (3-5)
Tra Brown 273lbs#989 (17-20)
Elijah Phillips 203lbs#1009 (7-8)
Gerhart Young 191lbs#1028 (9-5)
Rube "Has got the power" Taylor 170lbs#1055 (7-7)
Red "Hot Taco" Bell 163lbs#1056 (11-12)
Egor Larionov 141lbs#1063 (0-2)
Fonsi Alvarez 197lbs#1064 (6-2)
Zeke "Stone Cold Killer" Coleman 218lbs#1067 (3-4)
Cirino "The Body Snatcher" Flores 217lbs#1076 (8-7)
Moriz "The Siberian Bear" Ozerov 261lbs#1079 (3-1)
Shawn "Scruffy Looking Kid" Hall 177lbs#1083 (13-17)
Joselio "El Fuego Taco" Gonzalez 233lbs#1090 (8-8)
Alexandre Nabuco 206lbs#1100 (6-6)
Pabiyan "The Origin" Sidorov 164lbs#1144 (0-2)
Ben "jud" Turcotte 269lbs#1166 (1-2)
Arthur "Mad as Hell" Cox 198lbs#1167 (2-8)
Logan "Scruffy" Albright 259lbs#1167 (9-11)
Dillon McConomy 204lbs#1176 (7-3)
Yerik Volkov 264lbs#1191 (4-9)
Aleksandr Yudin 186lbs#1192 (4-8)
Kliment Tikhomirov 265lbs#1201 (4-8)
Oliver "Has even more power" Pelletier 230lbs#1207 (5-5)
Foma Lavrov 220lbs#1218 (0-5)
"Box" Waverly Miller 149lbs#1224 (0-3)
Robbie "The Ruler of Zamunda" Stevenson 178lbs#1230 (4-11)
"Focus" Rory Manning 149lbs#1237 (0-3)
"Str" Jeremy Cobb 259lbs#1239 (0-3)
Cleto Miranda 276lbs#1243 (3-3)
Demetrious "Black Moses" Riley 177lbs#1257 (3-5)
Alan Ross 165lbs#1285 (7-4)
Masayuki "The Chosen One" Sohda 208lbs#1301 (1-1)
Riggs "flex" Couture 175lbs#1302 (10-11)
Ken Daley 201lbs#1307 (0-2)
Bif Yorke 185lbs#1313 (1-0)
Buddy "footwork" Ward 191lbs#1319 (12-12)
Masayoshi "Shinobi" Kimiyama 224lbs#1320 (8-11)
Gabriel "The Wolf" Munoz 266lbs#1336 (21-24)
Otto "The Anaconda" Kelly 219lbs#1340 (11-12)
Derrell Hodges 261lbs#1354 (1-0)
Yurik Frolov 176lbs#1384 (2-2)
Mac "Beast of Carthage" Nash 274lbs#1415 (35-43)
Ty Biek 227lbs#1436 (1-0)
Guy "The Antwerp Anaconda" Rogers 156lbs#1448 (9-8)
Clark "Born in the USA" Harris 222lbs#1449 (28-37)
Rusty "Loves" Wood 256lbs#1505 (7-15)
Ronnie "brawling" Davis 156lbs#1530 (8-8)
Karl "The Takedown Titan" Hamilton 222lbs#1551 (33-40)
Steve "ma" Russell 156lbs#1573 (2-4)
Kiefer "DeutschCop" Ullmann 173lbs#1614 (30-30)
John "Big Pussy" Sherk 272lbs#1623 (1-1)
Cole "The Dominator" Ryan 206lbs#1629 (7-13)
Russ "ma" Belanger 255lbs#1635 (2-2)
Kerry "Little Mirko" King 179lbs#1654 (9-18)
Ted "Roughneck" Nash 268lbs#1665 (29-47)
Chris "Street Brawler" Rowly 162lbs#1667 (8-10)
Rober "La Bestia" Ortega 209lbs#1697 (10-7)
Brian "The Constrictor" Williams 205lbs#1699 (11-12)
Walt "The Enforcer" Murphy 266lbs#1711 (10-15)
Eugene "Troublemaker" Moore 171lbs#1744 (6-7)
Chael "Demolition Man" Elkins 182lbs#1748 (9-16)
Scott "Hollywood" Taylor 269lbs#1750 (15-18)
Cody Bedard 178lbs#1818 (1-3)
Oliver Edwards 264lbs#1825 (2-5)
Silvia Belfort 222lbs#1859 (1-5)
Nelson "Bad News" Hall 198lbs#1864 (25-26)
Louie "Bad News" McDonald 205lbs#1930 (14-18)
Simon "The RSCA Hooligan" Simmons 206lbs#1930 (11-19)
Duane "The Pain" Thomas 251lbs#1935 (7-6)
Guto "Slick" Becker 172lbs#1954 (2-2)
Ray Cross 170lbs#1958 (0-1)
David Jach 183lbs#1968 (1-4)
Mick "The Brick" Powell 187lbs#1998 (9-17)
Jones "Mad Man" Stevens 186lbs#2032 (9-9)
Arnaldo "Mr Ipanema" Marins 219lbs#2037 (5-10)
Anderson Nabuco 259lbs#2049 (3-6)
Doug "Kinda Like Bisping" Evans 185lbs#2100 (1-1)
Gavin Butler 181lbs#2108 (5-7)
Zack Wood 199lbs#2120 (9-16)
Alfred Bisson 186lbs#2125 (2-2)
Jun "Crazy Horse" Kawamura 174lbs#2158 (10-9)
Dale Stewart 275lbs#2159 (3-7)
Carlos "Il Phenomeno" Braga 172lbs#2197 (6-11)
Akihiro "The Asian Sensation" Momotani 260lbs#2211 (22-29)
Dallas Lapointe 172lbs#2220 (1-1)
Dean Jackson 185lbs#2220 (4-4)
Flynn "I like to brawl" Robinson 174lbs#2285 (1-4)
Shane "Left" Ball 189lbs#2289 (1-5)
Kerry "Rockstar" Phillips 179lbs#2296 (1-2)
Joey Parent 166lbs#2317 (2-0)
Oscar "El Mariachi" Lacerda 223lbs#2362 (0-1)
Claude Peixoto 186lbs#2372 (1-5)
Roberto Dos Santos 188lbs#2399 (0-1)
Timo "Patade De La Muerte" Ruiz 193lbs#2439 (6-9)
Danny Brown 178lbs#2441 (2-3)
Noah Glover 247lbs#2443 (6-12)
Brad Larson 185lbs#2443 (0-9)
Alejito "Tijuana Strangler" Gutierrez 265lbs#2473 (26-38)
Branden Morrison 225lbs#2488 (1-2)
Del "The Harvard Prick" Lewis 155lbs#2496 (18-28)
Parker "Blue Steel" Hayden 257lbs#2512 (22-33)
Hack Adams 274lbs#2536 (0-1)
Marc "Le Fou" Dupont 156lbs#2602 (3-6)
Dale "JDS Jr" Savard 167lbs#2606 (3-4)
Andy Morgan 197lbs#2627 (0-2)
Buddy Barnatt 163lbs#2637 (0-2)
Bill Dube 187lbs#2645 (1-4)
Braxton Wood 162lbs#2669 (0-2)
Joey Blake 156lbs#2688 (0-3)
Hikaru "Linsanity" Okimasa 208lbs#2703 (18-29)
Pedro Gutierrez 195lbs#2734 (5-4)
Haydn "Zee German" Schulz 152lbs#2752 (1-3)
Joseph Cox 201lbs#2756 (0-4)
Brett "Bang Bang" Bennett 152lbs#2770 (8-12)
Preston Watkins 186lbs#2772 (0-3)
Oliver Douglas 180lbs#2790 (0-2)
Tra Ward 206lbs#2798 (0-3)
Jamie "Big Daddy" Albright 153lbs#2802 (3-11)
Jones Henderson 256lbs#2826 (4-3)
Max "Judo" Cox 261lbs#2834 (0-1)
Paul "Theokoles" Gray 187lbs#2864 (38-48)
RJ Rogers 258lbs#2873 (0-1)
Dillon "The Anaconda" Phillips 165lbs#2877 (8-8)
Leon Steele 249lbs#2891 (0-2)
Hector Ruas 176lbs#2911 (0-2)
Aban Javadi 155lbs#2917 (2-5)
Otto Stevens 278lbs#2922 (1-1)
Cooper Thompson 188lbs#2928 (8-16)
Karl Evans 161lbs#2928 (1-4)
Homer Stewart 223lbs#2935 (2-8)
Drake "The Snake" Sanders 196lbs#3003 (2-5)
Simon Howard 194lbs#3060 (1-2)
Eric Phillips 280lbs#3155 (1-3)
Seth "The Ladies Man" Collins 280lbs#3164 (1-2)
Peter "The Lumberjack" Harris 197lbs#3172 (4-7)
Raymond "Soul Glow" Jodoin 190lbs#3194 (16-20)
Stu Bennett 165lbs#3308 (1-1)
Pito Espinoza 152lbs#3323 (0-2)
Clyde Elkins 202lbs#3411 (1-2)
Randall "Strong Mofo" McDonald 168lbs#3451 (0-6)
Simon "Mr Jameson" Elkins 206lbs#3453 (9-17)
Walt "Junior Sambo" Hayes 179lbs#3464 (0-3)
Christopher Henderson 165lbs#3478 (0-6)
Lou "Icognito" Thomas 163lbs#3512 (4-6)
Dalton "Cletus" Roberts 161lbs#3531 (1-3)
Masayoshi Iwasaki 205lbs#3566 (0-1)
Marcus "Angry Aniston" Coleman 207lbs#3572 (2-4)
Jason Hughes 259lbs#3704 (0-1)
Ramon "El Diablo" Young 206lbs#3705 (1-3)
Shane Peterson 165lbs#3710 (0-1)
Brock "Junior" Gray 263lbs#3712 (6-10)
Ty Sherk 266lbs#3853 (5-6)
Jake "2 Live Crew" Price 271lbs#3863 (3-6)
Minoru Makuda 209lbs#3882 (1-0)
Mike Lapointe 188lbs#3899 (2-6)
Harley "Da Man" Walker 187lbs#3955 (1-3)
Bernie "Cupcake" Morgan 275lbs#3989 (11-19)
Chuy Ortiz 272lbs#4034 (4-8)
Rusty Lee 188lbs#4063 (12-14)
Riggs "The Reflex" Kelly 184lbs#4174 (1-3)
Patrick "Pretty Boy" Griffin 160lbs#4203 (0-4)
Eduardo "The Fajita Phenom" Romero 190lbs#4239 (0-3)
Marty Mitchell 208lbs#4247 (0-1)
Hotaka "Mr Pride" Mizoguchi 200lbs#4258 (0-6)
Quico Ortega 269lbs#4310 (0-3)
David "Wrestle Mania" Twitty 208lbs#4329 (1-3)
Gregory Long 184lbs#4335 (1-5)
Doc "Sambo Mambo" Evans 189lbs#4342 (0-7)
Miguel "Power Strength" Santiago 254lbs#4359 (8-14)
Duke Hayes 195lbs#4360 (0-3)
Nathan Twitty 161lbs#4481 (2-5)
Morgan "King Kong" Jodoin 205lbs#4487 (4-7)
Alejandro Gonzales 268lbs#4493 (0-3)
Jon "Evil" Jenkins 160lbs#4522 (5-14)
Michael "The Iron Fist" Bell 276lbs#4534 (0-1)
Carl McConomy 206lbs#4617 (0-2)
Chavito "Lives in a Box" Soto 256lbs#4636 (0-3)
Dory "Braveheart" Stevenson 250lbs#4661 (0-6)
Rusty Carter 175lbs#4719 (1-5)
Lou Butler 165lbs#4723 (1-10)
Brett Stevenson 189lbs#4759 (0-7)
Cody Scott 185lbs#4772 (1-3)
Curt Gray 280lbs#4785 (1-5)
Paolo Herreria 214lbs#4798 (0-2)
Roberto Fernandez 268lbs#4801 (1-4)
Darren Albright 207lbs#4822 (3-4)
George Jodoin 228lbs#4825 (0-2)
Arnel "The Wrestler" Bautista 150lbs#4826 (0-1)
Glen "Strong Bad" Lange 225lbs#4831 (3-9)
Matthew "Slugger" King 221lbs#4981 (2-4)
Mauricio Antonelli 190lbs#5022 (0-1)
Angus "Strrrong Brrrawler" Belanger 152lbs#5116 (15-27)
Ben "Tito Ortiz" Powell 205lbs#5252 (0-2)
Norman "The Alabama Slammer" Butler 165lbs#5254 (6-11)
Mark Wood 166lbs#5284 (0-3)
Sammy King 213lbs#5526 (4-7)
Adam Jodoin 149lbs#5592 (0-3)
Sergio Gonzalez 202lbs#5665 (2-4)
Kerry Allen 165lbs#6028 (0-1)
Ben Popham 164lbs#6280 (0-4)
Peter Popham 150lbs#6674 (1-0)
Harold Campbell 222lbs#6685 (0-6)
Hiroki Ayugai 195lbs#6759 (1-2)
Dan Adams 159lbs#6825 (0-1)
Max Bryant 244lbs#7151 (1-6)
Ruy Reyes 225lbs#7348 (0-4)
Beau Coleman 278lbs#7442 (0-2)
Claude "Pure Evil" McDonald 179lbs#7453 (2-4)
Salva Garcia 200lbs#7668 (1-3)
Andy Kelly 156lbs#7862 (5-7)
Jack Elkins 197lbs#7862 (0-2)
Buzz Butler 150lbs#8037 (0-3)
Dusty Perry 146lbs#8083 (3-7)
Gerhart Hayes 203lbs#8453 (2-5)
Kunio "The Mustache" Okimoto 154lbs#8573 (4-4)
Peter Brooks 190lbs#9136 (1-3)
Rusty "The Big Nasty" Howard 202lbs#9140 (3-5)
Jason Wilson 147lbs#9169 (0-4)
Hiro Komatsuzaki 147lbs#9184 (0-5)
Chepe Fernandez 209lbs#9385 (0-1)
Luke Evans 174lbs#9529 (0-1)
Mason "Rock Solid" Moore 190lbs#9594 (1-9)
Francisco Gonzales 168lbs#9994 (1-5)
Gabe Coleman 155lbs#10807 (1-3)
Morgan "Old School" Foster 216lbs#11008 (1-5)
Kazuo Masoni 255lbs#11192 (0-2)
Jacques Carpentier 219lbs#11624 (0-5)
Scott "Bad News" Stewart 171lbs#12064 (1-4)
Dalton "Huggy Bear" Wiltsie 145lbs#12158 (2-11)