Sure, I remember you. Welcome back! Copy and past this, it should give you what you need.
i am already in an forum name is the me if you have any questions about the game at for alliances dont be in a hurry, learn the game and the players first
On the left side of the screen you'll see "My Links". Under that you'll see "equipment". In that screen you'll see "fighter slots". You'll need money to buy additional fighters. The rest of the equipment you see will help your fighter train faster in those stats. Its best to spend all of your money on fighter slots and equipment...
I'll give you the most common styles that I know for sure...
Ground 'n Pound = wrestling, strength, power, and brawling
Power Locks = Sambo, strength, and wrestling.
Pull Guard = Jiu Jitsu, flex, strength, and wrestling.
Chop Down = Muay Thai, power, footwork, martial arts.
Counter Strike = boxing, reflex, speed, power.
8pts = Muay Thai, speed, power, and footwork.
Check out the "forums" for more info on styles, and alliances
Smacku Two