
Divine MMA

Last Online - Wednesday 4th of March 2009
Display Name MMAProfessor
Member Since Jun 17, 2008
Active Record 0-0
Overall Record 7-80


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Herpes McAIDS
The Clique
8-20-2008 6:37 pm EST
Hey the way weight classes work in this game is you cut down, not up. So if you have a 184lb fighter, try to fight him at WW, where he would cut 14lbs. If you have a guy who is 150, he isnt going to gain weight to fight at HW, he is going to keep that 150lbs so he will be stuck in lw division. If you have any questions post on our camps wall (its a community camp being run by forum members) or go to the forum and read around there. there is plenty of info there