
The Death Squad

Last Online - Sunday 22nd of July 2018
Display Name Ben
Member Since Jan 21, 2008
Active Record 0-0
Overall Record 1944-2201


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2-21-2017 1:14 pm EST
Holy shit what a fun fight -Gan Ross
1-2-2017 5:43 am EST
Looks like your doing really well! If you have any questions feel free to post on my wall or hit me up in the forums. My SN is BiZ and I'm part the newest alliance called The Nice Guys. Check us out!
12-8-2016 5:32 pm EST
Nice to see a returning player. You on the forums?
2-17-2014 5:27 pm EST
4-16-2008 2:16 pm EST
Hey man, how do you get 4 stars in a skill? I can't get past 2 1/2