Round 1 Ian is staggered by a jab to the chin. Gonzales keeps Ian Robbins at a distance with some well timed jabs. Alberto Gonzales keeps "Rushdown" at a distance with some well timed jabs. "Infinite Magician" lands a double jab. Alberto ducks and weaves through a jab-cross combo but is hit with a nasty uppercut. Both fighters trade shots and back away looking for the next opening. Round 1 comes to a close.
Round 2 "Rushdown" feints and follows up with a hard cross. Alberto stalks forward paws away with a couple jabs missing the mark. Gonzales connects with a hard jab as Ian attempts a wide outside hook. A welt begins to form under Albertos eye after a strong cross-hook landed from Robbins. Ian Robbins circles "Infinite Magician", mixing jabs with body shots. Ian throws a few jabs at Gonzales that miss the mark. Ian sprawls a takedown attempt from Alberto. Alberto eats several punches on the way back to his feet. Both fighters trade shots and back away looking for the next opening. "Rushdown" blocks a strong high kick from Alberto and counters with a devastating left hook. Both fighters trade shots and back away looking for the next opening. Ian sends Gonzales to the mat with a well timed jab, falling into his guard. Round 2 is finished.
Round 3 Ian parries Gonzaless jab and connect with a cross. "Rushdown" connects with a hard punch making Gonzales bring him in to a tight clinch. Alberto drops to a knee and attempts a takedown from the clinch. Ian sets a guillotine choke but Alberto slips out at the last moment. Alberto is now caught in guard. Alberto uses strikes to open "Rushdowns" guard. Alberto stands up and waves Robbins up. Alberto Gonzales throws a cross that easily dodged by "Rushdown". Alberto takes in a well composed combination of quick strikes from Ian. Alberto blocks a strong high kick from "Rushdown" and counters with a devastating left hook. The bell signals the end of round 3.