Round 1 Dan snaps back the head of Chad Smith with a stiff jab. Dan Peterson connects with a strong right hook. Dan takes a heavy kick to the arm attempting to block his head. "The Myth" grabs the plum and lands a strong elbow to the head of Dan Peterson. Dan Peterson is rocked by a standing elbow strike. "The Myth" presses forward landing a couple more strikes, but Dan Peterson survives the onslaught with well timed blocks. Chad Smith lands a strong outside leg kick that buckles Dan. The bell signals the end of round 1.
Round 2 "The Myth" grabs the plum and lands a strong elbow to the head of Dan. Chad narrowly dodges a cross from Peterson, but falls catching him in his guard. Peterson dodges a few strikes from Chad and cuts him over his eye with a axe-handle strike. Chad is starting to bleed over his left eye. Smith attempts a switch from the guard, but a scramble takes place getting both fighters to their feet. The bell signals the end of round 2.
Round 3 Dan weaves through a jab-cross combo but is met with a strong knee. Peterson lands a hook to the body. Chad Smith unleashes a flurry of punches on Peterson. Smith sends Dan to the mat with a well timed jab, falling into his guard. The bell signals the end of round 3.