Round 1 Jonas connects with a strong body shot combo. Jonas connects with a strong right hook. Jonas dodges a series of strikes from Manning and counters with a body shot and cross. Jonas then backs up and wags a finger at Manning. Race lands a jab, but it is returned by a sick uppercut from Jorgensen. Jonas Jorgensen blocks a hook cross combo but is pushed backward. Manning tries to press the action but is met with a hook, uppercut that keeps him at bay. Race is caught square on the jaw putting him to the canvas, "Jigsaw" prepares to pounce, but Race gets his bearings just in time. Round 1 is over.
Round 2 "Jigsaw" feints and follows up with a hard cross. "Battery Acid" stalks forward paws away with a couple jabs missing the mark. "Jigsaw" connects with 1-2 jab hook combo and quickly steps away. "Jigsaw" fires a haymaker but misses spinning himself around. Race quickly takes his back. Jonas Jorgensen carefully protects himself from Mannings strikes. "Jigsaw" is able to make it back to the standing position. Jonas lands a hook to the body. Manning hits a hook to the body and follows with a power straight that misses. Jonas connects with 1-2 jab hook combo and quickly steps away. Round 2 comes to a close.
Round 3 Jonas lands a hook to the body then a straight cross to the sternum. Jorgensen parries Races jab and connect with a cross. Jonas connects with a leg kick then a hook to the side of the head. Both fighters trade glancing shots continuing to find their respective range. "Jigsaw" parries "Battery Acids" jab and lands a liver shot that buckles "Battery Acid". "Battery Acid" rolls to his back with "Jigsaw" standing over him. Round 3 comes to a close.
Jonas "Jigsaw" Jorgensen wins by Unanimous Decision