

Last Online - Tuesday 11th of February 2025
Display Name Ray Mac
Member Since Dec 9, 2024
Active Record 35-30
Overall Record 349-373


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Ray Mac
2-7-2025 6:40 pm EST
RetardAmpman54, I said one thing, not a several day "conniption" and you defended your pussy ducking lol figures you block me being the little coward you are. I wouldn't want to take another ass kicking either, cya.
Crazy KO Camp
2-6-2025 6:56 pm EST
You’re the loser that’s having a several day conniption fit over a tier one belt. Go back to your sex ed class you 5th grade intellect. Also if you’re getting stripped of the belt you missed 3 resets in a row. That’s on you dingus
Ray Mac
2-6-2025 3:42 pm EST
Well you're one of the faggots who wont take fights and then I got stripped of the title and won't take the shot at the reset, "get a fight in" and take the title shot, retard lol.
Crazy KO Camp
2-3-2025 9:42 am EST
I’m just getting fights in, not thinking about the literal lowest division title ya fuckin dork