
Toughguy MMA

Last Online - Friday 16th of August 2024
Display Name Bnick13
Member Since Feb 11, 2009
Active Record 0-0
Overall Record 871-940


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Mister Judo
5-1-2024 5:39 pm EST
Welcome back man!
9-22-2016 1:54 pm EST
if you dont have one yet, make a forum account/screen name and message me and ill give u some more info on it. even if you dont join my alliance, there are other good ones out there.
9-15-2016 6:01 pm EST
u can join up in alliances and share game info with each other...and there are alliance events...just adds a lil more to the game. if ur interested, let me know...
9-13-2016 9:16 am EST
my guy is a special recruit...u get them randomly... u on the forums?
6-5-2011 5:40 pm EST
Good fight man. We will meet again, maybe we met before.
Big Bad B
4-7-2009 4:41 pm EST
Who showed you the game? I`m still new myself but, your doing good if your a true rookie.
Big Bad B
4-6-2009 7:07 pm EST
Have you had other camps before this one?